Delaying SS for just a few months?

Gearhead Jim

Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 31, 2005
Far NW 'burbs of Chicago
Retiring from my second career at age 62 didn't happen, we don't really need the money but there are some things I want to accomplish before going out the door. If I delay taking SS until age 62 and 4 months, or something similar, will I get slightly more SS once I start? Or does SS only go up each full year that I wait? I didn't find the answer on the SS website...

Also, I have followed the extensive discussions here about the advantages and disadvantages of taking SS at 62. My guess is that there will be future tax increases or means testing or offsets or outright benefit reductions, that will make taking SS now the better deal for anyone with other income (pension, IRA, etc) that exceeds about $50k per year. About 20 years from now, it will make a nice discussion to see if I was right or wrong.
There is no discontinuity, it goes up month by month.

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