

Confused about dryer sheets
Feb 7, 2019
I came here because of a comment from 3stitch a member over on the Dan Wiener forum. Most of us are disgusted and leaving there so here I am.

57 years old. Retired since 2006. Have been running the family farm since then but have sold all of the cattle and ready to build a retirement home in Colorado
Welcome. I think you're probably referring to the guy with a newsletter about Vanguard funds, and we have plenty of Vanguard fans here.

Please poke around here, look through the FAQ forum, ask questions, and make yourself at home.
Welcome Littleboss, I hope you enjoy the conversation here, and no sales pitches you might get from the Wiener.:dance:

Wecome! We try to avoid politics here....enjoy!
Welcome to the forums from another farm guy, let the other forums talk politics, here is just support, and help.
Welcome! Retired since 2006! I consider DH/me newbie retirees, been retired since~2014 or so. DH has in home consulting because he wanted to keep in touch with his industry (food science). He makes his own hours and life is 100% better than megacorp. Share your wisdom, we're all ears :--) and enjoy the discussions. They're funny and informative.
Welcome to our wonderful site Littleboss. Lots of good advice on this site.
BTW Who is the Bigboss?
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