Why do I get the feeling my past SS contributions are going to pay for it?
Well, there you are...
There's a great deal of talk of rebuilding, getting people back into their homes and their jobs and beyond that, ending some of the inequities that left so many people so poor they couldn't even leave town.
But if we're going to continue to prosecute a war against terror at current spending levels, pay for billions in Katrina damages, and keep taxes where they are (plus cut the inheritance tax), then the money has to come from spending programs. Bush has said as much.
So... what programs? Cutting infrastructure leaves us less safe than we were before -- San Francisco's mayor spoke last night about the freeways, buildings, and bridges left unreinforced 16 years after the Loma Prieta earthquake -- without enough money, this type of neglect will continue across the country.
But cutting Social Security has a proportionally larger effect on the poor than on the rich. If he cuts social programs, same thing.
It's starting to look like we're going to give with one hand and take away with the other, which leaves the misery level pretty much the same -- no change over the long run.
Any of the folks on this forum who crunch numbers every day and know their retirement income down to the last penny have any idea how to pay for the war, the occupation, the hurricane, the infrastructure, social security, and social programs at the same time? If so, I'd love to hear about it.