Hi everyone
New to forum but have followed RE homepage since early 2002.
Have thought about ER since I was around 24, now 32. Unfortunately I did more dreaming then planning saved only a small amount in tax defered plan.
I contributed 7.5% of my salary from age 25 thru 31 to my job's 457 plan(no matching). At that time the plan was to retire at 40.
Now major change in lifestyle. Stay at home parent with a 5 year old and an infant. 1 salary no contributions for me in any plan or investment, husband contributes to job plan. No plans to work full time too soon. Childcare alone will be $1,000-$1,200 month.
I believe I suffer from "paralysis analysis", have obtained a wealth of information, I am an eager reader who has read numerous books over the past few years too many to include in this post. Attended wealth building seminars, real estate, and multi level marketing, was involved with two and currently an inactive member of one.
At this point I feel a little deflated starting all over again. Would like to retire before 50, would have to have income again at some point. Save for college, house, and travel with kids and without.
Is it possible to do all of this? Pursue interests like travel now while I'm in my early 30's compared to 20 years from now or am I just dreaming? My first step has been tracking spending with little help from my husband.
Kind of long for my first post but it would be nice to hear from people on this forum who seem to have it together and those already living the dream of early retirement.
Have thought about ER since I was around 24, now 32. Unfortunately I did more dreaming then planning saved only a small amount in tax defered plan.
I contributed 7.5% of my salary from age 25 thru 31 to my job's 457 plan(no matching). At that time the plan was to retire at 40.
Now major change in lifestyle. Stay at home parent with a 5 year old and an infant. 1 salary no contributions for me in any plan or investment, husband contributes to job plan. No plans to work full time too soon. Childcare alone will be $1,000-$1,200 month.
I believe I suffer from "paralysis analysis", have obtained a wealth of information, I am an eager reader who has read numerous books over the past few years too many to include in this post. Attended wealth building seminars, real estate, and multi level marketing, was involved with two and currently an inactive member of one.
At this point I feel a little deflated starting all over again. Would like to retire before 50, would have to have income again at some point. Save for college, house, and travel with kids and without.
Is it possible to do all of this? Pursue interests like travel now while I'm in my early 30's compared to 20 years from now or am I just dreaming? My first step has been tracking spending with little help from my husband.
Kind of long for my first post but it would be nice to hear from people on this forum who seem to have it together and those already living the dream of early retirement.