Do you eat lunch?

Lunch/dinner is our main meal-anything from soup and sandwich to full on steak and potatoes type foods. Often our chosen meal out. Breakfast and supper much lighter fare, frequently cereals, yogurt, or cheese and fruit.
We eat a wide variety of foods from super healthy to fast food.
Change it up a lot and it won't be boring.
+1. Sometimes I regret the ff, my stomach never regrets the healthy stuff. I ran a couple 8 minute miles earlier this year after devouring half of a papa murphy's pizza. I don't recommend those two activities back to back btw.

YES, I eat lunch. Or I am a hangry man. I also eat breakfast and dinner, and likely a couple snacks in between. I don't like paying more than $8 if I eat out.
If I didn't have an overweight problem, I could easily eat one of those sandwiches every day and twice on Sundays. If it fell apart so that parts of it fell on my plate, well, that is why knives and forks were invented.:D

But, "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride" so I'll stick to my small Caesar side salad for lunch instead of a Dagwood sandwich.

Everytime I see your name W2R I am reminded of Po Boys. I love them damn things. Had every kind from shrimp, catfish, Italian to American. Who has the best Po Boy down in the French Quarter there?
Everytime I see your name W2R I am reminded of Po Boys. I love them damn things. Had every kind from shrimp, catfish, Italian to American. Who has the best Po Boy down in the French Quarter there?

The answer to this question is as mysterious as the question of how ancient Egyptians built the pyramids thousands of years ago. In other words, there are many answers but none is accepted as being correct.

Most tourists have a po'boy somewhere and decide that is the Best Po'Boy in New Orleans and will tell you so loudly and repeatedly and never try a po'boy anyplace else.

Locals try to dodge the question.

The truth is.... nearly any small restaurant you go to, that is not a chain restaurant or a high end touristy restaurant, will have a great po'boy. So, my suggestion is to try a different place every meal while you are in town. (Then sign up for a weight loss plan of some type when you get home! :LOL: )

Something most of locals do agree on, is that one of the most important parts of a po'boy is the BREAD - - it needs to be freshly baked French bread and toasted warm when the po'boy is served. But in restaurants like I described, it always is.
I work a physically demanding job and work second shift hours. I work 10 hours shifts on my feet only sitting for two 10 minute breaks. There isn't enough time to get enough food to replace the burned calories so I make sure to eat a large lunch before work. I have an entire frozen pizza every work day for lunch. It's still not eough as I have lost 12 pounds in 11 weeks since going to this shift/job. I did not have 12 pounds to lose and am now 174 pounds at 6'6'" so not eating lunch is not an option for me. On my days off I usually just have a peanut butter sandwich at around noon and again at around 3 and that serves as my lunch.
I eat 3 meals a day and small snacks inbetween. Otherwise I get a headache or fuzzy headed similar to hypoglycemia or am ravenous by the next meal. I've always been like that and I'm not prediabetic or diabetic.

As a single, most lunches are leftovers from dinner because I don't want to cook every meal and it is difficult to prepare a single portion of pasta or rice or a 3 ounce serving of meat. My lunch and dinner are about the same amount of food with a protein, whole grain, and vegetable but breakfast is lighter.

When working, I bought prepackaged frozen foods in individual servings from Costco - the healthier Asian foods. But even these have a lot of sodium. I also make pots of stew or similar items and freeze leftovers in individual containers.
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I like soups, canned or homemade, often fortified with fresh veggies added before heating. Also leftovers from supper the previous night. We often prepare extra food at night for that reason. Couple times per month I'll get take-out teriyaki, fluff it up with fresh veggies, then have half for that day's lunch and the other half for the next day.
We eat a late breakfast or early lunch... usually something simple like yogurt, hummus & pita chips or peppers, an egg dish of some sort, salad, leftovers. Whatever it is it'll include protein, fruit and/or veg + something whole grain.

Dinner is medium size. I usually cook to control the salt/ portions/ nutrition in general & because I do it well (thanks Mom!). If we go out, we almost always split, or each take half home for another meal.

We both like a sweet treat at night- usually frozen yogurt (Kemps is the best) and rarely later than 7pm (or "Hello insomnia!"). Oh, and I drink tea with my sister's organic unfiltered honey. Honey is good for you- 'nuff said.

I can relate to the earlier "hangry" remark. Hubby can tell you that I must be fed on time, or look out world! :mad:
I can relate to the earlier "hangry" remark. Hubby can tell you that I must be fed on time, or look out world! :mad:

I can get that way too. Although sometimes going hungry, like during my weekly fast, gets me hyped up. I haven't quite figured out the formula for getting hyped vs. hot-headed.
My solution for boring lunches is TV dinners, they are pretty good, lots of variety, and not too filling. Also easy to make and only cost $2->$3.50 pp.
I don't buy the "budget" or "banquet" brand, and I often find TV dinners on sale.

