CBD Creme for Bug Bites


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Oct 11, 2017
Chapel Hill, NC
I have some CBD creme that I have been using with good success on my foot arthritis. I am the kind of person that gets bit by a lot of bugs--if there is a bug around I get bit by it--mosquitos, gnats, flies, you name it. I use Deet but somehow the bugs will find a place I missed and still bite me. I currently have 5 bug bites that left red welts on my arms and legs and were itching and driving me crazy. The itching had been gong on for several days. I used hydrocortisone on them but that only helped for a few minutes. The itching was so bad I could not sleep. So yesterday I remembered that I had read that CBD creme helps bug bites. So I tried a small amount of CBD creme on each bite and within a few minutes the itching stopped and has not come back. Today the red welts are almost gone.

The kind of CBD creme I use is "CBD Chiro Creme" by Miracle Nutritional Products. They have a website and sometimes you can find a coupon online.
Haven't tried it for bug bites, yet. But I do take CBD oil daily for lower back pain due to a ruptured disc. Haven't taken any pain pills or nsaids since I started in January.
I do have some CBD balm I use occasionally, yesterday I pulled a calf muscle and and could only limp in pain. Put some on last night. This morning? NO pain.
Great stuff!
As a knowledgeable deet person from the business side, it is my first guess that the problem is your application technique for the deet product you are using. Insects will find the place you miss with deet. Users think it provides 'area' protection. But it does not.

Most people use the aerosol or pump spray because they do not like how the product feels on their skin and hands. Proper application is to spray on your hand or skin, then you wipe the product around on your skin so you are guaranteed of coverage. Kind of like putting on a lotion that must only works where it has skin contact. The insect will find the place you missed.

Additionally, the length of time the product will last varies by the person. The rule of thumb for a 15% deet product is about 2 hours or so. But it can be more or less depending on the person The other thought is that maybe you are a short runner. You could try a higher strength of the deet which does not change the level of protection, just the duration. But full coverage application is still required.
As a knowledgeable deet person from the business side, it is my first guess that the problem is your application technique for the deet product you are using. Insects will find the place you miss with deet. Users think it provides 'area' protection. But it does not.

Most people use the aerosol or pump spray because they do not like how the product feels on their skin and hands. Proper application is to spray on your hand or skin, then you wipe the product around on your skin so you are guaranteed of coverage. Kind of like putting on a lotion that must only works where it has skin contact. The insect will find the place you missed.

Additionally, the length of time the product will last varies by the person. The rule of thumb for a 15% deet product is about 2 hours or so. But it can be more or less depending on the person The other thought is that maybe you are a short runner. You could try a higher strength of the deet which does not change the level of protection, just the duration. But full coverage application is still required.

I do put Deet on my hands and rub it on--but then I have to wash my hands and then I often get a bite on the palm of my hand --ugh!. I also find that if I use Deet too often my stomach gets upset --ugh, ugh. I also sometimes get a bite under my clothing--how is that possible? Anyway I am glad to find that CBD creme helps when the little buggers get me. Today all my bites have disappeared and no more itching.:dance:
Interesting, thanks for the post. I don't have any CBD...when I get some bad bug bites, I use the hot spoon method (search on you tube if unfamiliar). If there's several, I find taking a Claritin pill greatly reduces the itching.
Interesting. It's funny how CBD helps some issues and not others. I bought our dog some for his arthritis and it really helps him. I'll try some for bites.
Interesting. It's funny how CBD helps some issues and not others. I bought our dog some for his arthritis and it really helps him. I'll try some for bites.

All cbd products are not equal, some contain no cbd's at all. Buyer beware.

I use cbd from plants we grow ourselves, and found a little thc, along with cbd can make a cream more effective. Our neighbor claims it cured his psoriasis. I use it on sore muscles and arthritic joints.
I do put Deet on my hands and rub it on--but then I have to wash my hands and then I often get a bite on the palm of my hand --ugh!. I also find that if I use Deet too often my stomach gets upset --ugh, ugh. I also sometimes get a bite under my clothing--how is that possible? Anyway I am glad to find that CBD creme helps when the little buggers get me. Today all my bites have disappeared and no more itching.:dance:

You could try permethrin treated clothes. There maybe be other products. Here is one link. https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/76472?feat=502921-plalander&csp=f&gnrefine=1*Item*Regular^1*Color/Style*Dark%20Khaki

Or self treatment products https://www.rei.com/product/768970/...xUTGdAG6U7hZma5ZzphoC--gQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Interesting, thanks for the post. I don't have any CBD...when I get some bad bug bites, I use the hot spoon method (search on you tube if unfamiliar). If there's several, I find taking a Claritin pill greatly reduces the itching.

