Clinton's Bosnia Adventure


Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 9, 2007
There is a great article by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal - Getting Mrs. Clinton

Declarations -

Excerpt from the article (which I found amusing)

What struck me as the best commentary on the Bosnia story came from a poster called GI Joe who wrote in to a news blog: "Actually Mrs. Clinton was too modest. I was there and saw it all. When Mrs. Clinton got off the plane the tarmac came under mortar and machine gun fire. I was blown off my tank and exposed to enemy fire. Mrs. Clinton without regard to her own safety dragged me to safety, jumped on the tank and opened fire, killing 50 of the enemy." Soon a suicide bomber appeared, but Mrs. Clinton stopped the guards from opening fire. "She talked to the man in his own language and got him [to] surrender. She found that he had suffered terribly as a result of policies of George Bush. She defused the bomb vest herself." Then she turned to his wounds. "She stopped my bleeding and saved my life. Chelsea donated the blood."

Made me laugh. It was like the voice of the people answering back. This guy knows that what Mrs. Clinton said is sort of crazy. He seems to know her reputation for untruths. He seemed to be saying, "I get it."

End of excerpt.

Article is interesting in that it points to several of the exaggerations made by Clinton as it pertains to being under direct fire in Bosnia, broking peace in Ireland, etc..., etc..., etc...

It reminds me a little about my last visit to the local grocery store where there was only one bag of pork skins left and I was forced to engage in hand to hand combat with another full figured man. Needless to say that while we were on the floor fighting an elderly lady on a electric scooter scooped them up and thus we were left on the floor to ponder of what might have been.:D


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I really shouldn't get into this, but....

Sinbad, the comedian was on the plane and he doesn't recall anything the least bit dangerous about it.
Poor Hilliary she is telling some big ones first with brokening peace in Ireland and then now with the Bosnia sniper fire/under attack trip

Clinton's Belfast Role Draws Criticism, Different Perspective On Clinton's Role In Good Friday Peace Accord In Northern Ireland - CBS News

YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.

CBS News Video - Top Stories and Video News Clips at

It appears that the poor devil's recollection of events are not based on facts and reality. Makes one wonder what the poor devil will do if she ever gets the phone call at 3 a.m.

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Sounds like Hillary embellished and took some artistic license to dramatize the event... or had a convenient memory.

But it is much ado about nothing... along with most other minor flaps that will arise during the campaign for any of the candidates.
Sounds like Hillary embellished and took some artistic license to dramatize the event... or had a convenient memory.

But it is much ado about nothing... along with most other minor flaps that will arise during the campaign for any of the candidates.

Much ado about nothing? I couldn't disagree more. Clinton is running on her (fictitious) experience. And then she has the balls to tell us that she made those claims because she was "sleep deprived" and she "misspoke"? Either she's a complete idiot or she thinks we are.

Clinton can't open her mouth without lying. That's not a characteristic I want in a president. Most, if not all, politicians lie, I know - I'm not a Pollyanna. But Clinton does it constantly and with no effort whatsoever.

If I lied on my resume and my employer found out, I'd be out the door so fast it would make my head spin.
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Much ado about nothing? I couldn't disagree more. Clinton can't open her mouth without lying. That's not a characteristic I want in a president. Most, if not all, politicians lie, I know - I'm not a Pollyanna. But Clinton does it constantly and with no effort whatsoever.

I guess that after the last 7 plus years of constant half truths, lies, scare tactics, constant embellishments and wishful thinking by the current adminstration I can see where we might want something different.

... to tell us that she made those claims because she was "sleep deprived" and she "misspoke"? Either she's a complete idiot or she thinks we are.

She met with her advisors, and the phrase 'but, I didn't inhale' had already been taken. So they went with 'sleep deprived' and 'misspoke'.

I do not want any of the dems trying to tell me they have experience. They don't. Clinton? Stay in the senate, Obama Stay in the Senate. McCain, well guess what we will have an old timer in the white house. Sorry but when I talk to my father in law or my father both in their late 70s, there friends in their mid to late 70s I sure do not get a good feeling that a guy almost as old will be the guy running the show!

Time to head for zee hills and hunker down!

Oh and saying Bill would be back in the white house well the guy was on the heart lung machine, he is not the same guy who was president! If you were a nurse you know what I am talking about! Or if you had bypass surgery.
Here's my question: was she ever in a situation in which there was sniper fire, and she had to run to a bunker with her head down? If so, it might be reasonable that she misremembered this incident. If not...

