Bloomberg cafe con leche index - Venezuela hyperinflation

I check in on Venezuelan inflation occasionally and I found this old thread. Since this first aired, they dropped 5 zeros from their currency and apparently are about to drop another 6 zeros. Coffee has now gone from 14 Bolivars in mid 2018 to 7,650,000.

Note from a recent article...
The figures would be even worse without the elimination of zeros in previous years, we are talking about 14 zeros being removed in total over 13 years. Without the reconversions, one dollar would be equivalent to Bs. 400,000,000,000,000,000,000 (400 quintillion) at the current exchange rate, an obscene figure that reflects the true economic state that hits Venezuelan families every day.

Kinda puts our inflation woes in perspective...
I check in on Venezuelan inflation occasionally and I found this old thread. Since this first aired, they dropped 5 zeros from their currency and apparently are about to drop another 6 zeros. Coffee has now gone from 14 Bolivars in mid 2018 to 7,650,000.

Note from a recent article...
The figures would be even worse without the elimination of zeros in previous years, we are talking about 14 zeros being removed in total over 13 years. Without the reconversions, one dollar would be equivalent to Bs. 400,000,000,000,000,000,000 (400 quintillion) at the current exchange rate, an obscene figure that reflects the true economic state that hits Venezuelan families every day.

Kinda puts our inflation woes in perspective...

True. But it also can also serve as a warning to us (USA). It wouldn't take such ridiculous inflation to wipe out many stashes. It may be time to implement some defensive strategies. YMMV
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