Covid Vaccine Distribution

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It is situations like this where I'd like to see our Silicon Valley Giants help out. They've done a lot of taking from the system. A lot of money has been generated.

OK, I know Amazon isn't technically Silicon Valley, but imagine if Amazon would use their order logistics and massive server capacity to "form a line" for vaccines? What a way to give back.

But maybe I'm just dreaming. And maybe this would confuse people. I can dream, no?
Even though it will mean that it will take longer for me to get the vaccine I like the fact that my state is prioritizing folks over 75 first and then 65 to 75 year olds later. Get the vaccine to those most likely to die first. Plus it will be easier to schedule the over 75 year olds because there are fewer of them.
Yeah, so. I'm in the same group as you in NC.

It takes time for phase 3 trials. It takes time to evaluate them and approve the vaccines. Pfizer and Moderna cannot physically make enough fast enough. It is not possible to build production overnight. Nor can they be safely transported world wide, unless 100 factories suddenly could produce thousands of freezers that can obtain -100C temperatures.

So we have to wait for the other vaccines to come on line, and they are not approved yet. These vaccines at least won't have the transport and store logistics. At that point, distribution will speed up significantly. I expect a lot of yelling, though, when people discover they got the 70% effective shot versus the 95% effective shot.

This is just math. We are going to have to wait in line. Not everyone can be first.

And don't forget, this is a world wide effort. The world is a big place. See other new thread just created about the 7.8 Billion of us.

Another problem is that this could very well turn out to be a long lasting vaccine and it wouldn’t make sense to build production facilities for vaccine or PPE and then find that a year later you don’t need the new facilities any more. For more widely used products like PPE you could have the govt place a multi-year order to replenish supplies but probably doesn’t make sense for a vaccine if it turns out to be say 95% effective and by 2022 you don’t need it any more. OK, that is very glib but you get the idea. Like building more TP factories for a 3 month shortage.
I am seeing many pictures of elderly people in long lines close together waiting to get the vaccine. I think most of these pictures are from Florida. This is one of the dumbest things I have heard of--creating a super spreader event to get the vaccine! I am definitely not going to do this. I will just wait until next summer or whenever.
That won't change the facts on the ground. If you have suggestions to help speed things up going forward, you should contact your department of public health. If you just want to complain about what has already happened, I'm sure there are others who may want to hear it. But I'm not one of them.
Just how am I complaining about what's been done? I'd rather know the truth - as I said.
Except... As you mention the press of people. Not going to happen this time.

- Keep 6ft social distance
- Watch for people falling out after 15 min

This is going to slow things down bigtime.

I remember as a kid in the early 70s having 100 kids at our school lined up in the halls for vaccines. They used pneumatic pressure jet guns. Bang! ... Next! ... Bang! No syringes, no needles. Just bang, bang, bang, bang. 100 kids in a few minutes. Done!

That's great! I love it! Thanks.
Anything that could automate signing up would be a help, as I've heard that some Florida residents dialed for hours, getting busy signals the whole time.
I'd bet those with smartphones got thru easier than those dialing.
Another problem is that this could very well turn out to be a long lasting vaccine and it wouldn’t make sense to build production facilities for vaccine or PPE and then find that a year later you don’t need the new facilities any more. For more widely used products like PPE you could have the govt place a multi-year order to replenish supplies but probably doesn’t make sense for a vaccine if it turns out to be say 95% effective and by 2022 you don’t need it any more. OK, that is very glib but you get the idea. Like building more TP factories for a 3 month shortage.
My understanding is that as part of Warp Speed/whatever, that the Fed Gov funded new production facilities to be available & running when the vaccines were approved. Also, I thought production is limited by some raw materials limited supply. And we could have every dose we need available now & wouldn't have the ability to shoot up everyone immediately.
One idea I have is to create a registry list so that people can sign up by phone to indicate they want the vaccine. When your number comes up, you get an automated call telling you where and when to report for a shot. It would cut down on the need for physical lines.

Or you could book an appointment window online with the vaccine clinic, just like I do for lab tests at Quest

That seems to be how they are handling it down here - online registries and appointments.
That's great! I love it! Thanks.
You know how sometimes you search the internet and can't find what you want? Not in this case. I hit a jackpot.

This time, I swear to you I thought this photo was right from our school! This is exactly as I remember it. They really pushed us through those lines.
I am seeing many pictures of elderly people in long lines close together waiting to get the vaccine. I think most of these pictures are from Florida. This is one of the dumbest things I have heard of--creating a super spreader event to get the vaccine! I am definitely not going to do this. I will just wait until next summer or whenever.
Could you get it from your own doctor? I suppose not, but it sure would be nice and as you point out, probably a lot safer.

Personally I am inclined to wait until next summer anyway, because I am a fraidy cat about being one of the first to get vaccinated with this new vaccine that was developed and rushed through to us so quickly. Besides, there are others who genuinely need to be vaccinated ASAP because of the type of work they do, so let them go first.

