Do you snore?


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 16, 2007
I have been tracking my snore using these two apps (snore lab, snore clock) on my iPhone. My snore ration ranges from 5% (22 minutes) to 33% (2hrs, 44 min) of my sleep, normally about 8 hours.
The loudness ranges from 30db to 90 db.

The Snore Lab app has a free version that you can try for free, the full version costs $6.99. It works with the Apple iHealth app as well.

The Snore Clock costs $2.99. No free version.
If you have a sleeping mate, no app needed :(
I have one of these too, and she snores more than I do (mutual app feature). I find that soft foam earplugs work pretty well.

My girlfriends husband is a terrible snorer and she said a soft foam pillow over his face works pretty well. :LOL:
I do not snore, but my wife does. She is always tired because of it, but will not do anything about it.

What can I get for her so that she stops snoring and gets restful nights of sleep?
Any male snorer with a 17" or larger neck or that weighs 200 lbs. or more needs to go to the sleep lab. Chances are they need to go on CPAP. Only a 2 night sleep study will diagnose the problem.

There are many women that also snore that need to be on CPAP.

The biggest benefit may be that you may can avoid open heart surgery. And those with untreated sleep apnea live substantially shorter than those using a CPAP system. And your wife might not kick you to the other end of the house because she cannot stand sleeping with someone that rocks the rafters.


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We both snored, sometimes pretty bad. Bamaman described me, 215, 18" neck. Dropped 50 pounds, and 3" off my neck I no longer snore. DW dropped 44 pounds she no longer does either.

I've seen 2 co-w *rkers get CPAP and what a change. The one guy had started to fall asleep in meetings, conference calls. He says he doesn't remember over a year of his life.

The other fellow had his tonsils out at age 44 and some other "trimming" done. He does CPAP now and has a totally different energy level. He never dirrectly sought treatment, a specialist suggested all this as he helped to diagnose a reoccurrence malaria.

Both fellows fit Bamaman's description also.
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Nope. At least my app doesn't say I do. My app does sometimes though... responds to a position change induced by a gentle nudge.
I do not snore, but my wife does. She is always tired because of it, but will not do anything about it.

What can I get for her so that she stops snoring and gets restful nights of sleep?

+1. Same issue with my DW
A sleep study, to figure out why she is snoring? But I guess that would constitute "doing something about it."

She would need to see a Dr. to get the CPAP machine that others have suggested. It is a prescription device, or so my siblings tell me. They both swear by their CPAPs, although to me, it resembles a torture device.

Meanwhile, you can get yourself ear plugs: Snoring Ear Plugs Buy Macks Ear Plugs for Snoring |

I do not snore, but my wife does. She is always tired because of it, but will not do anything about it.

What can I get for her so that she stops snoring and gets restful nights of sleep?
DW and I both snored, me especially.

A few years ago we both cut most carbs out of our diet and neither of us has heard a snore from the other since then.

We certainly didn't expect that as a side benefit from the diet change, but it has been almost miraculous.

Anecdotal, but it worked for us.

Incidentally, DW informed me years ago that while I "snored," she "purred."
DW and I both snored, me especially.

A few years ago we both cut most carbs out of our diet and neither of us has heard a snore from the other since then.

We certainly didn't expect that as a side benefit from the diet change, but it has been almost miraculous.

Anecdotal, but it worked for us.

Incidentally, DW informed me years ago that while I "snored," she "purred."


Improved diet lead to weight loss for us. Years of snoring ended for both. Originally DW may have purred but by this Febuary, it was a roar.:D

Technically we didn't eat low carb, just eliminated 90% of refined carbs. Now I'm trying to go down to less than 100 net carbs daily. So far I feel really good, lost another couple of pounds while on vacation. My urges for super sweet foods are so much better.
DW and I both snored, me especially.

A few years ago we both cut most carbs out of our diet and neither of us has heard a snore from the other since then.

We certainly didn't expect that as a side benefit from the diet change, but it has been almost miraculous.
Could this have been due to weight loss instead of removing carbs from the diet?
I tried the free Snore Lab app on my android tablet. It recorded for the full night but I don't seem to be able to play back any of the audio. Do I need the upgraded paid app for that?
Zinger, I use the free iOS version and there is no need to pay to play back the recording. Does the screen show the recording playing but no sound or you can't play the sound file?

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Does the screen show the recording playing but no sound or you can't play the sound file?

I click on the Statistics menu and it shows a snore/time graph that spans several hours with data recorded from last night. There appears to be a play button on the graph, when I click it an audio graph opens below it but doesn't play, looks to be locked or frozen. There is data showing up on the snore graph, it's just not playing.
Can it tell which of a couple is snoring? I assume it's just using the microphone?

DW claims I snore, sometimes. I dunno, maybe. But I know she snores off and on. Would either of us trigger it?

DW snores louder than me, thus I do not feel guilty.
I think it helps to:
1) sleep on your side (also good for the back)
2) reduce allergy symptoms if possible
I click on the Statistics menu and it shows a snore/time graph that spans several hours with data recorded from last night. There appears to be a play button on the graph, when I click it an audio graph opens below it but doesn't play, looks to be locked or frozen. There is data showing up on the snore graph, it's just not playing.

Looks like it is not working properly on your android phone. Perhaps email them and ask them if your android version is compatible.

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