The only other semi-respectable explanation for this story would be that they told her that there was going to be sniper fire, etc., and so she remembered that instead of what actually happened.
Here's my question: was she ever in a situation in which there was sniper fire, and she had to run to a bunker with her head down? If so, it might be reasonable that she misremembered this incident. If not...

The only other semi-respectable explanation for this story would be that they told her that there was going to be sniper fire, etc., and so she remembered that instead of what actually happened.

I have seen more gunfire than mrs clinton has ever seen And I was a teacher in Newark NJ!! Yep bullets flying into our school one day 7 years ago. It took the district two years to replace the window! we even labeled the hole... Bullet hole, so we were in compliance with NCLB laws!! Seriously there was a drug dealer gunfight in front of the school I was teaching at and we all hit the floor as the bullet came through the window hitting the light fixture up in the ceiling and then hitting the cinderblock wall. Then falling harmlessly to the ground!!
I have seen more gunfire than mrs clinton has ever seen And I was a teacher in Newark NJ!! Yep bullets flying into our school one day 7 years ago. It took the district two years to replace the window! we even labeled the hole... Bullet hole, so we were in compliance with NCLB laws!! Seriously there was a drug dealer gunfight in front of the school I was teaching at and we all hit the floor as the bullet came through the window hitting the light fixture up in the ceiling and then hitting the cinderblock wall. Then falling harmlessly to the ground!!

My parents moved from Montreal to the NW with myself and 2 brothers in 1949. My mother was driving their '40 Ford coupe (not the one I have now), dad riding shotgun, me in the middle, and 2 younger brothers on the package tray behind the seat when she drove into a crossfire between a guy and the Royal Mounted Police. One bullet entered on her side and out the side my father was on. No one was hit but mom had the car in reverse for about a block or two. Found out later the guy had murdered his wife and the Mounties were trying to bring him in. He was killed during the stand-off.
Here's my question: was she ever in a situation in which there was sniper fire, and she had to run to a bunker with her head down? If so, it might be reasonable that she misremembered this incident. If not...

According to this interview - NO.

'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for March 25 - Hardball with Chris Matthews -

This is Chris Matthews, interviewing Clinton Supporter Congressman Joe Sestak. One of my fav parts:
SESTAK: Well, let me tell you...MATTHEWS: Are you defending lying? Is that what you‘re defending, or what are defending? Tell me what you consider fair ball in the game, if you will, of getting elected president. How big a fish can you claim to have caught, if you caught none? That‘s all I‘m asking.

Clinton says she 'misspoke'. I could accept that if it were a matter of calling out the wrong place or time that she was under fire - that would be a non-issue. But according to these reports, she was never under sniper fire, or any threat of fire (like the Secret Service would allow that?). So how can you describe this in great detail, if it never happened?

Big difference between 'misspeaking' and 'fabrication'.

Plus, she 'misspoke' on several occasions:

YouTube - Multiple times Hillary told Sniper story

Supposedly, it was 'too dangerous' for the President to appear in Bosnia, so they send his wife and only child? :eek:

I'm disappointed that she thinks the American people are this stupid.

Not only has Hillary misspoke and participated in embellishments as it pertains to her under fire sniper adventures, but now it turns it that she may also be putting the screws to some of the people her campaign owes money to.

Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills - Kenneth P. Vogel -

Excerpts from the article

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for months — freeing up cash for critical media buys but also earning the campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles.

A pair of Ohio companies owed more than $25,000 by Clinton for staging events for her campaign are warning others in the tight-knit event production community — and anyone else who will listen — to get their cash upfront when doing business with her. Her campaign, say representatives of the two companies, has stopped returning phone calls and e-mails seeking payment of outstanding invoices. One even got no response from a certified letter.

Their cautionary tales, combined with published reports about similar difficulties faced by a New Hampshire landlord, an Iowa office cleaner and a New York caterer, highlight a less-obvious impact of Clinton’s inability to keep up with the staggering fundraising pace set by her opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

End of excerpts.

If the poor devil can not manage her campaign funds then how we expect her to manage the federal budget?

Perhaps there will be a federal bailout for the Clinton campaign? :)
I really shouldn't get into this, but....

Sinbad, the comedian was on the plane and he doesn't recall anything the least bit dangerous about it.