We also go out for lunch with coupons once or twice a week.

If I make lunch at home, it's often a simple meal,
Chicken salad sandwich.
Mac & cheese (with added froz vegies, and some real cheddar mixed in).
PB sandwich.
canned chili.
Cucumber & cheese sandwich.
I never eat lunch when I work. On weekends, I will typically eat lunch.

I never understood how people find it so difficult to not eat during the day. My wife makes the excuse that she may pass out if she doesnt eat. #firstworldproblems

The other thing I love to hear is when people say they get sleepy around 2pm or so. I always ask, "what did you eat?" Their responds is always some sort of carbs. Hmmm...I wonder why you're tired now. Sugar crash much?

That's because you probably don't have hypoglycemia... I do, and I don't consider it a "first world problem".

Fortunately for me it's just borderline, but I still have to semi-monitor what (and when) I eat.
When I worked I didn't and if I did I brought some carrots. Then I retired and had time to eat a lunch and I loved to eat lunch. So I eat a breakfast, lunch and dinner and I put on some weight so now I try not to eat but a small portion of something for lunch. We have our big meal about meal about 5 pm.
Just like my wife & her family

I never eat lunch when I work. On weekends, I will typically eat lunch.

I never understood how people find it so difficult to not eat during the day. My wife makes the excuse that she may pass out if she doesnt eat. #firstworldproblems

The other thing I love to hear is when people say they get sleepy around 2pm or so. I always ask, "what did you eat?" Their responds is always some sort of carbs. Hmmm...I wonder why you're tired now. Sugar crash much?

Just like my wife. I was sold when I learned about a concept behind intermittent fasting.
If I go too long without eating I get a headache, feel shaky and eventually will throw up. By that point I am not pleasant any longer.
I'm Type 2, so naturally I hate my diet. I also don't usually like to spend time so here's me:
Breakfast: 1/3 cup All Bran Buds w/ fresh blueberries (every friggin day)
Lunch: 1/2 ham/salami/Swiss sandwich (low carb bread, eat other half tomorrow), cole slaw, cottage cheese and some strawberries or melon
Dinner: Fish on the George Foreman, salad, sugar free pudding about three time a week. The rest of the week I'm either slow-cooking something awesome, or cheating with a burger and fries.

I never hit my A1C goal. Naturally.
For years I always ate a turkey sandwich with mustard on whole wheat, a diet soda and an apple.

Then I switched and for years always ate a salad everyday

Weekends I might have a tuna sandwich with chips and pickles or nachos and cheese with salsa.

I could just have cheese and crackers or something like that. Maybe some nuts. A banana. I don't know...

Every day I do have a cup of low fat Greek yogurt for a snack.

I even tried eliminating lunch but I was so hungry I found I had to get dinner made and eat by like 3:30/4pm. Then I was very hungry over night. Not because I had dinner early but because I skipped a meal- lunch.

No matter what I have tried I am still fat.
I find that a whole-foods lunch keeps me fueled through the day. I usually have homemade soup and some sliced veggies/ fruit (in winter) or a salad with cooked beans or lean protein (seasoned tofu, chicken or salmon) in summer.

Each week I make a big pot of soup and roast a couple of baking sheets of vegetables. We eat the soup for dinner one night. Ditto with the veggies. Leftover soup / veggies get portioned into pint Mason jars with lids. We also wash & prep salad greens for the week. Everything goes into containers in the fridge so it's easy to assemble lunches every day.

Eating out takes too long, and I never feel as good as I do when I bring food from home.
Fruit and sometimes either a small piece of cheese or if we have it a slice of cold chicken.
Occasionally skip breakfast, and occasionally make a big one, omelette etc, then light lunch. I have found however in 2+ years of FIRE that I have to "try" to make a good lunch else it becomes boring. I usually cook for DW and make good dinners so there are often leftovers. And usually, early in the week, I make my "big salad" with 12-15 ingredients, all kinds of veggies, cheese, egg, a bit of bacon, sometimes some fruit. Only eat it with flavored balsamic vinegar's and a teaspoon of oil.
I have a rotating menu:
Bowl of Campbells Chunky soup OR
Vienna Sausage w/mustard and some fritos OR
Roll up some lunch meat and a piece of cheese.
Two eggs with Muster cheese on a tortilla for breakfast (9:00 am), and some crackers-N-cheese, with a few pcs of sushi around 3:00 pm, having meatloaf in a about an hour.
The default is a light to medium lunch, depending on my schedule. I like to eat three times a day but can get by with twice if I plan ahead. I'm the person who wakes up and is eating 5 minutes later.
Every, single, day. I virtually never miss a meal or I get low blood sugar. A good lunch for me is dinner leftovers, but cheese and crackers with fruit will do.
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