best meal replacement drinks?

Just ordered Premier Protain from Costco (caramel flavour) after reading some of the posts here. It'd better taste good as I ordered an 18-pack. I did make sure it didn't contain stevia as I can't stand the taste of stevia...

I'm actually looking forward to it.

Not sure if this fits the bill, OP, but check out Mutant BCAA. It has electrolytes in it as well as BCAA (a combination of amino acids) which helps in recovery of muscles after exercises. I used to take another sports drink, but this one is much more hydrating and it tastes soooooo very good. I've so far tried their mango, half and half ice tea (and it tastes just like sweet iced lemon tea!!) and lemonade and they all taste excellent. I haven't been playing intensive volleyball anymore because of COVID but I'm still drinking my Mutant BCAA. I can't wait to try other flavours too.

Make sure and get the one with no caffeine in it. (There is only one without caffeine and that's the one I'm recommending.)
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I had major oral surgery last year and was on a liquid diet for a few weeks. For prepackaged drinks, I drank ensure. Not all flavors are the equal, so I bought six packs of four flavors (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and dark chocolate) to see which i preferred. Dark won by a mile much to my surprise. If you have the ability to sample before you buy a lot of them, I’d encourage that. I also learned you can make amazing meal replacement smoothies and soups quickly in a blender. My fav was fajita meat, refrained beans and bone or chicken broth. Made a purée that tasted great and fed my belly.
Decided on Huel. Designed to replace regular food completely. Much less sugar than Soylent & better ingredients:

I read a little about Huel. Looks like you mix 2 scoops with water or almond milk, if you want. I also see experimenting with fruit. OP is wanting this in case they get sick. Their website talks about using it for weight loss or gain.
Anyone tried this to assist with a weight loss plan?
Not sure what qualifies, but DW uses these as lunch replacements and occasionally snacks almost every day. They come in lots of flavors, $1.61 each or less on sale at Costco for 18-packs. She's on a kick for the high fiber Apple Cinnamon at the moment.

+1 have one every morning for breakfast.
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