Might of been a good option if they would of used it to support State muni funds in the past at set rates of 3.5% or 4% and have received return payments every 6 months for loans not to exceed 7 year periods of loan. They money available would of
doubbled in 15 years or so. This would of also given states lower borrowing fees to support only the AAA quality parts of the muni fund sector.
One thing that I have noticed as I travel in several countries over the last 35+ years is that there is alot of under 55 disabled people drawing ss that don't seem to have a whole lot wrong with them and some how they have gamed the system. Many have picked up foreign dependants who they try like hell to get under the ss system for the increases in their own benefit raises or to pass on a legacy to their much younger dependants who have not contributed much to the system.
This has the doubble whammy effect as the money is bled from our system and supports a foreign business to compete against us and as most of you know they do not have a 15.6% cost for their own businesses that ours do that we now compete against. No wonder why businesses move their production to other countries.
If you add in the state, fed and ss taxes our businesses operate under they can do the same in a third world country with a third of the taxes to be paid out. If we added a ss tax (half our rate) to all imports maybe it would be more fair or different.
doubbled in 15 years or so. This would of also given states lower borrowing fees to support only the AAA quality parts of the muni fund sector.
One thing that I have noticed as I travel in several countries over the last 35+ years is that there is alot of under 55 disabled people drawing ss that don't seem to have a whole lot wrong with them and some how they have gamed the system. Many have picked up foreign dependants who they try like hell to get under the ss system for the increases in their own benefit raises or to pass on a legacy to their much younger dependants who have not contributed much to the system.
This has the doubble whammy effect as the money is bled from our system and supports a foreign business to compete against us and as most of you know they do not have a 15.6% cost for their own businesses that ours do that we now compete against. No wonder why businesses move their production to other countries.
If you add in the state, fed and ss taxes our businesses operate under they can do the same in a third world country with a third of the taxes to be paid out. If we added a ss tax (half our rate) to all imports maybe it would be more fair or different.