DW says: No Hawaiian condo for you


Confused about dryer sheets
May 1, 2011
DW(aged 57) says kids, the grandkid and future grandkids are here in Sactown. We don't need no stinkin' white skies, jelly fish infested beaches, Olomana at the Hilton, or Farrington High reunions. Besides, DW says the Aina don't need another haole (me aged 61) with the beached whale look in a speedo.
Anyroad, I've been testing FireCalc and we can spend the following:
for 40 years 30%stock 70% stbonds (We have Van.Target Ret Income):

$15,000 (1.65% swr) 100% averaging $2,166,000

$20,000 (2.3% swr) 100% " $1,733,000

$25,000 (2.8% swr) 100% " $1,301,000

$30,000 (3.4% swr) 93% " $868,000

For 30 years, it gives all a success rate of 100%. Do the ranges given and the averages shown indicate how much will be left in the kitty when we are no more?
I dunno, my friend.

Forget what FIRECalc says. If the missus says "No Hawaiian condo for you!", then it is Sactown for you. Case closed, sorry.
I have given up, but we will fly over every couple of years. So you think FireCalc is worthless? Oh well, as an indicator of sustainable withdrawal rates is it reasonable?Thank you.
No, I never said FIRECalc is worthless, only that the missus would always have the veto power over what a man could buy. ;)

I thought your running FIRECalc was to see affordability of the Hawaiian condo, sorry!
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Happy wife, happy life!

That is exactly what DW keeps telling me. (usually when she is not getting her way) :(

Just trying to figure out the difference between that and her occasional "my way or the highway" attitude. Assertive women are sometimes tough to live with. :(
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Actually, DW (who retired yesterday :D ) and I will be flying to Maui in three weeks.

We're staying at a condo (Nords knows the details) and looking at the "possibility" of buying in the area we will be in.

Since we've traveled to all the islands over the years (3rd time for DW; 4th 4 me), we know what we want but it's just a chance to do a "final review". We figure that it's the time to buy; the question is will it fit our "family dynamics" (it's a long story).

BTW, we've lived on the North Gulf Coast (Florida, aka as the "Redneck Riveria" - near Destin) for a bit. I remember our morning stroll on the white beaches - along with many jelly's, depending on the time of the year. I have yet to experience them in HI.
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I guess I deserve these replies. I have been retired for about 6 years and dw insists on working (something about having to sit around all day watching me scratch). Unfortunately for me, she grew up on Oahu and likes the exciting life on the mainland. I've resigned myself to living here in sunny California.
Originally, I am from the Boston area. I met DW at the University of Hawaii at Manoa during grad school. After that, we lived in Saudi Arabia and Japan for many years. We've been here in Sacramento for about 23 years. And that is my introduction to you wonderful folks.
My wife is very happy now that grandchildren are here and on the way. Me, too. I'll ask some retirement questions a little later. I appreciate all your replies and look forward to getting advice about retirement.
Unfortunately for me, she grew up on Oahu and likes the exciting life on the mainland.
Oddly enough, the exciting Mainland life is one of the reasons we moved to Oahu...

Actually, DW (who retired yesterday :D ) and I will be flying to Maui in three weeks.
We're staying at a condo (Nords knows the details) and looking at the "possibility" of buying in the area we will be in.
Since we've traveled to all the islands over the years (3rd time for DW; 4th 4 me), we know what we want but it's just a chance to do a "final review". We figure that it's the time to buy; the question is will it fit our "family dynamics" (it's a long story).
Just don't get pushed into anything by the seller or the realtor. They see hundreds of visitors like you, and they're far more experienced at selling to you than you'll be able to resist.

The trick is to find five or six places where you could own a condo, and then be ready to walk away from all of them. Keep track of the prices, the HOA finances, and the local conditions. Then you can buy when you're ready, instead of when the realtor/seller have beaten you senseless with decision fatigue.

Or hold off the purchase until you can rent for 6-12 months. That gives you plenty of open houses to scope out the bargains.

Or tell the realtor you really like what you see-- but you're going to hold off until you can get a job at one of the local resorts...

I remember our morning stroll on the white beaches - along with many jelly's, depending on the time of the year. I have yet to experience them in HI.
I think it depends on the winds & seas pushing them ashore as well as the phase of the moon, which tends to bring them to the surface at night. There are lots of them out there in the deep water, and I've heard of an occasional mass beach landing, but I've never seen one.
If she was one of those women born with a dominant "grandma" gene, dynamite won't get her away from them for years to come....

Is there any other kind? At least amongst those that have the kids necessary to become grandmothers? But you're right, we're 3 1/2 hours away from ours and go back pretty much one week out of each month. And any discussions of changing locales always starts with "how far away from DD and DGD will that put us?"
Is there any other kind? At least amongst those that have the kids necessary to become grandmothers? But you're right, we're 3 1/2 hours away from ours and go back pretty much one week out of each month. And any discussions of changing locales always starts with "how far away from DD and DGD will that put us?"
I've been watching with interest to see if our daughter will ever care to procreate, let alone to see if my spouse has a Grandma gene. So far neither one has shown any detectable curiosity.

Spouse has expressed a desire to be a "Navy Reserve" grandparent: one weekend a month and two weeks a year. But no combat duty.
That is exactly what DW keeps telling me. (usually when she is not getting her way) :(

Just trying to figure out the difference between that and her occasional "my way or the highway" attitude. Assertive women are sometimes tough to live with. :(


And one who does NOT want to put anything off.... unlike me who says 'lets do it tomorrow'..... then the fight begins....
That is exactly what DW keeps telling me. (usually when she is not getting her way) :(

Just trying to figure out the difference between that and her occasional "my way or the highway" attitude. Assertive women are sometimes tough to live with. :(
No difference. You can make her happy by pleasing her, or hit the road Jack. And make a large deposit in her bank account on your way out. There's a great line in a beach song where she says-Let the door hit ya where the Good Lord Split ya!

That we should all learn about this earlier in life, and less expensively too.

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Hi all,
I didn't think I get any more replies. I never thought about a grandma gene. I know that when my first grandson came that my outlook on life changed a lot. Colors were more vibrant and I could suck in my middle area again. Maybe there's a grandpa gene too.
Nords: there will be no condo. That's okay with me. My wife is from Kalihi and three of my four kids were born there. Cheers, Bill
Is there any other kind? At least amongst those that have the kids necessary to become grandmothers? But you're right, we're 3 1/2 hours away from ours and go back pretty much one week out of each month. And any discussions of changing locales always starts with "how far away from DD and DGD will that put us?"

I loved visiting Hawaii, but I would choose my dear granddaughter in a heartbeat. It has been so hard having her live in CA and us in WV. I am so thankful for Skype. I can't wait until I fly out in June to get her and bring her here, so that she can go on vacation with us.
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