Has anyone changed to Hartford?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jan 21, 2007
Southern Louisiana
I am thinking about changing auto, home, and umbrella policy to Hartford Insurance Co.
Has anyone else done this? Is there any reason that this would be a bad idea?
I got a quote from Hartford on auto and homeowners. The auto premium was much less than we're paying now, but the homeowner's was more. The reason it was more was because they wanted to increase our coverage quite a bit. I thought the increase was too much (for our area).

I decided to stay with our insurance co. that we had been with for years. I guess I liked having an agent in my town (that I could come face to face with if there was a problem).

I do have an investment there and have received very good customer service from them.
Thanks for the info.
In order to receive the umbrella policy all coverages must go up. Funny how that is huh? I really thought I would receive many more replies because I thought that this might be a common practice. I guess not.
All I know is we got slammed on a much higher premium for our umbrella with State Farm after we switched our two DDs cars over to Geico. Switched them back the next year! PITA! Disclaimer - I hate insurance almost as much as taxes!

Jane (still not watching the *&^% game) :D
We just switched home and auto to Hartford (via the AARP "program".) Saved a little over 20% from the previous company we had been with for 25 years! I'm hoping it was a good move.
I switched to Hartford for auto and home in October. The savings was part of my decision. The fact that I was able to renew anually was the second decision.

My former insurance company sold to AIG, who would only renew for 6 months at a time. With increases in premium, of course.

I do not currently have an umbrella since my 20 year old son has his own auto insurance (after 2 single car accidents) and I refused to add him to my auto policy. AIG cancelled my umbrella when thy found he had separate auto ins. I have not pursued this with Hartford yet.
I've had Hartford (thru AARP) for about 4 yrs. for my car, truck and home. No problems. Had a claim and it was resolved without issue. I would recommend.
Deserat -- sorry to interrupt -- you have a personal message from me.
Well, from what I see here I should consider doing that. Haven't seen any negative responses. I think I'll consider it further.
Thanks for the comments.
... in honor of the new Hartford support of this web site ...
I posted first! Maybe they should give me a discount for warming up the site before they got here. :LOL:
I've responded to their request for quotes, several times on auto insurance.

They could'nt save me a dime. In fact, their premium was so much higher than what I currently pay,--I wouldn't even consider them.
I have looked at Hartford several times and have a few of the FREE clocks and Calculators lying around. NEVER was cheaper for Home and Cars Combined nor for each individually. My records are spotless, never a claim in last 40 years. If you compare be sure to have your current policy out and in front of you; match coverage for coverage (even if you are going to change coverages with the new policy). If you have a current company that pays a dividend or some other type of yearly discount (Like USAA) be sure to factor that in to the comparison. Good luck.
Jane_Doe said:
All I know is we got slammed on a much higher premium for our umbrella with State Farm after we switched our two DDs cars over to Geico. Switched them back the next year! PITA! Disclaimer - I hate insurance almost as much as taxes!

Jane (still not watching the *&^% game) :D
I hate insurance and insurance companies also - they're just out to make as large a profit as possible ("the American way, I guess"), and screw the policy holder whenever possible.
I made quite a bit of money buying/selling the stock shares of HIG and AIG. I do not hate them, but I do not use them for my insurance either. I do not mind that they are out to make as large a profit as possible. In fact, I encourage them to do so.
Anyone follow the secret ? About a yr before my home burned down I ws late on my insurance and decided to go to the office. While their we discussed my coverage. It had never been adjusted since purchase. Had I not gone in that day I wouldnt have had enuff insurance to cover the loss.
So maybe its not so bad to see what the new (higher ) rates are covering.
You have to have "replacement cost coverage" or some other named coverage that will increase with time to cover all the loss. Also nice to get something like "code coverage" whereby any loss it repaired to cover building codes that have changed since you initially insured the property. Very important where building codes have been enhanced recently (FL & LA?).
They had to rebuild to code. I did have replacement insurance. It was nice cause I get a bigger ac unit/ Plus they had to put hurricaine shutters.

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