I want to see some incentives, too. If we still have to wear masks and do social distancing and nothing changes, and if despite continued restrictions the numbers don't drop substantially as more and more people get vaccinated, then I may be inclined to reconsider. I still remember years ago when I got the Salk polio vaccine along with many thousands of other children. At that time the public pools had been closed in my city for quite some time, to reduce the spread of the polio virus among kids. But then, once most of us were vaccinated the public pools were finally re-opened. That was a nice outcome that even a 7-year-old could appreciate.
I don't remember ever getting a shot at school, although my Mother took me for preschool vaccinations at the doctor's office. I'm told that as a kid, I was pretty cool about injections (whereas my older sister was more like the little girl in the photo).

We lined up in 3rd grade for the polio sugar cubes.

But you know, I find it hard to believe that kids didn't get a polio vaccine until 3rd grade...after all, the polio vaccine came out before I was born.

You know how sometimes you search the internet and can't find what you want? Not in this case. I hit a jackpot.

This time, I swear to you I thought this photo was right from our school! This is exactly as I remember it. They really pushed us through those lines.
I remember as a kid in the early 70s having 100 kids at our school lined up in the halls for vaccines. They used pneumatic pressure jet guns. Bang! ... Next! ... Bang! No syringes, no needles. Just bang, bang, bang, bang. 100 kids in a few minutes. Done!

Oh yes, for us, it was in the gym. Then the same thing happened when I was in boot camp about 15 years later - same type of gun.
You know how sometimes you search the internet and can't find what you want? Not in this case. I hit a jackpot.

This time, I swear to you I thought this photo was right from our school! This is exactly as I remember it. They really pushed us through those lines.

I wonder if they even bothered having to obtain parental permission. Or just jab and go.
Another problem is that this could very well turn out to be a long lasting vaccine and it wouldn’t make sense to build production facilities for vaccine or PPE and then find that a year later you don’t need the new facilities any more. For more widely used products like PPE you could have the govt place a multi-year order to replenish supplies but probably doesn’t make sense for a vaccine if it turns out to be say 95% effective and by 2022 you don’t need it any more. OK, that is very glib but you get the idea. Like building more TP factories for a 3 month shortage.

Isn't that how wars are fought? the nation builds up production to win the war, and then scraps what they don't need after the war. However, there are predictions of more pandemics, so maybe some capacity needs to be retained.
I wonder if they even bothered having to obtain parental permission. Or just jab and go.

Yes, I distinctly recall the evil "permission slip" the teachers handed out to each of us the day prior to vaccinations. We had to get it signed and returned the next day with a parental yes or no - and there was heck to pay if you didn't.

Nothing like going home from school with the dread of knowing what fate held for you the next day. Torture. :(
I don't remember ever getting a shot at school, although my Mother took me for preschool vaccinations at the doctor's office.
Oh yes, for us, it was in the gym.
It depended on where you live. Just like this latest effort depends on where you live. Imagine that. :)

The Chicago Board of Health was BIG on vaccinations and also other screenings, such as for heart murmurs.

I went to parochial school. Didn't matter. They carpet bombed every type of school, public, private, religious. Amethyst: you are a bit younger than some of us, I believe. We were getting novel vaccinations. It was the time when new ones were being developed for the different ailments every year.

I wonder if they even bothered having to obtain parental permission. Or just jab and go.
Permission was required. I don't ever recall anyone declining. Different era. Remember, the parents all just went through the horror of polio.

It says those jet guns have cross contamination problems and aren't used much any more.

No they are not. And that's why I intentionally searched for it.

First, as kids, this thing was more intimidating than a needle. I mean, they were shooting you! And it wasn't silent.

Second, it shows how easy it was to do. Not that it was safe. I think the thought was "no contact", but they didn't anticipate the blow back. In any case, it is not possible today. So, the "old school" jabs are required, and this is much harder to do, and much slower. We've gone backwards in some respects (mass efficiency), but forwards in others (knowledge of just how sneaky pathogens are, and how to manage infection risk).

P.S. Dumb aside. Be careful with high pressure power washers, or paint sprayers. Injection injuries are nasty. Do NOT under any circumstances do an image search for "injection injury" while eating. If you have a strong stomach, do the image search and learn. You will then have more respect for the power of your paint sprayer or power washer. Injecting dirt or paint is nasty business.
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No kidding! I accidentally powered-washed my big toe (warning: Don't wear pool sandals while washing pool deck) for about a tenth of a second. Took the top layer of skin right off and left a sort of rope burn.

Not interested in paint sprayers. Using a roller from atop a moveable scaffold is about as scary as I want to get.

P.S. Dumb aside. Be careful with high pressure power washers, or paint sprayers. Injection injuries are nasty. Do NOT under any circumstances do an image search for "injection injury" while eating. If you have a strong stomach, do the image search and learn. You will then have more respect for the power of your paint sprayer or power washer. Injecting dirt or paint is nasty business.
Here in Washington about 80% of the doses received have not been used to vaccinate people at this time. Why? I can only guess.
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In addition to health care providers (hospital/ltc employees, ambulance staff, fire, and police), residents of long-term care facilities, residents in prisons are being inoculated. Basically, if the latter get sick their care is on our nickel and they don't have any ability to quarantine. I want to be on the vaccine shortlist but I understand those priorities.
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