Breaking news out of Germany


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
Jun 30, 2002
Texas: No Country for Old Men
German court rules that men can urinate while standing

There is some debate in Germany about whether men should sit or stand to pee.

Some toilets have red traffic-style signs forbidding the standing position - but those who choose to sit are often referred to as a "Sitzpinkler", implying it is not masculine behaviour.

Judge Stefan Hank agreed with an expert's report that uric acid had caused some damage to the bathroom's floor.

But concluding, he said men who insist on standing "must expect occasional rows with housemates, especially women" but cannot be held to account for collateral damage.
What a relief...
Any here bothered to read the article? Here, let me spoon feed you.

A court in Germany has ruled in favour of a man's right to urinate while standing up after his landlord demanded money for damage to the bathroom floor.

The landlord, who was seeking €1,900 (£1400; $2,200), claimed the marble floor had been damaged by urine.

... Judge Stefan Hank agreed with an expert's report that uric acid had caused some damage to the bathroom's floor.

But concluding, he said men who insist on standing "must expect occasional rows with housemates, especially women" but cannot be held to account for collateral damage...

What is at stakes is not the man's right to pee standing up, but whether he should be held accountable for spraying or dribbling all over the floor.

Would you allow this man with his poor aim or sloppy control as a guest and to use your bathroom? :cool:
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We know all about German and Austrian, by the way, men being trained to pee while sitting, because their toilets have a "poop shelf", which is not conducive to peeing in the toilet while standing without making a huge mess.

If you really want to know about German and Austrian toilet design, you can find out way more than you ever dreamed about knowing online.
If you really want to know about German and Austrian toilet design, you can find out way more than you ever dreamed about knowing online.

I'll piss, or spellcheck, pass on that one.

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Dang, I never even noticed the website was BBC. I assumed it was some website of ill-repute.
Here is an example explanation, it may be TMI. German Toilets

Aye, aye, aye....

Still, in a society with this kind of toilet, even as a man, I'll say that either the man demands the landlord to change out the toilet, or is held responsible for the "collateral damage" if he pees standing up.

I think the judge is wrong. If you spray, you've got to pay.
Fascinating subject. A learning experience.
I was reminded of my single trip to Japan and thought to see if anything had changed since 1972... Thankfully changes were made.

As to more definitive information, I tried Google Images for:
Japanese toilets and German toilets... not only different, but some pictures of wall poster instructions on how to use them. Judging from the designs, a necessary aid for foreign visitors. :blush:
I learned something today. I just wish it wasn't this.

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OK next up, the french solution. The pissoir, where a man can aim high.
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