Hey TH, according to my son-in-law (Lutheran
minister), you are going to hell. Just thought you'd want to know.
John Galt
Send me a post card when you get there. I like to collect postmarks from exotic places.
Hey TH, according to my son-in-law (Lutheran
minister), you are going to hell. Just thought you'd want to know.
John Galt
. . . SG...somehow I think you're going to be the next guy buying the drinks. But I'll have the local post office run you off a postmark or two.
2) higher tax rates pretty much eliminate reason to work any longer than you must/have to anyway.
Why anyone would want to live in a metropoitan area is beyond me?
For hyperborea: I understand why you would want to work in the U.S. to enjoy higher pay, lower 'working income' taxes, and better climate. I'm not sure I fully appreciate, why you would want to go back even for 'low <no?> cost' health care. If your gov't employed health care workers do receive lower compensation and have to accept a lousy climate, hard to see how you would attract very many of the 'best and the brightest'. Why you would you want to wait in 'cue' for this care, when there are so many other alternatives, is ... ?? Oh well, choices - it's all about choices.
LOL -- I guess you have me there, but before I take out my stubby pencil -- Do you really believe my gov't pension + eventual SS benefits + investment income (all taxed by U.S.)would result in lower taxes, if I paid canuk taxes on top of U.S. taxes?? Palleez some common sense.
Will you still be able to collect on your U.S. SS when you go back?
As I stated before, you couldn't pay me to use canuk's socialized medicine. So, if by some miracle paying taxes to two countries was actually cheaper, there is absolutely NO way I would trade my earned medical benefits for the dubious delights of socialism.
It should be real interesting to see what happens in a few years, when canuk's boomers start to hit zip's mum's age and all want the freebee ultra-bionic treatments at the same time.
Sorrrry about changing trains in mid thought on you. I tried to apply your logic to see how it would work for me. You asked if I had done the math on taxes and I really have no reason to do tax math for anyone else.
It sounds like in your old age, you'll have U.S. youngsters to support your SS and canuk youngsters paying your med bills. It should be interesting to see who gets fed up first.