Hang on!!!!!

Down almost 200k last week & backup 110k today. Still in the red but no sweat right? I apologized for ranting.
Markets down again triple digits because of another set of China data.

Investors jumping whenever the Chinese sneeze?

One narrative seems to be that the Chinese can't run their economy. Hmm, what exactly are they suppose to be doing? They've devalued and injected liquidity.

And the prospect of 25 basis points by the Fed is also making people jittery?
I just reinvested my dividends accumulated this year. Just to contain my buying enthusiasm.

If this drops goes much further (S&P 1800?) I'm bringing out some reinforcements.
Oh no! Look at China, the global economy is slowing!!!!

Oh no! The US economy is doing OK. That means the Fed is going to rate rates!!!!

In other words - all news is bad news.....

So the emotional "logic" of the markets often goes.
Oh no! Look at China, the global economy is slowing!!!!

Oh no! The US economy is doing OK. That means the Fed is going to rate rates!!!!

In other words - all news is bad news.....

So the emotional "logic" of the markets often goes.
Right. Add to that the need to correlate the news of the day with the changes in the capital markets around the world.
It's highly puzzling. Stock markets moves, news happens.

And then, headline:
Investors today are selling/buying/holding because of <news event>. Even if said <news event> "caused" the inverse stock movements the day before.

Sometimes the whole talking heads and daily paper routine seems like a worldwide inside joke.
From the link:

A leaked government propaganda directive from July said: “Do not conduct in-depth analysis, and do not speculate on or assess the direction of the market. Do not exaggerate panic or sadness. Do not use emotionally charged words such as slump, spike or collapse.”

Note the above words that I made bold. Nothing has changed in Red China. Badmouthing the gummint is reactionary, a crime against the state and people punishable by death.

If our CNBC reporters were in China, they would have been paraded then executed publicly. The Red Guards killed several millions during the Cultural Revolution for doing much less.
Yep - it's a different universe. I wish their stock market had much less impact on ours.
From the link:

A leaked government propaganda directive from July said: “Do not conduct in-depth analysis, and do not speculate on or assess the direction of the market. Do not exaggerate panic or sadness. Do not use emotionally charged words such as slump, spike or collapse.”

Note the above words that I made bold. Nothing has changed in Red China. Badmouthing the gummint is reactionary, a crime against the state and people punishable by death.

If our CNBC reporters were in China, they would have been paraded then executed publicly. The Red Guards killed several millions during the Cultural Revolution for doing much less.

That's terrible. I know I should be ashamed, but I can't help wishing they had jurisdiction over Paul B. Farrell...
I don't know about Paul Farrell. I stopped watching financial TV long ago, and when I did, it was only the cute female reporters that I watched. I would not want anything bad happen to these lovely creatures, no matter what they say.
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I do not think that our problems directly relate to Chinese slow down. Our trade deficit with China is enormous and most economists understand that printing more dollars to cover it is not going to work any longer. Our QEs already caused many Asian countries to switch their trade in their own currencies bypassing the dollar. I think it is result of the Feds policies since 2008. Many economists point out that Stocks were propped up by injection of huge funds from QEs to the economy. If so, then we will see farther decline in the Market or if Feds resume QEs, dollar surely is going to lose a lot of it's value.
I do not think that our problems directly relate to Chinese slow down. Our trade deficit with China is enormous and most economists understand that printing more dollars to cover it is not going to work any longer. Our QEs already caused many Asian countries to switch their trade in their own currencies bypassing the dollar. I think it is result of the Feds policies since 2008. Many economists point out that Stocks were propped up by injection of huge funds from QEs to the economy. If so, then we will see farther decline in the Market

+1, I agree completely. The Fed started it, and now Central Banks around the world are manipulating markets with this QE/zero-interest rate stuff, which only delays the day of reckoning. It's been 7 years of this stuff, and it simply is not going to prop up the markets for much longer, considering the overall weakness in the global economy. There was a comment article in today's NY Times, "A Call for a Free Market", that sums up all this pretty well:

+1, I agree completely. The Fed started it, and now Central Banks around the world are manipulating markets with this QE/zero-interest rate stuff, which only delays the day of reckoning. It's been 7 years of this stuff, and it simply is not going to prop up the markets for much longer, considering the overall weakness in the global economy. There was a comment article in today's NY Times, "A Call for a Free Market", that sums up all this pretty well:


Bill Gross shares a similar opinion in his Sept. IO

It's not all about China.

Has Gross been right much the last few years?

He should be thinking of FIREing.
Well according to Pat Robertson it was caused by the Supremes sanctioning gay marriage. So there you go, take your pick and personally I think it was in the stars.
Well according to Pat Robertson it was caused by the Supremes sanctioning gay marriage. So there you go, take your pick and personally I think it was in the stars.

And they seemed like such nice girls...




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Yep - it's a different universe. I wish their stock market had much less impact on ours.

Isn't it ironic when it their market was going up 100% earlier in the year it had little impact on us, but when their ballon pops it suddenly does.

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I agree. Theirs goes up and and ours does nothing much. Then theirs pops and for some reason ours does too. I can't understand it.

Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
Isn't it ironic when it their market was going up 100% earlier in the year it had little impact on us, but when their balloon pops it suddenly does.
Yes. Ridiculous!

But typical. Irrational crap happens like that all the time.
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