
Just got back from a neighborhood meeting (discussion of forming a homeowner's assn.) and only two guys showed up wearing a hat. The cool looking one (me :D) had on a high-quality gimmecap. The not-so-cool looking one was wearing...yep, a Tilley. Took it off and showed me the neat (and now former) secret pocket inside the crown.
Stetson hat factory is somewhere around this part of MO - haven't had a 'real cowboy' hat since since I retired my Red Ryder BB gun.

heh heh heh
Hey, y'all -- I never said Tilleys weren't dorky.

It's dork-chic. And, good financial sense too.

I have calculated that if you compare one Walmart hat per 1.5 years versus a Tilley once per lifetime (see the guarantee), you could FIRE 17 minutes and 3 seconds earlier with the Tilley strategy. Furthermore, they decrease volatility by 11 percent.

As always, diversification is important. I have a 4", 3" and 1" brim style and can pretty much ignore the losers and wear the winners each year.

One of the great joys of the Tilley is to watch my son cringe in embarrassment every time I show up with it. His usual comment to my grandson is something like, "Don't worry. Grampa doesn't always look like that."

REwahoo.. what's a 'gimmecap'?

Around here we have (what I call) the "nonno" hat. This is basically the soft hat with front brim featured on rural Sicilians in "The Godfather". Very popular with gentlemen of a certain age.

For 'manliness', you could do worse than a Borsalino:


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Ah ha - enlightenment!

It appears I had 500 gimme caps before the 95 tornado and was back to about 100 before Katrina. Only about 5 now.

Might be a southern thing - never had any in Denver nor any trucks except a 1954 Chevy Surburban for fishing and stuff.

Also had 3 pickup trucks to go with them(hats) - two of which ran and made it out.

heh heh heh heh - never had any welders caps though.
sgeeeee said:
Lots of hats in the Southwest. Archaeologists almost all have a broad brimmed straw hat. Cloth or felt is too hot and the hat needs to have some character -- dents and broken strands, maybe even a hole or two. If you showed up at an excavation with a Tilley, the other archaeologists would probably burry you and the hat in the backfill.

Pretty much my hat selection.

So my old straw hat that gabe took a bite out of right at the front of the crown is good to go at any archeology site? Good to know!

Rich_in_Tampa said:
I have calculated that if you compare one Walmart hat per 1.5 years versus a Tilley once per lifetime (see the guarantee), you could FIRE 17 minutes and 3 seconds earlier with the Tilley strategy. Furthermore, they decrease volatility by 11 percent.

As always, diversification is important. I have a 4", 3" and 1" brim style and can pretty much ignore the losers and wear the winners each year.

Your strategy is fatally flawed my friend. My crappy straw hats last far longer than a year and a half.

My diversification strategy is also superior. I bought one of my crappy straw hats from a street guy in mexico. International exposure is key. Now I just need to expose myself to that gal wearing the borselino and i'll have broadened my diversity.
DW just got me a Tilley for my birthday. I have to have a good hat for working outside with the elevation and the sun here. I spend a lot of time in the yard and with a bald head and skin cancer in the family a good hat is a requirment. I wear a hat out in a year or so. This one looks like it will last me several years if I take care of it. It is a little hot but the again, everything is when its 104 outside.

I would never have bought it for myself but DW likes to pamper me sometimes and who am I to complain?
I wear a Borsalino, but it looks different on me. Not as good as on her I fear.

Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
Your strategy is fatally flawed my friend. My crappy straw hats last far longer than a year and a half.

My diversification strategy is also superior. I bought one of my crappy straw hats from a street guy in mexico. International exposure is key.

You do realize that there is a difference between straw and hemp, right?
Hold on a minute. I need to go smoke part of my hat. I know hemp wont help but its close cousin cant hurt...
Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
Hold on a minute.  I need to go smoke part of my hat.  I know hemp wont help but its close cousin cant hurt...

Gives a new meaning to "I'll eat my hat"
Yeah, I have a broad-brim Tilley, too. Nice for beating the sun, and very good for boating. Stayed on my head even when we got caught in a squall on saltwater with 30 to 40 MPH gusts, lightning flashing all over the place, and not being able to see the shore 100' away (I thought we were dead meat).

I also own a Filson "Packer" hat. Very nice for nasty weather when I can't get away with a hat the flashes "dork" in 5 foot neon letters (i.e. the Tilley).
My husband bought himself a Tilley knockoff a year or two back--the narrow-brim, mesh-sided one. Guess that makes him a frugal dork. About 10 years ago he bought himself something I call his Australian bush hat--wide-brim, ties under the chin, looks like off-white canvas. He wears it boating and gardening.

Our hotel in Florence, Italy was less than 2 blocks from the Borsalino store, so we wlaked past it several times. The hats in the window display looked cool & dreamy in an old-fashioned way...40s or 20s or something. I tried to get him to enter the shop and try some on, but he was anxious to see the Sights instead. Too bad--maybe he missed that model ;)
I have one of the Australian bush hats, made of felt, called a "jackeroo"...  ::)

Straw cowboy hat bought in Tijuana for $3, "green" beret, a knit cap (toboggan...), and several caps - Gibson guitars, Eagles, Texas Rangers, Novellus, Indy Motor Speedway, Bennigan's St. Pat's Day, and a "Git er done" cap I bought for a White Trash costume party...

If the cap fits...  :p
Collegiate baseball for non-dorky occasions to prevent burning of my prematurely balding head - beach, yardwork, park, etc.

Straw hat from some latin american country (looks dorky) for backyard "Ima redneck and I like drinkin beer by the lake" times.

You guys are killing me. Your supposed to be showing us how to LBYM (except for the Bunny Car Imporium)...

Just blew $100.00 on Tilly Mesh Hat (overnight shipping). In my Childish, Immature, playful ways (maybe a 12 pack of beer or two), dove into the lakeand found a huge rock with my Big Fat Bald Noggin (Nicely shaven). Scraped one whole side to pieces. :eek: DW direct quote was "Oh No, you ruined the perfect head" :LOL:

New Skin is going to need some shade for a while.

I usually buy 4 or 5 hats a year for golfing and get only a year or two out of them so I GUESS It's an investment.

Newest Dork on the Block

here is an interesting hat that is very popular in some circles...


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