Erd and really angry/feel like the wind knocked out of my sails.

I was outraged when I read about a 3 year old child being shot in the spine and paralyzed for life while playing on the deck of her third floor apartment. The bullet came from a street shooting. Amazingly the child forgave the shooter in court during his sentencing.

That incidence was apalling because of its randomness, but the shooting of the four Newark students is horrific. It is easy to become numbed when there are so many shootings on inner city streets, but the Newark shooting shocks one out of that complacency. It is difficult to imagine the loss for their families, friends, and community. One can only hope that some good will come from this tragedy.
Whether it's the playground bully, the a$$hole cutting you off in traffic, gangs, druglords, or terrorists, it's time to be "mad as hell, and not take it anymore"...
Yes it is the people that kill people....

But, teach your children to RUN.... I learned this when I was very young...

If someone has already pulled the trigger, there is nothing that is going to stop them pulling it again.... so don't follow them into a back alley to be killed... RUN as fast as you can...

Distance with a handgun means that likelyhood of them hitting you is a lot less.. and if they do, then you would have been shot anyhow...

I am sorry for the loss.. and that you were so close to the kids... it is tragic.. Here in Texas they would be charged with capital murder and more than likely get the death sentence...
Yup, it's the people that kill. We just provide them with the tools.

I just read that 190000 guns that we provided to Iraq are missing. I wonder what will happen to them? More tools for the work force. One can never have enough guns.
I just heard this on the evening news and I shed a tear. What is wrong with us humans?
I forget the years on this but - there was a shooting on a Long Island Rail Road communter train by a deranged person - killed several & injures several. It got national news coverage.
A few months later 6 (I think) Fordham University Students were killed in an appartment in the Bronx - no national coverage. It was thought that a killer went to the wrong apartment or it was a "push in" robbery that went wrong.
I don't know what the answer is.
More of our young are killed in automobile accidents than anything.
Passing more silly gun laws means law-abiding people are left defenseless, and the criminals who are already ignoring laws against things like murder, rape, robbery, drug dealing, etc. just ignore one more law. And why not? The harshest ban on guns possible is just one more charge to be plea-bargained away for a criminal.

The "No guns" zone at VA Tech didn't help anybody. But look what happened in Utah... nutjob pulls a gun, shoots one or two people, and then someone else shot him and ended his rampage.

Why do people lose all ability to think rationally about topics like this?
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I have the answer, let's make more guns. Do away with the Police and it'll be the wild west again.
Its more about a society that has lost its way. There is no real leadership in most american cities. Corrupt politicians, police that look the other way in black and hispanic neighborhoods.Then the Gangs that intimidate law abiding citizens. Parents that are ill prepared to raise children and you have an underclass of predators that have very little value on life.

The country needs to address its real troubles, Iraq Iran and other places around the world mean very little if our home front is a mess.
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