And sometimes the stock would rise quite a bit in that 6 months, and you'd get 15% below the low, and sell a few days later at the higher price. Volatility was your friend.
The 132% number sounds familiar as well. The 15% discount means you buy a $100 share stock for $85, sell for $100, so a 17.65% gain - 2x a year is 35.29%, but you are paying with each paycheck along the 6 month period, so on average you had only half your money committed. I think that doubles it again, to over 70%. So I guess I don't recall how that almost doubled again to 132%, so maybe that wasn't it. But it was a LOT!
Yep, just shook my head that people would turn this down. One guy, said he discussed it with his father, who worked in some sort of investment career, told him he already had enough exposure to company stock risk/job. I said - but you sell it! You hold it for three days while the trade settles! There is almost no risk! Buy a put, sell some short for those three days if you have to, but do it!
Nope, wouldn't do it.