Glad to hear that Sinbad is still around to verify;) but everyone knows that he has to be a rabid Obama supporter... article - Clinton didn't pay health insurance bills

Clinton didn't pay health insurance bills - Kenneth P. Vogel -

Excerpts from the article

Among the debts reported this month by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s struggling presidential campaign, the $292,000 in unpaid Among the debts reported this month by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s struggling presidential campaign, the $292,000 in unpaid health insurance premiums for her campaign staff stands out.

Clinton, who is being pressured to end her campaign against Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, has made her plan for universal health care a centerpiece of her agenda.
for her campaign staff stands out.

Clinton, who is being pressured to end her campaign against Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, has made her plan for universal health care a centerpiece of her agenda.

End of excerpts.

I guess this latest revelation says a lot about how Hillary and Bill run their campaign and how they treat those that work for them. If she is not taking care of these poor devils/campaign workers/staff then one has to wonder if she is going to follow thru on her campaign promises.

I wonder if Hillary was under intense sniper fire when she forgot to pay the health insurance premiums.

I just hope that they do not pull a fast one with the delegates.

Look many are just sick of the Clintons, sick of the Bushes and want something different. As the days have gone on past the reverend wrights You tube infomercial I have a newfound respect for the guy. He sure did speak his mind! Look I have been in Black churches like his and have listened to this stuff over the past 20 years. It is not new. White Americans are well new to this stuff. Anyway, if Obama can end up with the nomination lets see who he runs with. McCain, yes a true hero but as I said before he is like the old farts that well are losing it up in the head. He might not be such a good pick.
Look many are just sick of the Clintons, sick of the Bushes and want something different. As the days have gone on past the reverend wrights You tube infomercial I have a newfound respect for the guy. He sure did speak his mind! Look I have been in Black churches like his and have listened to this stuff over the past 20 years. It is not new. White Americans are well new to this stuff. Anyway, if Obama can end up with the nomination lets see who he runs with. McCain, yes a true hero but as I said before he is like the old farts that well are losing it up in the head. He might not be such a good pick.

McCain would be like having 4 or 8 more years of Old George W as far as the Iraq War. As far as economic policy it appears that he does not have one.

If Obama wins the nomination maybe he would pick somebody like Colin Powell to be his running mate. This would give the ticket the foreign policy and military experience that they say Obama lacks.

As for old farts Washington D.C is full of them and unfortunately most of them are seated at the table known as the U.S government.

McCain would be like having 4 or 8 more years of Old George W as far as the Iraq War. As far as economic policy it appears that he does not have one.

If Obama wins the nomination maybe he would pick somebody like Colin Powell to be his running mate. This would give the ticket the foreign policy and military experience that they say Obama lacks.

As for old farts Washington D.C is full of them and unfortunately most of them are seated at the table known as the U.S government.


Sometimes I just want to ignore it all, which I do most of the time. Travel, part time teaching, running 10 12 miles a day, drinking good booze its really all good. Our system of government is really odd. I would like something that when the party and or leaders screw up as they have we the people can call an election with a vote of no confidence and then do it in 60 days!!

Oh and the old farts, Lautenberg 84 YO in New Jersey is running AGAIN!!! Dole the old lady here in North Carolina who when she ran the american red cross let AIDS infected blood get into the system under her watch is running again. Ugh. Ya wonder why I go ballistic on some of my posts. Oh and the people of MA still continue to re elect Kennedy. Enough already!
Great article by Stanley Crouch in the NY Daily News - Clinton antics will make Bill and Hil the next American Idles

Clinton antics will make Bill and Hil the next American Idles

Excerpts from the article

In the narrows of the idiot box, she seems to have fused in her very being the traits of self-pity and a sense of entitlement. The strategy is as common on the right as the left and, when not planned out, is usually called into play at moments of extraordinary panic.

That is the only explanation for the easily refuted lie Clinton told about traveling with her daughter into the Wild West dangers of Bosnia. Spooked by Obama's speech in Philadelphia, she and Bill must have decided that she had to bring the attention back to her by topping the Illinois senator in some way.

Obviously, the only trouble was that there were reporters and cameras with her in Bosnia, and the pilot who flew the plane carrying Hillary and Chelsea Clinton refuted her on every point! Then, wealthy campaign contributors took off the gloves and tried to bare-knuckle Nancy Pelosi, who was merely saying to the superdelegates that the nomination should go to the one with the most votes.

No way! said the Clinton people. They should vote for the person who has the best chance of beating John McCain.

End of excerpts.


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