Do you use a tablet for content like this??


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 24, 2021
I use a Chromebook laptop for reading forums, answering emails, watching Netflix/Youtube/etc.

It's used at the kitchen table, sitting up in bed, and on the couch.

I still would use my laptop to 'create content' but wonder if I'd enjoy 'consuming' it more on a tablet.

Amazon has a 10.2 inch 9th generation Ipad for $269. Anything better out there?
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Yes, my iPad is the primary way I see content such as internet browsing, forums, emails, reading articles and ebooks, and various useful apps like weather, CNBC, some games. I generally only use my laptop for spreadsheets and Quicken and a few longer typed documents.

For streaming video content we general watch that on the big TV screen via the small AppleTV box. I watch some YouTube videos on the iPad.

$295 looks like a good deal.
We have an iPad but don't use it. We either use our phones, our computers, or the television. Seems like the iPad "falls in the cracks". But maybe we are the exception.
Yes, my iPad is the primary way I see content such as internet browsing, forums, emails, reading articles and ebooks, and various useful apps like weather, CNBC, some games. I generally only use my laptop for spreadsheets and Quicken and a few longer typed documents.

That's exactly how DW uses her iPad. She is on it all day.

I'm the opposite; I much prefer the laptop and only use the iPad to read newspapers (two every day) and magazines (two every week).

Very much an individual preference.
IMO, the iPad would be better for 'consuming' than a Chromebook. My iPad is better for 'consuming' emails and forums than my phone, MacBook or desktop. I multitask using the iPad for forums/email while laying on the couch/ recliner watching TV/Youtube/Netflix on the tv. My desktop is best for extensive posting on forums and creating emails because of the mouse and keyboard. My smarttv is best for watching Netflix and YouTube because of screen size.
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Very much an individual preference.

Exactly. You nailed it. :)

I just use my iPad for very casual play. I do jigsaw puzzles on it, play sudoku, and occasionally take a very snarky look at real estate for sale in my neighborhood ("They want WHAT, for THAT?" :LOL: ) .

I use my high end Dell laptop for everything else including this forum. It's so much easier to use with a real keyboard, it has a lovely big 17" screen, and also it doesn't weigh as much (since my laptop is on a swivel table over my lap, as near to or as far from my eyes as I want, and doesn't need to be held or propped up).

I have absolutely no desire to ever own a Chromebook. But hey, I'm old fashioned as befits someone my age. :LOL: :wiseone:
I use my iPad 99% of the time. I even create some simple spreadsheets and word processing docs on it. The cover I have includes a keyboard, but I only use that about 10% of the time. The iPad a great device.

We also have a couple of Amazon Fire HD 10” tablets. I got them on sale for something like $80 each. They’re mounted in brackets on our gym equipment (1 on an elliptical and 1 on a treadmill) for videos and music while working out, but every now and then I’ll use one if my iPad battery runs low. While not as fast or elegant as an iPad, they’re great for the price. Video is especially good on them.
I use my iPad most of the time. It's definitely the best choice if I'm just reading and sitting in my recliner. However, if I need to type a lengthy response or manage some information (copy, paste, edit), it's much better to use a keyboard, and for me, that's my desktop. DW sits in the chair with a laptop in her lap. I don't like sitting like that but if I was okay with it, a light laptop would probably be my go-to machine.
I use my iPad if I watch anything online. I put in my AirPods and watch away. It’s actually a great way to watch shows.
I have a decorator game that I play on my iPad in order to be more competitive when decorating!

I prefer to read on the iPad but typing is easier on my phone.

I use my laptop for spreadsheets, some bill paying, and solitaire.

I do almost all of my word games on my phone. If I could figure out a way to type as easily on my iPad I would totally use it.

I really like my electronic gadgets though so I would totally buy an iPad for that price.
I have a Microsoft Surface. Mostly I use it docked as a desktop computer with normal peripherals; monitor, real keyboard, scanners, etc. I also use it as a tablet with a stylus for morning reading in my recliner.