Thanks for the hot spoon tip! Never heard of that before.

I'm unfortunately one of those people that steps outside, and the mosquito dinner bell rings. I literally get welts from bites.
Next time try the cream immediately and report the results. I get big welts with gnat and mosquito bites but the symptoms resolve very quickly and suddenly after a few days. Perhaps the symptoms would have resolved at that time.

I’m curious if it really helps, as this is a problem for me. I tried CBD oil for sleep problems and it really did not work at all.
can you describe you foot arthritis, recently my left foot toes have been BURNING after playing golf or walking. My two left toes next to big toes have started to turn towards the little toe. And the right foot, will all the sudden just be come so painful that it make me limp.

can't take CDB's right now because of random drug tests, BUT once i retire which is now sooner then i thought, here i come CDB Store ;-)
All cbd products are not equal, some contain no cbd's at all. Buyer beware.

I use cbd from plants we grow ourselves, and found a little thc, along with cbd can make a cream more effective. Our neighbor claims it cured his psoriasis. I use it on sore muscles and arthritic joints.

I'm suspicious of all. Mary's Medicinals is my go to. For my dog we purchased CBD from hemp to avoid any THC.
can you describe you foot arthritis, recently my left foot toes have been BURNING after playing golf or walking. My two left toes next to big toes have started to turn towards the little toe. And the right foot, will all the sudden just be come so painful that it make me limp.

can't take CDB's right now because of random drug tests, BUT once i retire which is now sooner then i thought, here i come CDB Store ;-)

My foot arthritis (diagnosed by foot doctor) is on the back bottom of my foot --the right side of foot and right back heel. I first thought it was plantar fasciitis but doc xrayed and said it was arthritis. The CBD creme helps--also physical therapy, Hoka shoes (love them) and orthotics, and I roll foot around on frozen ice bottle. Yours sounds very different from mine. Maybe hammer toes? You should go to a foot doctor and get a diagnosis. So would CBD creme (not pills) mess up your drug test?

That's a GREAT question, i can wait till Nov when i WILL retire !!!!!!!!! Google says depending on how much THC MIGHT be in the creme, test could be positive...

Risk Management ;-)
This month's issue of Consumer Reports has comparison of various bug repellent products.
They point out DEET is the gold standard, but must use greater than 15% ones, as some 15% products don't work, but all above 15% work well.

I use 25% DEET products.

I have some 100% DEET liquid, from the old days (crazy old days :confused:) but don't use it anymore, and CR says above 30% is no more effective, so safer to not use the 100%.
I have some CBD creme that I have been using with good success on my foot arthritis. I am the kind of person that gets bit by a lot of bugs--if there is a bug around I get bit by it--mosquitos, gnats, flies, you name it. I use Deet but somehow the bugs will find a place I missed and still bite me. I currently have 5 bug bites that left red welts on my arms and legs and were itching and driving me crazy. The itching had been gong on for several days. I used hydrocortisone on them but that only helped for a few minutes. The itching was so bad I could not sleep. So yesterday I remembered that I had read that CBD creme helps bug bites. So I tried a small amount of CBD creme on each bite and within a few minutes the itching stopped and has not come back. Today the red welts are almost gone.

The kind of CBD creme I use is "CBD Chiro Creme" by Miracle Nutritional Products. They have a website and sometimes you can find a coupon online.
My daughter has allergic reactions to mosquito bites, so I’ll let her know about this.

Consumer Reports and the CDC agree there are three effective repellents, deet, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or picaridin. We use lemon eucalyptus because it doesn’t harm the clothes. At the height of mosquito season DD uses deet.
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OP here--I have not been seeing mosquitos so I don't think that is what has been biting me--I think it was some gnats and small flies and they itch like heck! The deet does not seem to deter them very well. Someone asked me to do an experiment and put the CBD creme on as soon as I got a bite --I got bit by one of the little flies earlier today and as soon as I could I put on the CBD creme and it worked great--no itching and so far no red welt. Yah!
For most of my life I have used very hot water poured onto the bite. Works very well. The hot spoon method is new to me; I'll have to give it a try next time. Thanks for the tip!
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