Frustration on resolving IRS penalty notice

Today, I received a one page letter from the IRS acknowledging the fact that I sent in a timely tax return and saying that the fine and interest charges are waived. They also apologized for my inconvenience. This was in response to the Fax of February 2021. :)

Congratulations! I closed mine in 2013 and filed a timely 5500-EZ documenting it. I still get a form letter from them about every other year reminding me that I have to file one annually. Sure hope I never have to go through what you did.
That's great! Glad that, after all that time,pain, and inconvenience, this adventure is over.

I don't ever want to go through that again! I still need to contact the Tax Advocate service that has not gotten back with me since September and notify them I have resolved the issue through other means.
Congratulations! I closed mine in 2013 and filed a timely 5500-EZ documenting it. I still get a form letter from them about every other year reminding me that I have to file one annually. Sure hope I never have to go through what you did.

I'm going to call the 5500 EZ group and ask an agent to verify that my record shows closure just to be safe. (I did send in an amended return during this adventure since they lost the original).
IRS Advocate Service call

Toady I made a call to this service as I wanted to inform them not to proceed with the request I filed on September 1, 2021. As I mentioned before, I never had any response from them on the filing.

The call today wasn't a direct hangup like previous calls. Today there was a recorded message with prompts to leave a voice message on your issue. Well, the mailbox is full. So much for that.

But, interestingly, the recorded message said, paraphrasing..... "due to the ongoing pandemic, all IRS service offices are closed and people are working from home, but have limited ability to help on calls. If you leave a message, an agent may call you back in a few days....."(right)

When are these government workers going to go back to work? The rest of the nation is back to work.......:confused:

What I did is typed a letter and mailed it stating that since the issue was resolved by another means, do not process my request. (I wonder when they will get around to reading that letter?)
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Glad to here this. Congratulations.

These delays with IRS issues and resolutions are nerve wracking. It’s not right.
Glad to here this. Congratulations.

These delays with IRS issues and resolutions are nerve wracking. It’s not right.

Thanks, it was a long and tiresome slug.

I can't even imagine how big a mess all this backed up mail will be to the IRS when they come back to work.
I think that’s an outdated message. In August, I successfully scheduled an IRS office appointment at the Erie, PA field office for September 9th. I scheduled this by speaking with an actual IRS person. I ended up canceling the appointment, but that office was certainly open as were other offices found on the IRS website.
I think that’s an outdated message. In August, I successfully scheduled an IRS office appointment at the Erie, PA field office for September 9th. I scheduled this by speaking with an actual IRS person. I ended up canceling the appointment, but that office was certainly open as were other offices found on the IRS website.

I have been calling this Houston, Texas Tax Advocate office regularly since September 1 with never any person answering or any way to leave a message. This is NOT an IRS regional office where taxes are processed.

Maybe there are some offices open here and there and maybe it depends on the level of Covid infections in the area. I know for sure that Texas, especially Harris County where this office is, is a hotbed of infections. So maybe that has something to do with the office being closed.

I sent them a letter today and I'm done calling.
Yeah, glad it's over but don't you just want to rip 'em up one side and down the other?

Whasss Uppppp? Can't you guys corral your brainless computer? I've been sending you this stuff for 2 years now. Can anyone there read? Does it all go through the shredder?

Use it to start your BarBee?

"due to the ongoing pandemic, all IRS service offices are closed and people are working from home, but have limited ability to help on calls. If you leave a message, an agent may call you back in a few days....."(right))

If they work from home, doesn't it mean the phone calls are not recorded for "quality assurance"?
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