"He works at Infidelity Investments"


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 13, 2007
What my sister in law said in response to "So, where does your new boyfriend work?" (the same SIL with the gambling issue from many years ago for you old timers :) ).

We've been chuckling off and on throughout the day about that one.

I was also asked for legal advice on carrying a gun - is it legal to have the clip in your hand gun, and if so can you have a round in the chamber? Not being a gun person, a flood of thoughts came to mind like why does chambering a round make a difference ("it saves time") and why do you need a handgun anyway ("crazy sh1t happens when you're riding a motorcycle").

Fun times!

Anyone else got any interesting family tidbits from their Thanksgiving gathering? :D
Anyone else got any interesting family tidbits from their Thanksgiving gathering?

Blended family Thanksgiving gathering today:

My stepson (DW's son) showed up at our house with the woman he said he divorced this past summer. She is the same woman that had him arrested and put in jail for domestic abuse, although he said he never harmed her (got 5 years probation and weekly rehabilitation classes for a year).

They acted like nothing ever happened. I asked him privately how the single life is going. He said its never been better. I left it there.

DW is still in a bit of shock.
Blended family Thanksgiving gathering today:

My stepson (DW's son) showed up at our house with the woman he said he divorced this past summer. She is the same woman that had him arrested and put in jail for domestic abuse, although he said he never harmed her (got 5 years probation and weekly rehabilitation classes for a year).

They acted like nothing ever happened. I asked him privately how the single life is going. He said its never been better. I left it there.

DW is still in a bit of shock.

Even if I did have anything good to post, it wouldn't top that one. :)

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Even if I did have anything good to post, it wouldn't top that one. :)

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I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming this.

You should have seen the family dynamics when my DW's three grown children all got divorced from their first spouses a few years ago, all within a one year of each other. (her son was with wife No. 1 at that time)

I could write a book, but nobody would believe this stuff.
It's not Thanksgiving, but interesting...

I was in a wedding once. We were all standing in front of the church, waiting for the doors to open. The Groom, the best man who was the grooms brother, and myself and others. The two brothers did not always get along, but we were all hoping for an hour of peace on the wedding day.

One brother said something to the other, and a fight broke out. Two guys, both over 6' and 200 lbs, swinging fists as fast as they could fly.

We got the fight broke up, and delayed the wedding by about 20 minutes or so to get things calmed down. No bad bruises or torn tuxes. The one brother was kicked out of the wedding, then back again. The wife, who was also in the wedding, didn't know if she was supposed to come out to meet her other half or not until it was actually the time.
A pickle from the relish tray had fallen on the floor.

"Don't back up, there's a pickle behind you"

"......I've heard that a few times before...."
thanksgiving could not have been better! DW and I cooked for 5, DD who visited inlaws .....big family, shared dinner with 54. We enjoyed food, conversation, talked about "old days" when grandparents lived differently.....talked about saving money, after the depression in envelopes.....coming to America from the "old country' , DW baked great pies,it was just a nice, nice evening. Wish everyone else had as nice a Thanksgiving as we had yesterday........today, great leftovers....home for dinner tonight as well.
I could write a book, but nobody would believe this stuff.

I would, I've seen and heard too many true stories like that.

When DW and I first started dating she wanted to invite me to her family Christmas dinner but she said she was afraid to because she thought her family was weird. My response was "You think your family is weird? Come to my family's Christmas dinner."

That was the year my ex-half-sister-in-law showed up with her out of wedlock son (by then in his 20's) that no one else had a clue even existed. She's the one who shot and killed my half-brother in a family fight when he was drunk and trying to choke her. (Probably true - he did have a temper and drinking problem.) She was charged with Manslaughter but acquitted at trial. One of those cases where only two people really knew what happened and one of them was dead.

Needless to say this did cause some family friction for a long time but eventually everyone came to terms with it.

So on the way home I asked then DW-to-be "So do you think you're family is weirder than that?"

"No. Not even close."

The next year I went with her to her family's Christmas dinner. No major issues that I could see.:LOL:
I would, I've seen and heard too many true stories like that.

When DW and I first started dating she wanted to invite me to her family Christmas dinner but she said she was afraid to because she thought her family was weird. My response was "You think your family is weird? Come to my family's Christmas dinner."

That was the year my ex-half-sister-in-law showed up with her out of wedlock son (by then in his 20's) that no one else had a clue even existed. She's the one who shot and killed my half-brother in a family fight when he was drunk and trying to choke her. (Probably true - he did have a temper and drinking problem.) She was charged with Manslaughter but acquitted at trial. One of those cases where only two people really knew what happened and one of them was dead.

Needless to say this did cause some family friction for a long time but eventually everyone came to terms with it.

So on the way home I asked then DW-to-be "So do you think you're family is weirder than that?"

"No. Not even close."

The next year I went with her to her family's Christmas dinner. No major issues that I could see.:LOL:

Ding Ding Ding. ... I think we have a winner.
Close but no cigar, a few years ago my BIL said he was writing an auto biography and started out the Thanksgiving meal with this little tid bit: "The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it."

The dinner was a little stressful to say the least.
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I am not blessed with any interesting personal stories during any family get-together. I think it's because it's mostly in-town extended family, and not some long-lost relatives whose life we have not crossed in while and not kept up-to-date on.

