Expenses that went up/down during COVID?

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Dryer sheet aficionado
Jan 16, 2018
Analyzing my Q1 vs. Q2 expenses, everything went down except*:

  • Utilities
  • Groceries
  • Fitness - Started taking some extra online classes, bought home gym equipment

*Not factoring things like car insurance, which only happens 2x per year.
Travel is non existent. Entertainment is way down. Transportation is somewhat down.
Everything else is around the same.
For me, every category is down or flat except:
1) Groceries (way up)
2) Utilities (power and water, slightly up).

Travel spending is the most notable "down" category. If things continue this way, we'll end up spending $5,000-$7,000 less on travel this year vs. last.
Yes, our grocery spending has gone up a lot since we can't do comparison shopping. They're giving us a break on electric usage (every day is considered a holiday all day long) so that's down, as well as our auto insurance premium. No travel, not much gas usage at all, and no more sports activities, but overall, I've been spending more this month (as well as last month) from buying things online to do room updates (new curtains, furniture) and to order other things.) Keeping my mind busy and entertained costs money!
There’s the stuff that has fallen, which others have mentioned, and there’s the costs that I’ve used this slack time to finally drive down, i.e. I changed our cell phone plans and cut monthly cost by more than half; Called the WiFi company and lowered the bill while doubling the speed; DW started cutting my hair, seemingly happy to do it and she’s pretty good.

I guess I’m not doing the economy any favors.
The only category that's up for us is groceries. But the increase is not as much as I was expecting, considering that we have not eaten out since mid-March, including take-out and delivery.

Travel and entertainment is down to zero. We even got big refunds for several trips and concerts we had booked early in the year.

Gasoline is WAY down.

Haven't paid any federal tax yet, plus they sent us $2400. I'll be sending it back, plus a LOT more, on July 15.

DW's "shopping" expense is down. Stuff like clothes, shoes, home decor is WAY down. She still buys gifts for the grandkids though.

We're doing a lot of home improvement stuff, but I'm mostly using materials and supplies that we already have or can get from Amazon. I haven't been to Lowes or Home Depot since March. I used to go 3-4 times per week.

Medical is down a little just because we've both deferred our routine dental exams.

Most other routine bills like utilities are about the same. Liberty Mutual gave us a Covid credit of $35. Woo hoo!
Travel is way down and I have a pile of IOUs from 2 airlines and Overseas Adventure Travel so when I'm ready to get on a plane again I won't be spending additional cash. (The largest, the OAT credit, is for any departure date through 12/3/2022 so I have hope.)

Taxes are way down just because of 2019 investment results and how the capital gain distributions went. I'd paid additional over the estimated in 2019 for my 2018 liability; this year I got refunds on State and Federal and Estimated payments are lower.

Some offsets: increased charitable deductions, and having quartz countertops installed, which I did after I realized how much the taxes were going down.
Someone talked about haircuts. That too, but in addition, I quit coloring my hair. I wear a baseball cap whenever I go outside now, so why bother coloring my hair, right? It's been liberating. So much easier. I've decided to go natural going forward. Heck, by the time COVID is gone, all my colored hair may have already grown out and I can cut that part off!
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Gasoline is the only thing that jumps out as being way down. I've burned about a quarter tank of gas in the pickup since March, and the Honda (the daily driver) has been filled twice, mostly because DW went on two baby-sitting trips, each an hour and a half or two hour's drive each way. And we got a $25 check from the car insurance company. Oh joy, but as the expression goes it's better than a poke in the eye.

We didn't eat out much to start with and none since February so that doesn't show much. Utilities are the same since we're homebodies anyway.

We very rarely do travel so that was never an expense anyway and we're certainly not doing any now.

My R/C hobby expenses have slightly increased, I think that has more to do with nice weather than COVID.
Groceries are our only main hit. A combination of higher prices and the kids who have no where else to go are hitting the lakehouse more frequently. The crab, jumbo shrimp , and prime beef inventories have taken quite a hit.

On the other hand, our lack of travel has more than made up for the above increases. However I feel other inflationary pressures are on the horizon.
For the first 6 months of this year as compared to last year, our total expenses are down 19%. That includes "pre-paying" some of our 2020 taxes. We have become savers again. :)

Comparing March-June to the same period last year, groceries were the only things up that I can attribute to the lockdown, as we did our stocking up in March and April. Grocery spending was down in June and will be down in July.

Vacation and entertainment, were way down thru June. Recreation was way down March through May, but in June as I bought a year membership at a local golf club that has its Jan-June total up a bit over last year. I am already more than a third of the way to breaking even on the membership, so that is just a temporary spike.
groceries way up. even after we try to "normalize" by backing out the odd items like kilz we order alongside the grocery pickup

dining out ZERO

but groceries now plus dining out now is still less then groceries plus dining out precovid

travel zero now but we still journal 1k a month to the pot.

clothing now zero for DH. higher this month for me bc I ordered summer lounge dresses

grooming/personal care almost zero now. haven't had a cut since march and I give DH his covidcut with a razor

gas almost zero now. a tank every other month maybe

Amazon bill is as high as it is at Christmas. If it brings me joy, "add to cart". I expense it all to Home Maintenance and look confused if im questioned. LOL
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Groceries up due to both Splurges and Inflation.
Gas down a bit more to price as we do a couple drive abouts to no where when bored.

Travel, Restaurant, Taverns, Sport Events are zero. Well almost zero, we did get take out 3 times since March.

Turns out if I have to I could live on SS only. Not that I'm ever expecting that. I'm down to about half last year's first 6 months expenses even though I took two trips.
Alcohol bill went way up in March, when I thought they might be closing down everything. I recall they tried that in Michigan initially, and it created near riot conditions at liquor stores.

