Covid Vaccine Distribution

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The Bloomberg tracker seems to be more up to date than the CDC version. It says nationally we are up to 32% of distributed doses administered.

So what happens to these trackers when second shots start happening? 200 doses per 100 people is 100% coverage. But then single-shot vaccines get approved and 100 doses per 100 people is 100%. The math will become messy.
The Bloomberg tracker seems to be more up to date than the CDC version. It says nationally we are up to 32% of distributed doses administered.

So what happens to these trackers when second shots start happening? 200 doses per 100 people is 100% coverage. But then single-shot vaccines get approved and 100 doses per 100 people is 100%. The math will become messy.

Good question. And second shots have already started... including at my employer (healthcare facility).
If you're counting distributed doses administered then it doesn't matter how many people get enough doses to be immune. If you're counting fully immunized people then you can't count those who've received one when they need two.
I do not understand the pushback against vaccinating in the prisons. I'll add the point that prison population skews minority and yes the people complaining about it seem petty.

I'm not hearing much talk against vaccinating prisoners here. It's the priority they are being given. Who should stand in line behind them? Lots of discussion about that.
Discussion that would be pointless, as well as annoying. So let's not, thank you.
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Discussion that would be pointless, as well as annoying, So let's not, thank you.

You seem to have erroneously interpreted my post as calling for discussion of the subject. Wrong. I was clearly pointing out that in my area, local discussions, as reflected by the media, are on how to prioritize prisoners, not whether to vaccinate them. I'm unaware of any significant pushback here against withholding vaccine altogether from any group as ivinsfan is seeing.

Slicing and dicing the population into meaningful groups and prioritizing them must be a tough job for those doing it. And I agree, talking about it here won't lead to anything positive or useful. We should limit discussion to vaccination status in one's area given the categorization that's been determined by the local authorities. Whether age-based groups, health issue groups, employment category groups, political affiliation, prisoners, armed forces, residency or whatever should or should not come into prioritization decisions can't lead to a useful discussion here.

Or perhaps I'm reading too much into your comment?
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Good question. And second shots have already started... including at my employer (healthcare facility).

Go to the national map on the Bloomberg site and pick a state. Many show total doses and a number of second doses. Texas for example shows 25k 2nd shots administered. But other states don’t show any yet, like California. I’m thinking they are behind in reporting.
Here we just started doling mass vaccine events advertised by the city. Can do up to 10k a week at these events I think. 1a and 1b, honor system on medical conditions. First week booked up the 9k vaccines in about 4 minutes this morning
For pharmacies I would bet their epipen is on the shelf in the spot labeled epipen which they sell. Like almost all pharmacies.
Vaccination sites are supposed to be equipped to handle emergencies but I wonder how close by their epipens are. I may scout out a vaccination location before I commit and ask them where they keep their EpiPen. The most convenient location is the pharmacy at a locak supermarket. I wonder how good they are.
For pharmacies I would bet their epipen is on the shelf in the spot labeled epipen which they sell. Like almost all pharmacies.

If that's where they get them when someone they're vaccinating has an allergic reaction, then I'm not getting vaccinated there. I want to see it unpackaged on a table or in a draw or in the pharmacist's pocket. I don't want them going to isle 9 for clamshell cutters, then isle 2 for the EpiPen, then calling a manager for approval to open a product that's out for sale.
I suppose you could just bring your own if that is a concern.
If that's where they get them when someone they're vaccinating has an allergic reaction, then I'm not getting vaccinated there. I want to see it unpackaged on a table or in a draw or in the pharmacist's pocket. I don't want them going to isle 9 for clamshell cutters, then isle 2 for the EpiPen, then calling a manager for approval to open a product that's out for sale.

I do not believe that's how it works anywhere.
Here we just started doling mass vaccine events advertised by the city. Can do up to 10k a week at these events I think. 1a and 1b, honor system on medical conditions. First week booked up the 9k vaccines in about 4 minutes this morning

I’ve got an idea for a new app. Could make millions. You bring it up and it randomly selects a chronic medical condition you can specify to the vaccine provider.
My guess is there will never have been such an opportunity for people to brag about their health issues as now. I’m only 56, but I’m fat as heck, I’ve got toe rot, narcolepsy, and irritable bowel syndrome. I must have the vaccine now!
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I'm not really squeamish, but its getting tiresome watching those up-close needle injections on the news. They really want to zoom in so you see everything.
I'm not really squeamish, but its getting tiresome watching those up-close needle injections on the news. They really want to zoom in so you see everything.


I've seen a couple of them where the needle actually bends/flexes as the point resists breaking the skin. Sure hope I don't get one of those dull-pointed jabbers!

I've seen a couple of them where the needle actually bends/flexes as the point resists breaking the skin. Sure hope I don't get one of those dull-pointed jabbers!

At this point, I’d take a dull needle injection if it got me the vaccine. And they could be insulting me while jabbing me, calling me all kinds of names. Bring it on..
I'm not really squeamish, but its getting tiresome watching those up-close needle injections on the news. They really want to zoom in so you see everything.
Yet another reason why I don't watch TV news any more, or much of anything else on TV either! Gee.

Not only is there the "eww!" factor, but also there's an unneeded invasion of privacy. Even if the person being vaccinated consents to being filmed (and who knows if he/she did sign such a consent form), why harden the general public to lack of privacy as a routine, ho-hum, common situation.

I guess that last paragraph shows I'm no spring chicken, for sure! :LOL: But I do value my privacy, as old fashioned as that probably seems to some.
Yet another reason why I don't watch TV news any more, or much of anything else on TV either! Gee.

Not only is there the "eww!" factor, but also there's an unneeded invasion of privacy. Even if the person being vaccinated consents to being filmed (and who knows if he/she did sign such a consent form), why harden the general public to lack of privacy as a routine, ho-hum, common situation.

I guess that last paragraph shows I'm no spring chicken, for sure! :LOL: But I do value my privacy, as old fashioned as that probably seems to some.
Rest assured, W2R, at CVS or Walgreen your privacy is of utmost importance and they have taken stringent measures to protect it. There’s a privacy screen right next to the prescription drop-off and pick-up line, and when you register, the only people that will hear your personal info are the clerk behind the plexishield, everyone behind the counter in the pharmacy, everyone in line at the pharmacy, and only those random customers that are shopping for anything in the pharmacy section of the store. That’s all, so no worries!
I wonder what pain/risk-of-needle-breakage ratio they used in designing the needles. It may be better if they break more often. When every second counts, they could use the strong ones that hardly bend but maybe for vaccines they can go weaker.
Rest assured, W2R, at CVS or Walgreen your privacy is of utmost importance and they have taken stringent measures to protect it. There’s a privacy screen right next to the prescription drop-off and pick-up line, and when you register, the only people that will hear your personal info are the clerk behind the plexishield, everyone behind the counter in the pharmacy, everyone in line at the pharmacy, and only those random customers that are shopping for anything in the pharmacy section of the store. That’s all, so no worries!
:ROFLMAO: :2funny: :LOL: Oh, OK! :D

I hate that! :LOL: Guess it's part of living in the 21st century.

I've seen a couple of them where the needle actually bends/flexes as the point resists breaking the skin. Sure hope I don't get one of those dull-pointed jabbers!
Have you never given blood? The point always pushes the skin a little before it yields.
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