Health/Weight loss resorts


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 27, 2004
I have had a crappy year or so and when I am down in the dumps I eat too much and don't get enough exercise. I have been thinking about ways to get myself out of the doldrums and thought about a health spa/resort. One where you are jump started to lose weight and get more exercise. One preferably where it is nice and warm and sunny. But in the United States.

Anyone know anything about these things? Anyone have any recommendations? It is daunting to Google and look at what is out there as I am sure there is lots of hype. Plus, prices seem all over the board. I don't need cucumber slices over my eyes and mud baths, nor do I want a boot camp. Something reasonable, sensible and maybe some fun? :)
Consider that this sort of thing usually leads to yo-yo dieting, where you drop a lot of weight and then gain it back nearly as fast.

IMHO, the only reliable system is to set your sights on a low target and gradually take on a new lifestyle. For me, that means aiming to lose between 1/2 and one pound per week. When I do that, I can keep my weight down for a long time.

Oddly, the only real "trick" I've found, related to diet, is to dramatically increase the percentage of vegetables in my diet. I'm always surprised by how well that works, all other factors remaining the same.
Yeah, I know about yo yo dieting. I want hoping for a somewhat disciplined program with eating right and exercise in nice surroundings. Not a crash diet.
Can't comment on the spa thing though it is compelling to me. I'm one of those people that wants to buy a solution to my eating/exercise problems and I have to fight the urge to think that it works.
I can tell you one thing that has worked for me (and I'm starting this week on it again) is stickk. It is a free online way for you to bet on your own success (put a contract on yourself). I used it to lose weight and then failed to set up a maintenance contract. Not surprisingly, I gained weight. So, I set up the new contract to be I'll lose x lbs a week and I have to weigh in once a week. I have a referee who is also the one who I pay if I don't make my goal (I bet $20 a week, but you don't have to wager money if you don't want to).

It is a good piece of accountability for me and probably more effective in the long run. Thought I'd mention it. If you join, I'd be happy to be one of your supporters! :)
Must be the MN carbs Martha- me too! And winter is approaching. ugh! (i'm in MN so I can say that!)

Never tried what you are looking for, but I rememeber Oprah featured a nice one a few years ago. I think it was in Araizona. If you are up to treating yourself, that might work.

Long term, weight watchers is a good program for when you get back.
The "Younger Next Year" books urge a jumpstart just like you're talking about, Martha. The version for women doesn't have an index but flipping through the pages I see this place: Rancho La Puerta - Home >> Welcome mentioned but it looks pricey.

Some friends and I keep trying to plan a trip through Road Scholar (formerly elderhostel and then exploritas and now road scholar). The site offers several places for "health and fitness" interests: Road Scholar: Advanced Search. Even if they don't offer what you're looking for, maybe some of the places have other options not through the Road Scholar programs.
Oh might want to check out some cruises. Some of the Celebrity ships have something call "Aqua Spa"'s a class of ships that have some cabins/food are more health minded. The older/smaller ship I sailed on last year and will again next year (Celebrity Century) didn't have the Aqua Spa cabins or program but it does have a small little cafe that serves that type of food. For losing weight, that food was good. I lost two pounds on a 5 day cruise and still ate my larger dinner at night. The larger new ships that do have the Aqua Spa programs might even have weight reduction cruises...don't might want to check it out.
Why not just find a warm place you would like to go to and pick a gym that has what you are looking for . Most gyms offer month by month membership . The gym I go to is Shapes .It's an all women gym and they offer nutrition counseling plus exercise routines . You will also get the added bonus of meeting some women in the area .
Some good ideas to follow up on here. Thanks. It is difficult to work my way through the various online spa/resorts. It does seem like something where the hype might not be up to reality. But I will keep looking.
I'd suggest looking at La Costa - North County San Diego - Fitness - La Costa - Carlsbad Beach Resorts
I've never used it for the purpose you are intending, but I think it would fit the bill. The area tends to be pretty outdoor exercise/fitness oriented so even when you left the property you would be in a similar environment.
I'd think the value of a place like this would be to educate you on a "way of eating," and demonstrate how the program, rigorously and properly applied, could give you some immediate results.

Here's my concept for an Atkins diet resort.

1. You check in, and [-]your luggage is searched for[/-] you show that you don't have any candy bars, alcohol, or other food.

2. You assemble for a encouraging lecture that describes what the next two weeks will be like.

3. A nurse practitioner checks over your statement from your doctor, gives you a physical, and carefully measures your weight, waist, biceps, thighs, etc. "Before" photos are taken.

4. Dinner consists of a generous cut of prime rib and lobster.


5. Here's the lecture for the first night:

YouTube - The Battle of the Diets: Is Anyone Winning (At Losing?)

