Corona Virus, Covid and the future

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.... I have even considered getting a second round of vaccines shots. :blush:

Just a data point for you. I was fully vaccinated in March. As a regular blood donor, I get tested for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies every time I donate. The results from my donation earlier this week still show the presence of antibodies, four months post vaccination. I'll give again in two months and we'll see how it looks then; I'm expecting that they'll still detect antibodies. If that ever changes, I'll start looking into a booster.
I wonder if our annual flu shot will be replaced with a covid booster.
Ugh! This is so frustrating!

US COVID-19 cases up 121% over the past 2 weeks. Hospitalizations are up 26%. Even deaths are up a bit.

In spite of a great vaccination rate, our county 7 day average cases per 100,000 has doubled over the past 2 weeks.

This is not looking good!
Forbes has an article about a Harris poll that very recently came out. It is not good news on increasing vaccination rates. from the article: "TOPLINE Public health officials have encouraged Americans to get vaccinated to protect themselves against the highly transmissible Delta variant now surging in the U.S.—but a new Harris poll finds the variant and misplaced concerns over Covid-19 vaccines’ efficacy against it have made a majority of unvaccinated Americans instead question whether they should get the shot."

So I interpret this many people continue to underestimate the SARS-CoV-2 virus: 'it's just not that bad' or 'it won't happen to me', or that the 'cure is worse than the disease'. One of the issues is people are misunderstanding the numbers.

I saw this interesting way of explaining the Delta Variant: “If you look back in April, of all versions of COVID, if someone in your house had coronavirus, you had about a 20-percent chance, 1 in 5, of getting a COVID infection yourself, this is with people being careful. Now, it’s up to 53-percent. So lots of quotes out there we think this variant of the virus is spreading much more rapidly. You are much more likely to get infected,” said New Mexico Services Department Secretary Dr. David Scrase."
What’s really frustrating it that many people seem to think they can get a vaccine and COVID or just get COVID. As if the vaccine makes no difference in the severity of a COVID case. And the focus is so huge in the vaccine side effects which are so minor compared to COVID itself.

And then there are many who apparently think the pandemic is already over, so why get vaccinated now? :facepalm:
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What’s really frustrating it that many people seem to think they can get a vaccine and COVID or just get COVID. As if the vaccine makes no difference in the severity of a COVID case. And the focus is so huge in the vaccine side effects which are so minor compared to COVID itself.

And then there are many who apparently think the pandemic is already over, so why get vaccinated now? :facepalm:

You're thinking about this too logically. I think there's a huge overlap between the currently un-vaccinated and those who:

Never believed Covid was a thing, or not at very least is not that serious, +
Never wore masks or followed guidelines except when forced, +
Do not listen to, or believe, any of the reasonable sources of info and data, +
Still don't and won't think it's gonna make them sick, even IF they get sick, +
Are annoyed by the very idea that anyone thinks their position is unreasonable

IOW, they do not and will not accept or believe the conventional wisdom, and there is no carrot or stick that is going to change the outcome.
You're thinking about this too logically. I think there's a huge overlap between the currently un-vaccinated and those who:

Never believed Covid was a thing, or not at very least is not that serious, +
Never wore masks or followed guidelines except when forced, +
Do not listen to, or believe, any of the reasonable sources of info and data, +
Still don't and won't think it's gonna make them sick, even IF they get sick, +
Are annoyed by the very idea that anyone thinks their position is unreasonable

IOW, they do not and will not accept or believe the conventional wisdom, and there is no carrot or stick that is going to change the outcome.


That describes what constitutes a belief system regarding coronavirus for the 'medically able to be vaccinated but won't' folks. If we keep that underlying belief system in mind when reading the polls, or watching interviews with the unvaccinated, the polls and verbal response will make a whole lot more sense.

It is difficult to change people's belief systems without some sort of epiphany. Who knows what that is. It appears Gov. Justice was wrong: "Justice said the “only way” he could see the nearly half of adults in West Virginia who have not yet gotten vaccinated alter their thinking would if be "a catastrophe" occurred "that none of us want. Because some places are currently having a 'catastrophe' and it's not making a difference.
IOW, they do not and will not accept or believe the conventional wisdom, and there is no carrot or stick that is going to change the outcome.

Yep. I just shake my head as I observe the behavior of many in our country. I feel like a sociologist could have a field day with this material.

That describes what constitutes a belief system regarding coronavirus for the 'medically able to be vaccinated but won't' folks. If we keep that underlying belief system in mind when reading the polls, or watching interviews with the unvaccinated, the polls and verbal response will make a whole lot more sense.