I am enthralled with above interesting stories. Please keep them coming.
A couple of months back my 2 children had a ferocious argument where they stopped talking to each other. Similar fight took place several years ago and it took some doing to get them to a rapprochement.
I didn't think it would work this time, but a few weeks back I sent them and their spouses an email suggesting they just bury the hatchet. It worked; my daughter invited my son for Thanksgiving and they came over.
For me, it was great seeing them together, and my grandchildren playing with each other. It was a great Thanksgiving.
Not Thanksgiving, but Easter. A reliable source told me about a family dinner where the 17-year-old son informed the family that his girlfriend was pregnant, but that he couldn't marry her because he is gay. Pass the scalloped potatoes, please.
Not really a TG story, though I'm sure the following ruined any future family get-togethers (TG included.) I thought of it because of several elements from stories mentioned above.

I know two brothers who married two sisters from the family down the road. It seemed a bit strange at the time, but... In due course, both brothers divorced the two sisters and then married, you guessed it, their brother's ex-wife. I can confirm hard feelings as I attended the brothers' parents' funerals. One brother came to one parent's funeral while the other brother did the other parent's funeral. Don't know if this was by some mutual arrangement, but never again saw any of the "players" in the same room together. At least, no one was murdered from this family tragedy, so there's that. YMMV
.......... In due course, both brothers divorced the two sisters and then married, you guessed it, their brother's ex-wife.........
What my sister in law said in response to "So, where does your new boyfriend work?" (the same SIL with the gambling issue from many years ago for you old timers :) )...

It was not that many years ago. We have not had any follow-up on this gambling story. As I recall, her husband was about to leave her. Apparently, he did. What happened to their kids? Is she still gambling? Oh man, what a soap opera.
Not really a TG story, though I'm sure the following ruined any future family get-togethers (TG included.) I thought of it because of several elements from stories mentioned above.

I know two brothers who married two sisters from the family down the road. It seemed a bit strange at the time, but... In due course, both brothers divorced the two sisters and then married, you guessed it, their brother's ex-wife. I can confirm hard feelings as I attended the brothers' parents' funerals. One brother came to one parent's funeral while the other brother did the other parent's funeral. Don't know if this was by some mutual arrangement, but never again saw any of the "players" in the same room together. At least, no one was murdered from this family tragedy, so there's that. YMMV

I wonder why the ill feelings.... seems like all 4 involved determined that the first marriage was not good and fixed it... everybody should be happy in the end....
It was not that many years ago. We have not had any follow-up on this gambling story. As I recall, her husband was about to leave her. Apparently, he did. What happened to their kids? Is she still gambling? Oh man, what a soap opera.

She divorced. Lost the house. The father has no contact with the kids any more (they hate him for some reason). She moved home with her parents and 2 of her 3 kids still live with her in her parents' house.

She stopped paying her gambling creditors (skipping out on $10-20k of debt probably). They still want their money.

She doesn't have any contact with the old gambling crew as far as we know. I imagine her credit with anyone is gone, and she doesn't have a lot of cash to play anyway.

The family has mostly forgiven her for the gambling, and it's not really an ongoing issue today.

One of her kids managed to escape the crazy house and is bumbling his way through community college (currently in year 3 of a 2 year associates program I think). His aunt and uncle took him in as long as he stays in school. His photography practice is picking up so that might be his career (or something else in the creative realm).

Kid #2 dropped out of high school, can't keep a job, and lives with his mom still (who lives at her parents house - all 3 generations together). He's "planning to get his GED" some day. I think the whole gambling and divorce thing kind of broke him and he just gave up.

Kid #3 is in high school but barely passing. He's kind of given up too, although he seems to be in a better spot lately. During 8th grade he stopped going to school for a while. The mom doesn't really do much (probably depressed).

It's a bit of a tale of two cities over here. DW and I are doing very well financially and her family knows I'm not working and DW is doing part time right now yet we're still doing fine, traveling internationally, etc. The gambling sister is perpetually broke and mopes around a lot. This is the first year she's been to Thanksgiving since the whole gambling drama.
So, she does not work and hangs around with a biker while packing a loaded gun?

Oh my! Some people have the knack for creating misery for themselves and others around them.

By the way, here's a Gauguin painting titled "Human Misery".

Oh no, the gambler works full time but I guess she blows all the money. She lives with parents at age 44. Maybe chips in for utilities but I get the feeling that's minimal. I think her only expenses are a car payment on a Camry, food, and gas. No health insurance (in spite of the fact that she could get it almost free through ACA subsidies).

It's DW's other sister who has the gun-toting motorcycle riding fiance. That sister is actually doing okay. Same (menial) job for 10 years. No cars repossessed. Owns a modest home with a mortgage. Pays her bills in general. Just likes the excitement of the thug life (or at least did in years past). The gun toting fiance actually seems pretty decent overall. Has a job, takes care of his 3 kids with DWs sister. Also takes care of DW's sister's oldest kid from a different father, and I think the gun toter has another kid with a different woman.

During Thanksgiving, they also asked me to become an internet minister to officiate their wedding. I should ask if I can get an allowance for a kevlar vest rental and some extra money to rent a tux a couple sizes larger to accommodate the bulkiness of the bullet proof vest. :)

Fun times at chez FUEGO...
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