6. Breakfast on day two is bacon, eggs, and sausages, with gourmet coffee with heavy whipping cream.


7. Days include informative lectures, with visits from former attendees, support groups, and exercise opportunities


and pampering


8. At the end of two weeks, most Atkins dieters lose about 10% of the difference between their current weight and an ideal weight. Even though some of this can be water weight loss, it is still encouraging. Often the size measurements are even more dramatic.

9. You leave with a detailed report showing how your measurements changed, before and after pictures, and exactly how much you ate and exercised.

10. If you didn't lose any weight, you get a 30% rebate on the cost of your stay, or a 50% off coupon for another visit.


Unfortunately, there are no resorts like this.
The Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge

I would head off to this place. Too many of the resorts I have looked at are (a) very expensive (b) designed to part you from your money as they are more about the pampering and the food rather than the exercise part. The prices last time I looked are better at this place than most.
I have to admit that Atkins works.
I tried it about 6 or 7 years ago, and lost about 20 pounds in about 5 or 6 weeks.

The first week was great.
After that, it got progressively more unpleasant, and after a month I was ready to kill for a carb. Finally, it got so unpleasant that I got off it, but I was impressed by how everything worked exactly as the book said it would.
The more that I read about these places the less likely it seems that I will find something that fits for me. I get scared hearing the words "boot camp." :) From an article discussing the Biggest Loser resorts: "The trainer may be screaming, but in an emotional, fun way."

Many seem to have a huge component of woo woo to fill out your day. I think that I would end up writing a fat farm expose'.

Martha, what about spending some time with a personal trainer? That will surely have less woo woo and you could probably schedule a few meetings with a nutritionist as well. That would offer more bang for the buck to me.
Martha, what about spending some time with a personal trainer? That will surely have less woo woo and you could probably schedule a few meetings with a nutritionist as well. That would offer more bang for the buck to me.

I've been thinking about that. My problem is being way out in the middle of nowhere. Moe may have the best idea, go somewhere warm and join a gym when I am there.

Of all the weight loss/fitness resorts I've poked at this seems like the best so far for the money with minimal woo: Weight Loss Spa Resort - Hilton Head Health - No More Fat Farms or Fat Camps But $2000 a week? And that is the off season rate. Maybe it just isn't worth it.
Of all the weight loss/fitness resorts I've poked at this seems like the best so far for the money with minimal woo: Weight Loss Spa Resort - Hilton Head Health - No More Fat Farms or Fat Camps But $2000 a week? And that is the off season rate. Maybe it just isn't worth it.

Nah, that is on Hilton Head--Stepford city. Why not come to Charleston if you want to go somewhere nice. We have awesome gyms and heck, if you want a spa, there's the Sanctuary at Kiawah

Hilton Head--blech! Best time I ever had there was seeing Jimmy Buffet perform at the high school football field when I was in high school. Since then, meh.

Find somewhere you want to visit and get recommendations for a personal trainer and/or nutritionist. On second thought, it might not should be Charleston--our restaurants are awesome!
I have had a crappy year or so and when I am down in the dumps I eat too much and don't get enough exercise.

Martha, I have seen you post lines like that on at least two occasions.

has an early retirement and all that free time been a difficult transition ? That's my great concern going foreward.
The only time I ever saw a woman go away and come back much fitter was when she joined the Air Force.

Maybe you should just get out of wherever it is that you are, go some place where it is easy and inviting to walk around, rent an apartment, read a low carb book and get going.

This may at the same time help your weight and your blues.

I believe it is often very hard for women to lose weight when they are feeling depressed.

The more that I read about these places the less likely it seems that I will find something that fits for me.
Maybe I should just come visit you and pay you to be my personal trainer. :)
What about something like Nutrisystems?

Two thoughts-- if you're thinking of spending money on spas, then buying Nutrisystems at retail will seem like a bargain. But an even better deal is the resale market on Craigslist or local classifieds. A lot of people buy 1-3 months of the packaged foods but only use them for a week or two and sell the rest at a huge discount.

The food is typical backpacker freeze-dried fare so it travels well in your RV. Most of it is rehydrated & microwaved although some can be eaten right out of the package. Nutrisystems includes a menu guide (you supplement their food with fruits & veggies & salads) and the high-protein high-fiber low-carb fare fills you up yet makes the weight melt off pretty quickly.

They provide breakfast/lunch/dinner, desserts, and snacks. Given that it's all freeze-dried or dehydrated, and filled with whey/protein powder, it's all surprisingly yummy. It's also very quick/easy to prepare so you won't find yourself hanging around the kitchen being tempted while you're waiting for the main course to finish cooking. It's great for a lazy empty-nester lifestyle and I've lost 5-10 pounds eating the stuff without even paying attention to their guidebook.

"The trainer may be screaming, but in an emotional, fun way."
I've had XOs like that...
What about something like Nutrisystems?

They provide breakfast/lunch/dinner, desserts, and snacks. Given that it's all freeze-dried or dehydrated, and filled with whey/protein powder, it's all [-]surprisingly yummy[/-] incredibly boring.

There. Fixed it for you.

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