Healthcare Choice is only Obamacare?

I am healthy, 55, live in FL, retired early and still need healthcare. My only option is a plan on They are about $550-$850 for a sub-par United or Blue Cross plan. I can't believe this is my only option? I would need to start another company or get a job to have access to a decent healthcare plan?


Early retirees need to plan to manage income if they want to receive ACA subsidies...can you do that?

Otherwise, were my income too high to receive subsidies I'd just pick the lowest-premium plan with the network I wanted.

With the understanding that I'd still have to be prepared to pay the maximum out-of-pocket every year.

IIRC, Florida has some of the best ACA offerings in the USA so I certainly wouldn't move.
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Some states require you to use their exchange as opposed to, in Kentucky, ACA plans are bought through KYNECT.
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