Gee Thanks... holiday gift no-no's

I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out what to get DW. What do you buy for a woman who already has me?

Gift certificate big enough to cover dinner for two at HER favorite restaurant, not yours? Or something romantic like jewelry?

Frank and I do not exchange Christmas presents (long story), but a week or two ago, out of the blue, he gave me the most wonderful present - - a pair of binoculars, the first I have ever owned. He knows that I want to take up bird watching.
DW has been asking for a Roomba for Christmas...thats a vacuum robot. Still a bad idea?

Sorry :blush:, allow me to amend that to...
NEVER EVER buy an UNASKED FOR vacuum cleaner or iron.

If the Mrs wants one, go for it. :D

PS Celebrate xmas on Jan 25. Get that vaccuum cleaner at a sale price, not at holiday markup price.
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