From FIRE'd to Retired


Confused about dryer sheets
Aug 22, 2020
Where does the time go? FIRE’d 9 years ago at age 53. I turn 62 next month and plan on filing for Social Security as soon as I am eligible. DH is 5 years older than me and filed for SS at full retirement. With both of us on Social Security it occurs to me we are no longer FIRE’d (which implies privilege) and are just plain retired (which implies old). Has anyone else had trouble mentally adjusting to this? At what age is one no longer FIRE’d?
I simply don't think about if I'm FIREd or retired.
FIREd = Retired. Just a semantics issue. Sure your source of income changes with SS, but you were retired before SS, and continuing once receiving SS.
I don't feel comfortable claiming the "FI" part anyway. So I'm just an early retiree. I guess at some point I'll just be a retiree. And really, nobody cares.
FIREd = Retired. Just a semantics issue. Sure your source of income changes with SS, but you were retired before SS, and continuing once receiving SS.

+1 all the same to me. Retiring early moniker never disappears.
As long as we have enough money to take care of ourselves then it really doesn't matter much to me.

I always thought the most important thing was the FI part (Financial Independence.) Once you have that, you can retire, not retire, go on SS or wait to 70 (or whatever.) Independence means you can do what you want to do - even if it's continuing to w*rk! I did that for a while - until it wasn't fun anymore. I was gone the next week. YMMV
Yeah, I guess at SS age we sort of lose the bragging rights that went with retiring early. No more people exclaiming in a shocked tone, "But you're too young to be retired!", followed by our rebellious, "Says who?!"

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