Can I max out my Roth IRA, Trad. IRA, and SIMPLE IRA?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 29, 2005
this seems so elementary, but ive never been in a position to contribute to my limits.

i currently have a roth and trad. ira. i have only ever maxed out the roth and the traditional just sits with rollover $$ from my job

are each one;s limits stand-alone, or combined? ie can i max each one out individually, or does each one's limit depend on the others contributions thus far

how about a simple ira i planned on setting up for my business? stand-alone limits or combined?

i guess my main question is if the simple ira's limits stand alone or not, im pretty sure ive got the roth vs traditional thing right
Traditional and Roth contributions together cannot exceed $4K (or $5K if over 50).

SIMPLE is separate and has its own limits.
SIMPLE IRA is in effect a type of qualified plan so you should max it out, and take the match.

You can use a combination of Roth and Tradiitonal to fund, but you cannot fund both to the limits.

My general advice is to fund the Roth unless you get a deduction for doing a traditional IRA.
...My general advice is to fund the Roth unless you get a deduction for doing a traditional IRA.

What if you can get a deduction, but you are in the 10% bracket now. Would you still recommend a traditional over a Roth?
What if you can get a deduction, but you are in the 10% bracket now. Would you still recommend a traditional over a Roth?

I still like the Roth, because I believe individual tax rates will be higher in the future. I think the pendulum will swing back from lower marginal rates to higher marginal rates............;)

I do wish the Roth had no AGI limits, that seems stupid. I suppose it was the only way for Senator Roth to get his bill passed.........:p
so then i can max my SIMPLE, and then put 4k in my roth in the same year?

thats all i needed to know
Question: If one's taxable income is 10k can you contribute 10k to SIMPLE IRA and 5k to Roth (age > 50)?
Roth Question...

I deposited 4,000. into my Roth IRA, in 2006. I still haven't filed my 06' returns & have to do so before 10/15/07. I have been told by my accountant that I was not allowed to invest 4K into the Roth account, because I made too much money. What should I do at this point? Can I take the money out of the account? Will I be penalized?

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