Five Years Ago Today!


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 29, 2019
Five years ago today was my last day of w#rk!

I left with mixed feelings as I needed to be able to be more available for my family, and was afraid that I was making the wrong decision. Five years shows me that I did the right thing! My better half was still working (he left in June of the following year). My job had a lot of prestige, but as I said then and still say now - it was a dream job, just not mine. I liked the actual w#rk but not what the company had devolved into. From reading so many of your posts, most of you understand completely!

As my name implies, I am still figuring out what I might like to do with my spare time, as I still have little of it. I have the old ladies I help and visit which also gives me insight into my potential futures, and children still at home. One is at college, probably not for too much longer as the covid cases are climbing there, and the other is a May graduate in a STEM field who cannot find work, though maybe he will get lucky today - he has an interview!

I have been a longtime lurker, and this board has helped me tremendously. Your stories, your knowledge, your insights - all tremendous! Thank you all!!!

And for any of you on the fence, if you can pull it off financially and you have confidence in your health insurance plan, Go For It! Retirement is wonderful, and you never know how many good years you'll get.
Hey Stillfiguring, I bet you are surprised how fast the 5 years went by, eh? I sold my dental practice almost exactly 5 years ago, but worked 2 half-days/week for 6 more months, but frankly, with the burden of ownership off of my head, and really, 2 half-days/week? I sure felt retired.
I have to say that when I did fully retire, in March the following year, it did take me a while to get used to it. I wasn't unhappy, but it just felt weird not to have that set of obligations. But hey!, I'm completely used to it now, having just finished my 5th retired summer.
Glad I did it when I did it, (I had just turned 62 when I sold the practice), happy as a clam, I am, I am.
Sounds like you are too!

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