Spanky said:
You are right. The key word is balanced. That is, we should not save every penny at the expense of doing things that we want to do now.
P.S. I have been advising my daughter to take a government job.
Spank, this topic about being a civil serpent has been discussed ad finitum many times with a civil serpent buddy of mine.
About 5 or 6 years ago, as we watched the market go up, with the layoffs from top companies, the erosion of the DBP, we discussed the civil serpent career and we agreed that it was insane to have some schmuck decide whether or not you can pay your mortgage and raise your family being this said schmuck, a boss, can fire you at will.
Civil serpentry in my neck of the woods as well as other places is a "reasonably" guarrented place to hang your hat and hide for about 20-30 years.
Civil serpentry is not for everyone, such as very indenpendent people who are self starters, dont have people depending on them, or those who simply enjoy flitting for place to place.
Its important early on that you have to know yourself. I realized that I could not be a Yes man, could not suck up, and had a mind of my own. Civil Service gave me the security I needed, people depended on me, and I knew Im the type who speaks his mind and would get sacked or a nervous breakdown working for some schmuck.
I do believe that many of us subconsciously choose to ER since we are listening to our inner real selves telling us that we cannot play the game out there, its not natural to us, so we make a plan to split.
My plan is simple, when and if I sell my house, I split for somethig new, and try to go back to where I was when I was a child and follow my dreams. First I have to heal my busted brain and body.
Civil Serpentry was good to me, gave me a pension, good bennies, and a livable income after a few promotions. It did not however let me be innovative, think for myself and be my own man.
Currently we are at a "mexican standoff" in my place, I am placed in the corner of the office, out of sight, out of mind, drink cawfee, and the bosses leave me alone. The fun part is over, may as well leave this insane asylum and go to the outdoors and just flit about until I settle myself into a place, whether working or voluntaring.
What I am saying is that we were meant to live more or less spontaneously and not be burdeoned by all sorts of worrying or micromanaging of our existance, Hmm, kinda digressed, but perhaps someone will get my drift.