Expenses Redux

Categories are a bit different, but here's 2007 rounded to the nearest percent:

23% Insurance premiums of ALL types.
13% Utilities - Including garbage pickup, cell phones.
12% House - Maint. & repair. High in 2007 due to foundation repair (don't move to Texas).
11% Food - All things from a grocery store, incl. paper products, cleaning supplies, OTC meds, etc.
11% Other - Various & sundry incl. gifts, travel exp. other than gas, etc.
10% Real Estate Tax - Don't move to Texas.
6% Fed. Inc. Tax - Did some Roth conversion.
4% Health Costs - Dr. & Dentist costs, a smidge of prescription med.
4% Cars - Licensing, inspection & em. testing, parts and maint. & repair.
3% - Gasoline
2% Clothes
1% Cash Expenses - Little stuff that probably belongs in other categories but too lazy to force it as long as the total amount remains low. Minimizing use of cash really helps to get ahold of expenses, tracking-wise.

2008 is a year of change, youngest is now on their own, so In$urance Premiums will come down, Car$ will come down some too.

College and college living expenses were not included in the above, they were handled "Off Budget" so as not to skew the whole picture (got that idea from the Federal Government :D )

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