Favorite non-alcoholic smoothie blend?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 5, 2007
With all the blender/BM/BT talk on other threads, it sounds like quite a few of us are whipping up [-]healthy[/-] yummy smoothies. What's your fave?

My typical breakfast smoothie is:

LARGE handful spinach/kale/other greens (fresh or froz)
1/2-1 banana
abt 1/2 c blueberries (froz)
abt 1/2 mango (I buy lots when on sale, chop into 1" cubes and freeze)
1 lemon (cut the peel off)
OJ or coconut water for liquid

Sometimes I'll toss in some lucuma powder or cinnamon


DBF's smoothie is quite different:

1 avocado
1 banana
1 scoop green powder (currently using Trader Joe's) :yuk:
1 scoop brewers yeast (working on skin issues)
1 egg
squirt of agave
sometimes steals some of my froz berries or cacao powder

Breakfasts of champions! (not sure about what we are champions of...but it sounds good!)
Here's what we have for lunch most days:

1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup vanilla soy milk
1 scoop vanilla whey protien powder
1/4 cup raw or roasted almonds (walnuts are good too)
1 tbs flax seed oil

Makes a thick, rich milkshake like smoothie that is fairly healthy, but not particularly low cal (500-600 calories).
After working out I drink:
4 oz. of trader joe's tropical fruit trio frozen fruit
1/4 cup of OJ
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 squirt of blue agave
1/2 cup of vanilla yougurt
I've been drinking canned!! fusion drinks, veggies and fruits combined; waiting for better looking produce to come into season.
I am drinking a smoothie right now...

Banana (fresh), strawberries (frozen), peaches (frozen), pineapple (frozen), honey, low fat milk, low fat yogurt. I don't measure anything.
1 banana
1 cup frozen berries (or any other fruit)
1 T ground flax seed
1 C skim milk or plain yogurt
1-2 T agave nectar (This is optional; depends on the sweetness of the berries)

I'm planning to start with green smoothies this week.
I've been drinking canned!! fusion drinks, veggies and fruits combined; waiting for better looking produce to come into season.

CJ--I buy frozen fruits during this season; there are tons of great varieties in the grocer's freezer section. Plus, I just got back from Sam's Club with a huge box of fresh strawberries and one of blueberries. YUM.
Oh ya, can anyone recommend a pleasant-tasting protein powder?? I've tried a few from GNC and they were nasty. Thanks.
No FIRE food thread would be complete without... BACON :D

"Chocolate Bacon Smoothie!"

1/2 cup yogurt
1 cup soy milk
1/4 cup acai
1/2 cup frozen raspberries and blueberries
1 TSP greens (dietary supplement)
2 strips of slow cooked, savory maple bacon
1-2 TBSP dark chocolate powder
1 TBSP Agave

Combine ingredients, blend until smooth.
I like mine simple.

one banana
1 cup skim milk
a splash of coconut sugarfree syrup

From another thread:

4 oz water, 4 oz 2% milk, 1 heaping tsp of metamucil-compatible (orange flavor), 2 tsp protein powder, 2-3 tbs peanut butter, and 1/2 frozen green banana (that is, I buy them green, and cut and freeze them before they ripen). The peanut butter is the most important part.

Important: The longer you blend it, the thicker it will become. I found that it's not as good if it's too thick.

a splash of coconut sugarfree syrup
That sounds good! Which brand?
That sounds good! Which brand?

I use Torani sugarfree syrups, available at World Market and elsewhere in a number of different flavors.

I forgot to mention that the sugarfree-ness of the syrup, and the skim-ness of the milk, are due to my constant struggle with overweight... :blush: But the Torani sugarfree syrups are pretty good.
Right. The Davinci sugar free eggnog syrup is fantastic.
1 banana
1 to 2 cups frozen strawberries
2 cups 2% milk
1 cup International Delight French Vanilla coffee creamer (sugar free)
a couple healthy squirts of Hearsay Chocolate Sauce. (optional)

This thing taste too good to be healthy.

My frequent breakfast/lunch:

12 oz. plain, nonfat soy milk
1 banana
1 cup frozen berries (raspberries or strawberries usually)
1/2 scoop protein power
1 heaping Tbsp. wheat germ
In a Magic Bullet cup:

1 banana
1 T frozen OJ concentrate
1/2 cup frozen berries / stone fruits (cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines)
1 T flax oil.
Milk or Almond/Soy milk to fill.

Then whip it, whip it good!
I'll have to give that one a try! To me Davinci and Torani are equally good. I never tried SF eggnog syrup.
I have tried both the Davinci and Torani and found that I prefer the Monin brand. It has a more authentic flavor. Tastes more like the real thing.
Oh ya, can anyone recommend a pleasant-tasting protein powder?? I've tried a few from GNC and they were nasty. Thanks.

I like Syntrax nectar: Netrition's Syntrax Prices
I've heard the fuzzy navel and the pina colada are really good. I have the twisted cherry and roadside lemonade - they are pretty sweet though (can be made into good popsicles), so I usually cut the sweetness with some cottage cheese and coconut milk. I've heard that you can buy a 10 pack of samples of different flavours. I also like Designer Whey for the plain jane chocolate and vanilla.

Here's some recipes, sometimes the PP is nasty because you're taking it straight and might taste better mixed with some real food like fruit.
70 Protein Shake Recipes | Project Swole
I mostly just buy a 6-pack of Gerber's Baby Food and skip the preparation time.

just got my OSTER blender from amazon for about $45 bucks and whipped something up real quick

about 6 oz soy milk, 1 banana, 20 grapes, 8 strawberrys, 1 small cup strawberry yogurt

came out pretty good....might add some splenda next time for my sweet tooth

wondering what i can add to keep this low-cal and healthy....ive seen mention of hemp seed, flax seed, wheat germ....
I got some Designer Whey Protein powder yesterday (Strawberry). Seems less sweet than others -- good with frozen strawberries in a smoothie.

a splash of coconut sugarfree syrup
I couldn't find any of these at the stores I checked yesterday. The closest World Market is 4 hours away. I guess I'll have to buy online or make my own.
I couldn't find any of these at the stores I checked yesterday. The closest World Market is 4 hours away. I guess I'll have to buy online or make my own.

Good idea. Or, you can locate the nearest store to you that carries Torani syrups, here. They don't cost much online ($7.95/bottle), but the shipping charges are enough to make your eyes water ($6.95 for that same bottle).
Thanks, that web site said that a Winco near hear might have it. In the meantime, I made some (using Splenda) and froze it in an ice cube tray, so it's easily added to smoothies. The shredded coconut has sugar in it, however.
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