Remember Howard Ruff?
This guy had no financial background, but had a very believable presentation, wrote 3 books (all ghost written). Even had a TV program called Ruff Notes.
All based on hard money theory.
Basic advice was sell all real estate that was close to the coming maurading hoards, (ie. anything close to a metro area). Buy all the gold and siliver you could and buy a property in the boondocks.
Hard to believe now, but this guy had a huge following, and probably responsible for more loss of net worth than anybody that I can think of.
Howard Ruff was a poster child for emotional investing.
A pretty good argument to not reading or listening to "listen to me, and I will make you whole", types that come out of the woodwork at the peak of the latest craze.
While i am far from being a sophisticated investor, I believe I share a trait that most of the posters on this board appear to have. "Don''t invest on fear or greed".
Get yourself a track to run on, and don't waste your time and your nerves on the latest "can't miss" idea.
Have read a lot of your posts, and find myself agreeing with most of your ideas. One thing that I enjoy about this board is that it reinforces most of my own ideas about what is important, and what is noise.
Wonder what Howard Ruff is doing now?
My guess is that he sold all his gold and silver, and bought a high rise in Manhatten