Bought 4+ months worth in a 2 week period starting in mid March.

Grocery bill also spiked, but now coming back down to normal.
gas and entertainment is down (big surprise) but everything else is unchanged. we continue to set aside $ for our various sinking funds.
My landscaping expenses are huge, up to a brand new car. Everything else lower.
Pre-COVID we ate out a couple of times a week, and takeout another couple of times. So between a lot less driving and eating in, my expenses are way down.
Pre-COVID we ate out a couple of times a week, and takeout another couple of times. So between a lot less driving and eating in, my expenses are way down.

We're spending about the same. Where expenses have been reduced (such as travel and dining out), we increased spending in other areas to optimize our enjoyment of life under current circumstances.

Can't you find some activity, even in today's environment, to increase your life's enjoyment to where it was prior to COVID-19?
- Groceries - up because I can't comparison shop or shop around as much as I used to.
- Travel - $0.
- Entertainment and Dining out - Would be $0 except I re-signed up for Netflix for $12 a month.
- Gas - way down. I think we needed just on half a tank for one car this past month.
- Hair - $0. I started cutting my own hair with Creclip guides from Amazon. It turned out much better than I thought I could do. It has gotten so long I can cut the back myself by brushing it forward and using the guide. I'm also letting the gray grow out. I don't think I will go to the salons any more even post-pandemic.
- Household Expenses - Up a little. I'm spending more on little household repairs and items that needed replacing. Plus I've been fixing up the backyard with decorative solar lights. If we're going to be home it might as well look festive.

I also took the time at home to review expenses and invest some cash - like change our cell phone plan, renegotiate the cable bill, cancel an unused subscription, invest some cash from a matured CD, etc. and all combined that added up to an extra $1.8K a year.
Gas, travel, dining out, entertainment, auto insurance are down.

Utilities and food are up.

Net result is that I am saving a lot of money every month.
Gas is down 75%. Only filling up once a month instead of once a week.

Groceries are up 10-20%, more snacking, more drinking.

Travel and entertainment are 0%. No where to go to spend money.

Home improvement projects are WAY up. :) New EGO mower, New EGO chainsaw, new woodworking projects, putting in a new driveway drain, etc.
For the first six months of this year:
Travel is way down to almost nothing, only took a short trip early February.
Recreation and entertainment are down to nothing.
Dining out is way down, done some take out but still not at the level of eating out before.
Gas is way down although this is not a big expense.

Grocery is up some.
Biggest expense is had to replace a very old sewer line.

- expense down
- portfolio up
I couldn't do this as "first quarter vs second quarter", because we were hit in early March. So I did "March through June, 2020" vs "March through June, 2019".

These expenses were lower:
  • gym fees (gym closed for 10 weeks, so no fees)
  • restaurants
  • gasoline and other car expenses

These expenses were higher:
  • Video games and gaming

All the other categories were about the same amount. Overall I spent less while sheltering in place, but not as much less as I had expected.
Haven’t run the full numbers through the first half of the year, but last I checked, we’re spending significantly less, ex a few one time home improvement projects we planned to do when we moved.

Tuition cut in half for DD and no summer camp costs for the kids has saved us a ton. We’ll likely be spending it next year on an unexpected extra year of private school, unless the plan put forth by the public school district changes significantly. Having zero extra activities for the kids has been enlightening—life is so much easier when we’re not racing from school to after school activity to dinner and bed and up every Saturday AM for sports. We’ve saved a lot here and more importantly, realized we enjoy life more without some of the extras.

Gas is way down, as is entertainment. We’ve only done take out a few times, so that’s way down too.

Groceries are up, but liquor bill is way down since discovering we are ok drinking Costco’s boxed wine as our nightly dinner wine.

Not much change in utilities, since we were wfh last year at this time. Took some time this weekend to review the cable and phone and will be making some cuts there. Some extra $ will be spent on electronics as we prep for cutting the cord and upgrade phones.

Fitness/gym spending is up, due to more online classes and investing in home gym equipment. Luckily we did this right before the shelter in place order, so avoided the big markups, but still expensive. The upside is we’ve both been working out much more consistently and I’ve lost a fair bit of weight.

Medical and dental is way down. Skipped dental visits the first half of the year and not having kids in school has meant we’ve all stayed healthy for the first time in ages.

Household/home improvements are up, mainly due to having more time to focus on projects. We’re tackling a couple of big $ items we’ve had on the to do list for a while next month, so will be way up then, but this is the last of the big ticket things we’ve wanted to do. The upside is that since I’ve been home I’ve had time to get multiple bids and do some comparison shopping. So far the work has come in at about 1/3 of the original bids we received.

Clothes and personal care way down. DH used the time to grow out his cut and finally stop coloring his hair, so that’s a significant knock off our regular recurring expenses. No need for nicer clothes for us or the kids. We’ve all been living in workout wear. Need to get the kids some back to school clothes soon though.

Spent more on amazon that I would have liked—mainly homeschool supplies, household organization and kid stuff. Spent what felt like a ridiculous amount on toys and activities to keep them busy this summer, but in retrospect, it’s about what we spent on DD’s bday party last year, which won’t be happening this year, so...

All in all some significant reductions, but I would expect a decent pick up in the next two months, between school and projects. What’s encouraging is how many of the changes I hope will be long lasting changes to our budget. Eating out is the one item I think will go nuts once we feel safer doing it. I would much prefer to keep our food spend down and cook at home, but the rest of the family is itching to go out.
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