It is difficult to change people's belief systems without some sort of epiphany. Who knows what that is. It appears Gov. Justice was wrong: "Justice said the “only way” he could see the nearly half of adults in West Virginia who have not yet gotten vaccinated alter their thinking would if be "a catastrophe" occurred "that none of us want. Because some places are currently having a 'catastrophe' and it's not making a difference.

I don't know where to actually lay the blame for this. In fact we know both parties and the government and the media were more then happy to make Covid political. And now that ship has sailed.

I actually blame that old thing called a "one track mind". You get on one track and you can't/won't get off.

People do things that are way more risky then getting a covid vaccine..EVERY SINGLE DAY...

I had an unvaxxed shirt tail relative at an outdoor 4th get together making fun of the government saying the unvaxxed were the big spreaders of Covid. He said and I quote. "well I guess they have to blame somebody".

It literally took everything in me to not scream "Well who in the H$$l do think is spreading it, if it's not the unvaxxed like you. "
I had an unvaxxed shirt tail relative at an outdoor 4th get together making fun of the government saying the unvaxxed were the big spreaders of Covid. He said and I quote. "well I guess they have to blame somebody".

It literally took everything in me to not scream "Well who in the H$$l do think is spreading it, if it's not the unvaxxed like you. "

I guess some people absolutely refuse to connect the dots!
Most of us have been vaccinated but just to be cautious and to protect the vulnerable let’s not let this thread be infected with politics.
Most of us have been vaccinated but just to be cautious and to protect the vulnerable let’s not let this thread be infected with politics.

I'm actually wondering what the vaccination rate on this board is because I feel we come from all walks of life..I think it would be pretty high. We are generally older so maybe that is part of it too.

My state is over 70% vaxxed but still has about 8% of the over 65 not vaxxed. I'm assuming they won't get vaxxed.
Starting to look like a gamble regarding infections of vaccinated vs abstainers. At least in England.

"Vaccinated Britons now make up almost half of Covid cases in the country, a symptom-tracking study suggested today — but there are signs the third wave may have already peaked."

I saw that too but it didn't say "fully-vaccinated anywhere that I could see. So these might be one dose cases of illness. The article actually says "at least one dose"... I guess doing two is medically prudent.
Starting to look like a gamble regarding infections of vaccinated vs abstainers. At least in England.

"Vaccinated Britons now make up almost half of Covid cases in the country, a symptom-tracking study suggested today — but there are signs the third wave may have already peaked."
First of all the article says
But 47 per cent of cases are among those who have received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine, surging upwards from around a quarter at the start of June.
The app unfortunately doesn’t distinguish between fully vaccinated (including the 2 weeks after second dose) and just one dose.

Nevertheless, it’s a bit worrying. I read a recent breakthrough infection story that echoed Alan’s shared story about the UK reporter from a week ago. Catt Sadler, 46, related her breakthrough COVID infection that she caught from caring for someone unvaccinated that they originally thought had the flu. Sadler was wearing a mask when caring for this person. Sadler had a tough time of it - fever, several sick days in bed. But no hospitalization.
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The one number that the anti vaxers and the conspiracy theorists will not discuss is 99.

99 percent of covid deaths over the past two months have been those who were NOT vaccinated.

This is a fairly clear message. It mirrors the comments of the Surgeon General and the opinion of our heath care specialists.

If there is any doubt simply look at what is transpiring in Missouri or in Florida at the moment. It is heartbreaking.
Yeah, it’s worrying. I read a recent breakthrough infection story that echoed Alan’s shared story about the UK reporter from a week ago. Catt Sadler, 46, related her breakthrough COVID infection that she caught from caring for someone unvaccinated that they originally thought had the flu. Sadler was wearing a mask when caring for this person. Sadler had a tough time of it - fever, several sick days in bed. But no hospitalization.

I would have been interested in reading when she got vaccinated and if she was a full 2 to 3 weeks past the second dose.

The moral of this story is don't take care of unvaccinated sick people. I don't plan on it. Unless you are one of my young grandkids you can take care of your own unvaccinated self because "it can't be that bad"
I took her at her word that she was fully vaccinated - meaning at least two weeks from her second dose.

They didn’t realize until later that the person they were caring for had COVID.
I took her at her word that she was fully vaccinated - meaning at least two weeks from her second dose.

They didn’t realize until later that the person they were caring for had COVID.

You wouldn't know would you, although apparently the UK app is really good at pinging people that have been in contact with positive cases.
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