For Book: Rogue Nation Hotspot in 2024


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Jun 30, 2006
The book I'm working on now, Democracy's Thief, will include a rogue nation which is analogous to the North Korea of today. That is, the leader of that nation will seem crazy, and will threaten nuclear attacks.

The book takes place in 2024.

My current thought is to have Finland be this nation. The idea is that it's funny that one of the world's least threatening countries will have become the top threat.

However, I'm thinking it's too unbelievable, and there isn't enough time for that nation to change so much (unless much of the change happened secretly).

Other options include simply using North Korea, or choosing another country.

Note also that [Spoiler Alert] the US will launch a preemptive attack on whatever country I choose.

Your thoughts?
If you don't want to go with North Korea, I think it would be plausible for Iran to have developed a nuke by that point.
The Duchy of Grand Fenwick.
You could model it after North Korea, Iran, etc but make it a completely fictional country. Re: Finland definitely no. -- I think most people would presume the book is a comedy or parody.
A random African country that 95% of the US would have to lookup to determine if it was a real country would be my recommendation.
Rogue nation hotspot in 2024? I'd vote for Banning.
I think that Argentina or Uruguay or Chile would do nicely. Lots of Nazis went there in the aftermath of WWII. Easy to envision generations of proto-Nazis brought up with the dream of revenge...Also, some industrial capacity to make a threat appear real.
I'd choose Pakistan. They already have nuclear weapons.
Yeah I read Finland and went outloud "nooooooo" so maybe a fictionalized -stan if not one of the above?

If, over the next 6 months, the EU moves into the crazy, then maybe, but right now looks like they have had their "wait, what?" moments.
Texas. They secede from the union, get hold of some nukes, and the crazy guy that led the revolution becomes Head Cowboy For Life.
How about either Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan? Believe they both have a portion of Vozrozhdeniya Island in the Aral sea. Soviets developed bio weapons on the island. Probably are very real reasons to still be concerned about these facilities and their security.

Of course you could use the breakaway Russian republic, Kreplachistan...
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Thanks for the ideas.

North Korea gets my vote.

I'm leaning toward that also. When a country with a crazy leader makes ridiculous threats, there's a visceral desire to squash it like a bug.

We can't do that in real life, but the readers might enjoy seeing it happen ina book.
I think I'd go Eastern Europe or S. America. Everyone has heard of Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, and Paraguay and Bolivia, and their major cities, but they haven't been in the American news much.

There's still a certain mystery to those countries, which would make it believable.

I like picking Kazahkstan, too. But do they even have cities outside of Astana?

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