Diamonds: selling them for most profit?

I was going to say, I thought tennis bracelets had some connection to Chris Evert. I have a stunning tennis bracelet custom made for me over 20 years ago as a surprise from my husband(the wife of the jeweler was a patient of his). I never wear it, I like my retro costume jewelry. My future daughter in law(wherever she is) will get some lovely pieces. I keep trying to light a fire under my son. He just rolls his eyes and has put an ocean between us.
I remember they became popular around that time--now I know why! Thanks, Ha.
Glad to see more than one Mom on here is gently encouraging their son to get married, but we all are getting the eye-rolling gestures I see. Well, at least I'm not alone.....

Yup, the guy who stole his soon-to-be ex-wife's wedding ring he bought her--and paid a thousand or so long ago for it--got something like $200 for it. I told him he should have kept it...he eventually did meet someone else and she didn't need to know it was "used." I mean, it could have been re-set totally rather than take a couple hundred for such an expensive diamond originally.
Glad to see more than one Mom on here is gently encouraging their son to get married, but we all are getting the eye-rolling gestures I see. Well, at least I'm not alone.....

Yes, indeed, what are Mothers for? At least mine seems to find me somewhat amusing since he doesn't get to see me too often.
Yup, the guy who stole his soon-to-be ex-wife's wedding ring he bought her--and paid a thousand or so long ago for it--got something like $200 for it. I told him he should have kept it...he eventually did meet someone else and she didn't need to know it was "used." I mean, it could have been re-set totally rather than take a couple hundred for such an expensive diamond originally.

OK, this does NOT meet my criteria for romance!! If he loves the future somebody-else and is her knight on a white horse and she is the love of his life, he should buy her a ring within his budget with his mind focused on just her. If he just resets the diamond that he bought for his first wife, I think the second wife would have every reason to feel slighted. Maybe that is just me but in that position I would prefer a ten cent ring from a gumball machine to the biggest diamond on earth that was originally bought by my true love for somebody else. There is such a thing as taking LBYM too far and this is it.
Well, I would hope he wouldn't be stupid enough to tell her it was a "used" diamond. I get your point as a woman, of course. I'd be insulted as all get-out and not marry the guy if I knew he was giving me his ex-wife's diamond (hence, why tell her?). I was just thinking ways of how to save some money for this guy. Maybe it is taking the LBYM thing too far, but the men would have to respond to that thought.
I had a guy I dated give me the same cologne his ex-wife used, and I gave the bottle to an employee I was so insulted by it. So, yeah, from a woman's standpoint I get it.
I've the feeling, tho, that men will see this differently. Maybe?
Oh, OK, I see what you're saying now. I think we are on the same wavelength when it comes to romance! I would have hated to get that cologne that the guy's ex-wife uses, just like you did.
Frankly, I wasn't sure what the message was unless it was he missed his wife, which definitely did not go over with me. He got the door pretty quickly after that one, by the way. And, yes, he was stupid enough to tell me it was her scent otherwise I wouldn't have known. Too dumb, anyway...geesh!
Guys tend to do what works . If bringing women flowers makes the woman happy they will keep doing the same thing with every woman . It isn't meant as an insult . It's just the way guys are wired .My late husband's ex wife loved jewelry so he tended to give me the same type of jewelry until I steered him to something more my style . I did not feel insulted . I was happy he made an effort .
One way to get better value is to upgrade - hehehe but of course that is not something you probably want to do!

We had an old engagement ring, and the jeweler appraised it and took the diamond and gave us the face value (just about what we paid for it) and let us add that back into the new ring we purchased... i think that old diamond was just over a carat. the new one is not larger, just better quality and a different cut.
Maybe my situation was different from yours, Moemg, but I get what you are saying. This dumbcluck not only told me he made a listing of all the skin care items I had in my bathroom, but I will guarantee he told his ex-wife what they were and made sure she knew it was a list of my stuff. He was a game player. He fantasized being a Don Juan, and wanted women to fight over him I think. Not happening here, sorry... And he did go back to his ex. All I could think of when I found out is "poor gal" and "she must be out of her mind"! Needless to say, I was happy he was gone forever, at least, out of my life.
When dating my now DW was offended that I had a half full (she saw it as half empty?) bottle of massage oil. Dumb me, should just have got a new one.
Survived that, happily married for years now.
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