DW and I both have Samsung tablets for travel. There is a lot of stuff on my Surface that I don't want to put at risk for theft or loss. That's what the Samsungs are for -- apps limited to the basics like web browsing, mail, etc. and absolutely no financial apps or data of any kind. Travel information is kept in Evernote, so I can manage it at home with the Surface and access it while traveling via synchronized copies on the Samsung.
I do almost all of my word games on my phone. If I could figure out a way to type as easily on my iPad I would totally use it. .

Look up splitting your keyboard on the iPad. That may do the trick.
The online computer formats are different for PC's, tablets and smartphones. I like the PC formats so much better and I use a Dell laptop in day to day use.

My wife uses a smartphone all the time, but it's more difficult to navigate.

When we travel overseas, we carry a tablet to make room reservations, etc. with. It sure beats hauling a laptop around.
I had a cheapo Samsung tablet long ago but I don't miss it since my most recent two phones have 6"+ screen. I just mostly read and do Google sheets and docs. But if those folding phones ever drop down to my price range and not break too soon from folding and unfolding, I will definitely get one.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet that I like to use for reading and websurfing, but not so much for typing more than a few paragraphs, but I find I use my phone a lot these days because the screen is sharp and it is handy/convenient. For typing more than a few paragraphs I prefer my laptop that has a regular keyboard.
I use my iPad for everything - can even answer my phone on it.
I use my phone for casual things.

i have a superlight laptop I use for spreadsheets and reading magazines and newspapers.

2nd older laptop for financial work, banking etc.

I have not found tablets to be light enough to be useful for me.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet that I like to use for reading and websurfing, but not so much for typing more than a few paragraphs, but I find I use my phone a lot these days because the screen is sharp and it is handy/convenient. For typing more than a few paragraphs I prefer my laptop that has a regular keyboard.

^^^^^^^ This is me too,every morning I get up ,grab acuppa joe, open laptop and surf emails,and several forums,do what ever I am needing or wanting to do on financials, then close out and get on with my day. In the evenings while watching tv in my recliner my samsung is sitting there and I read or play on it. My DW says "I don't see how you can keep up with the program and surf at the same time." :popcorn:
I use a Chromebook laptop for reading forums, answering emails, watching Netflix/Youtube/etc.

It's used at the kitchen table, sitting up in bed, and on the couch.

I still would use my laptop to 'create content' but wonder if I'd enjoy 'consuming' it more on a tablet.

Amazon has a 10.2 inch 9th generation Ipad for $269. Anything better out there?

Android user here but I do enjoy my 10.1" Blackview Tab 13 for consuming content. Like Irishgirl, I also use earbuds. Viewing YouTube videos in this manner is fantastic.

I can't stand typing on a laptop keyboard. I much prefer speaking into the microphone on my tablet to compose forum posts, emails, etc. Anything longer than a paragraph of two I will likely save it for my PC keyboard. Another option is glide typing on the tablet with the Google keyboard (I also do this on my phone.) Once you get the hang of glide typing, it's quite handy.

I would jump on that iPad for $269.
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I think it's been a decade I've used 10.1 tablets as a secondary device. First was the Google Pixel tablet (even used that in a van in NZ to watch movies) and more recently a Lenovo Duet Chromebook. The Duet cost $179 at BestBuy a few years ago.
Thanks everyone for their comments & suggestions.

For some reason, I had iPad on the brain, even though I'm more of an Android person (Chromebook and Pixel phone).

It's good to see there are some good Android options.
If you are in the Apple biosphere, there are advantages to having multiple devices since they all will work in unison. If you are not, it doesn’t really matter much. I am Apple, my wife Android. Her watch, laptop, tablet and phone are all sorta on their own with their own methods of doing things and they all have separate, unrelated issues. It drives her nuts.
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