DW Looks Online - Ads Show Up On My iPhone


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 19, 2014
Apex and Bradenton
DW had cataract surgery in her first eye end-Jan. and in her second eye this week. This weekend she started looking at glasses on Costco and LensCrafter websites on HER iPhone.

Just now on MY iPhone I started getting multiple ads . . . for the exact glasses she looked at!

What the ? Ever notice this?
I have ads show up for things I have just been talking about....is it just my imagination?
I have ads show up for things I have just been talking about....is it just my imagination?
Not your imagination at all. Siri or Alexa or whatever is always listening and will generate content from that.
Is she using Chrome and are you logged in on the computer?

She’s on her iPhone. She types the website into Safari. No search engine.

I’m on my iPhone, reading the news on Bing, and every 4th or 5th frame is a set of glasses.

We’re on the same modem/router, so same IP address.
I might be because (I assume) you are in each others phone contact list.
Happens to us as well. I'll look up something on my laptop and ads will show up for it on my wife's. Guess I need to start using DuckDuckGo.
I didn't look up glasses. How'd her cookies get in my iPhone?

DGF and I have noticed it many times the last few years. She'll be shopping for something and I get the ads or vice versa. Only thing in common is the WIFI we share. Makes gift shopping a bit dicey unless I use an incognito browser page.
Your identities are associated with your home address. Your home address is associated with an IP. It gets worse from there.

We're all pretty naive about how much identifying data is saved by the big boys.

The way around this is to avoid standard browsers and use safe browsers or private mode. Even then I have my doubts.

A VPN is desirable if this concerns you. Something like the Opera browser has a built-in VPN. I use Brave browser a lot too.
I got you beat... the husband of an old coworker was driving by, and stops in the road to say hello. Haven't talk to him in several months.. The next time I get on FB, there's his profile as a friend suggestion...
You share the same account or logged into the same account? Can also be on tablets or other browsers. Or maybe Siri just listening in on what y'all talking about. Seems I recall Apple stating recently they uncovered a bug or some sort of recordings being stored

No Siri. We don't share accounts.
Also Google "browser fingerprinting." Turns out that my operating system, combined with my browser I choose to use, and other attributes of my system that sites can see when you visit them makes my computer uniquely identifiable even without the use of cookies.

Once they have determined you and your wife are at the same location sometimes, they can tie the two phones together even when you are not connecting from the same IP address.
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