Class of 2023

I feel like I “retired again” today.
I worked in education for 30+ years and officially retired June 1.
Our district started today with teacher trainings and I’m not there.
While I have been off this summer, I typically have always had some time off in summer, so I didn’t really “feel” retired the past 8 weeks, but now……yep, I’m feeling it.
Today my colleagues are sitting in a “gender inclusion” training and dh and are are driving down for his family reunion.
Happy Thursday to me.
19 more weeks for me. I am so excited. Sometimes I get nervous as it is a big decision. I got a raise recently and started thinking about money that will be left on the table and that there are some good parts of my job. But then there are the days with BS meetings and long email strings with back and forth questions on something we have discussed so many times before - ugh that again. Yep I have enough money in spite of the stock drop - enough cash in a credit union account to last a year or perhaps more before dipping into investments and am ready to move on to the next stage of my life. So happy I will be celebrating my 60th in March as a retired person.
Planning on calling it quits after next summer. Been in the RV business for 35 years in various roles and we just had a “gold rush” 2 years related to Covid. The worm is turning now with inflation and Fed rate action. Been through a number of these cycles. Not fun so it’s time to hang it up.
I was planning to retire end of this year 2022 (Dec. 2022). However, with this economy, my retirement has moved 6 months to June 30, 2023. It's final now - It's mid-2023 and my employer and boss knows. I turn 59.5 years old, so no worries about any 10% penalties for withdrawing from the 401K and IRAs. I'll be batch 2023 :) I hit my number last year, but lost some due to market. Should be more confident with 1 more year.

Still on track to retire June 30, 2023. My work ends first week of May, but I get paid till June 30. What changed is I get an addition separate work contract for 13k for the month of June that my boss gave me. Feels good to get that extra dough that I didn’t expect.
I think that I will officially be in the class of 2023 with a 01/01/2023 first day of not being officially employed. Had a talk with one of my colleagues today to signal my plan. I’ve had two years of semi-retirement after being convinced to stay on with a deal that was way too good to refuse. It has been great these past two years — choosing when and how often to work. But it is not quite the same as being totally free. So I’m ready to make a clean break of it at year-end. I might accept some consulting gigs at some point but it will be more like hobby-work than an actual job. At almost 61 I’m not quite ER but the last three years have been a really great glide-path to full retirement. This forum has been super helpful for the advice and perspective.
100 Day Mark!

We are at the 100 day mark! We will see if it holds. Certainly wish market conditions were better, but hey, it's all part of the cycles, right? :dance:
Planning to retire in late May or first week of June of 2023. Will do 2.5-month bike ride from Virginia to Oregon right afterwards.
I'm also a 2023 batch. And my retirement is written in stone - June 30, 2023.

I do have a Countdown App running on my iPad ... days, hours, seconds.
Yes, I finally decided Oct 20, 2023, day before my 56 birthday.
I will take my pension and walk away from a 27 year carrier. Wife will still work for 5 years.
We finally set a date of Apr 28, 2023. We're waiting on the official estimate for my wife's pension (due Dec or Jan), but not expecting any surprises there. I wish the markets were in better condition, but we have about 2-3 years of cash on hand so I don't see any problems riding it out.

Less than 5 months to go. Exciting!
Quick question, if my last day of employment is 12/31/2022 and my first day of retirement is 01/01/2023, am I part of the 2023 class or the 2022 class? I’m a little confused on this one, thanks, lol! Actually, I’m just really excited to be finally retiring.
Quick question, if my last day of employment is 12/31/2022 and my first day of retirement is 01/01/2023, am I part of the 2023 class or the 2022 class? I’m a little confused on this one, thanks, lol! Actually, I’m just really excited to be finally retiring.

Well, look at it this way, if you are still Working like a dog all day on Dec. 31, sweating and puffing, and tired and exerting all effort to survive on Dec. 31, 2022 - then you're not retired that day. Jan. 1, 2023 is your real retirement if you're just not moving and sitting on the couch all day and watching TV :D:LOL:
I'm moving from the class of 2022 and I'd like to join the class of 2023. My last day should be 3/16/23.

With holidays, eleven more Mondays!
I was planning to retire in September of 2023. If my role remains the same, I’ll stick it out and join the Class of 2024. If they ask me to move to another position, I’m out in 2023. I just don’t have it in me to deal with another reorganization. I’ll know for sure by June. My DH said he will hold an intervention if need be so that OMY does not continue indefinitely. [emoji23]
I'm hot and cold. Part of me wants to walk away next week on my 62nd birthday.
My original target of May '23 still looks good.
Quick question, if my last day of employment is 12/31/2022 and my first day of retirement is 01/01/2023, am I part of the 2023 class or the 2022 class? I’m a little confused on this one, thanks, lol! Actually, I’m just really excited to be finally retiring.

31 Dec is a Saturday, working last day of the year ?
Joining the Class of 2023. Going to work until late December because I have so much vacation and sick time built up that I have plenty of time off this year. Set up with a Military retirement and I will get a state retirement. Turning 62 in November so I can add social security also. I have several part time options so I will work once in a while. My answer for what do you do for work: “You mean 9-5, as little as possible. Raise my girls and hang out with my wife and dog.”
I was planning on 4/1/23 for a long time but right now I kind of don't care. IDK just feeling blah I guess.
2023 is here! Yay! I'm March as I think a few of us are. Anyone in January? Would love to hear your last day stories.
Was set for mid 23 no firm date yet may stick with that or a bit later in year to max out 401k and pay off a few things first. It is feeling better knowing I have the option
Joining Class of 2023. I am 53. End date is early June. My plan had been 2022 for a few years, but it got pushed to 2023.

Plan is to buy RV this year and fix up house to be ready for sale in 2024 when my son graduates HS.

Unlike many recommendations, I have communicated my end date to my company more than a year ago. This proved to be a win-win, I think. My employer didn't put me on long-term projects, and I have time to hand over the department to make a seamless transition. At the same time stress has been decreasing.

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