Halloween 2019


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Sep 18, 2012
Ya'll doing anything special? Are you turning out the lights and closing the doors? (It's OK, we've done that.)

The guy on the street behind us has a HUGE display of about 100 different items. Last Saturday he had a huge party and invited all kids. It is nice, but this is not really my holiday as there is no real faith element to it. But I won't poo poo those having fun. We try a bit too!

I'm doing my part by vigorously sampling all candy we give out. This is an important quality control step. :) Other than giving out candy, DW and I may wear an old costume. TBD.

What are ya'll doing? Anything? Do kids even come by in your CRCC? (We get an average of 40 to 60 kids per year in our 30 year old single family neighborhood.)

Let us know.
We have a raging snowstorm here in central Il. High winds and at least 3 inches of snow so far today. Now I have to eat all that candy, DH will help. Kids won't be able to see the sidewalks.
We probably only got around 25 peeps last year. Not sure why not more as there are many kids in the neighborhood and we put out some decorations and are welcome. The gates are left open for a few hours.
Perhaps they maximize their candy profits at the nearby mall.
We have a raging snowstorm here in central Il. High winds and at least 3 inches of snow so far today. Now I have to eat all that candy, DH will help. Kids won't be able to see the sidewalks.
Oh man. Growing up in Chicago, I remember (dimly) a snow storm on Halloween. I was crushed and I think I cried.
I’ll be handing out the goods (which I enjoy). Porch lights on and there’s usually a good turnout. I might drop by neighbors for a while but the weather is predicted to be a bit threatening.

I might watch “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” (Disney version in which Bing sings) that inspired my personal all-time favorite costume: The Headless Horseman. [emoji4]
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Our 55+ community has a Halloween Dance every year which is always lots of fun. Live music, food and treats, wine and beer, etc. Every year there is a theme, and this year's theme is "Hoe Down".

I'm going as a dead hooker.
I think we will have fewer kids this year..


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Hershey bars and Milk Bones

We have lights on and some mild decorations up. But not many kids live on our cul-de-sac, and it's a long, steep hill which discourages a lot of participants. I think we had all of 8 trick-or-treaters last year.

We give full-size candy bars. Some of our neighbors transit as entire families, including their pooches, so we also hand out dog biscuits for Fido... or even for the children if they really want them. (Most prefer chocolate.)

I will stay inside watching "The Great Pumpkin" until the doorbell rings.
I think we will have fewer kids this year..
Wow! I'm hearing temps in the teens in the Rockies.

We're sweating it out in the Southeast with upper 70s and humidity.

But, as Steelyman mentioned, storms are a-comin'. It might limit the tricks and treats.
I live in a condo, so no lights to turn on by the front door and I did not put up any decoration. There are few kids in the building and Halloween is not a big holiday around here anyway. I still bought a bag of candy, just in case. But so far no visitors. It is nearly 9:00pm here so it looks like the candy is all mine!:)
No need to turn out the lights. We haven’t had any trick or treaters in the 25 years that we’ve lived here. Our driveway is +800’ in a rural area of 5 acre parcels. But I had a snickers to celebrate
In Saudi, 30 plus years ago, for a Halloween party my late wife made Bee Costumes, complete with inflatable pool tires for the midriffs.

The next day was actual Halloween and the kids came around.....I wore my outfit and handed out candies. One little girl stared and stared and backed up down the pathway staring the whole time.

Couple days later I was out back and she and her dad stopped by......he said to her "You know this guy"...she looked at me...no recognition.....until he said "The Bee".....she looked again, and I thought "Now she knows who I am".

Not quite - she asked me where the Bee was.....I replied that he was upstairs sleeping, which was apparently quite acceptable.

Our 55+ community has a Halloween Dance every year which is always lots of fun. Live music, food and treats, wine and beer, etc. Every year there is a theme, and this year's theme is "Hoe Down".

I'm going as a dead hooker.

Is there a discount for your services?
We have candy, we'll have the lights on. But our neighborhood as aged in place - so not a ton of kids... we'll get around 20 kids. And I have the giant costco back of chocolates. More for MEEEEEE
In the five years we've lived here there have never been any trick or treaters, so this year I decided not to buy any candy in hopes of keeping my own calorie count down.

Small street on top of a long hill with no resident children.

The one thing I find remarkable is that people in this town go all out with Halloween decorations. They start going up in mid-September and some are incredibly elaborate. I've never seen anything like it, anywhere else I've lived.
The forecast for here is rain and even a tornado watch, although at the moment (4:20 PM EDT) the weather is no rain, but cloudy, and warm. Even so I'm not expecting a lot of kids. Normally we get maybe 40-50, and since DW always overbuys on the candy we had lots left over. Right now I'm (munch, munch) performing "quality assurance check" on the candy.
I will stay inside watching "The Great Pumpkin" until the doorbell rings.

I forgot about that! I’d recorded it off OTA last year but haven’t yet watched it for the zillionth time. I might be wrong but I think that was the first of many CBS Peanuts productions.

Popcorn and toons while listening for the doorbell to ring tonight. That works for me!

[ADDED] I see I was mistaken about it being the first Peanuts special, but it’s a good one. It doesn’t motivate me to hand out rocks though.
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We have a rare tornado watch tonight and a high (straight line) wind advisory. Used to be that leftover candy would go to the office break room where it would disappear like a carcass in the Amazon in a piranha feeding frenzy. Last year the folks at the library appreciated it so that’s what we’ll probably do this year. Well, after a little sampling by me first.
We usually greet 30-40 kids on Halloween. No snow, but temp will drop to 30F by 7pm, so I'm guessing we'll be on the low side.

We're handing out our traditional microwave popcorn packets. Across-the-street neighbor has an elaborate set-up in his driveway, including a fake steaming cauldron hung with a tripod over a fake fire. Not sure if he's hosting an actual party or what!
Usually we get little kids right after school and a few teenagers at night. Not this year--it's been snowing all day and it's cold, and the sidewalks are empty. Anyone who comes get all our treats (boring ones--Goldfish crackers and Swiss Miss hot chocolate packets, courtesy of Costco), but I really don't expect anyone.
We're gamers, and enjoy a lot of japanese anime. I like that some pre-teen's tend to come in cosplay now, and I think they are surprised that I recognize some of their characters.

One year we had a girl dressed in cosplay from DH's favorite show at the time, and he was all "oh hey let me see your costume!" - i told him you can't do that you sound like a creepy old man lol....
It is still lightly snowing here. I am not expecting more than a handful of trick or treaters. I have already started the quality control inspections.
If Halloween doesn't scare you, how about the fact that Grace Slick turned 80 yesterday?
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