Help a Technophobe???

Ahhhh...the link talked about showing the tv feed on a computer screen. Lost the thread bad.

Or....was it just SEMANTICS? :LOL:
Some antics... :p

I would note that the projector has a VGA input, though frankly, if we're not talking hi-def input, a cheapo Walmart VCR is the poor man's answer... 8)
Here's the latest:

I have an ATI TV tuner in my USB2 on a Sony Laptop.  I can find no way to get the VGA signal back out from the Sony and port it to the Optoma.  Sony manual says the BIOS will find which ever monitor is in the first port and use it.  Well, that is the Laptop Screen itself.  During bootup, the VGA out shows thru the Optoma Projector until the desktop appears the no signal and a lot of searching.

A DVD or VCR won't work for TV (no tuning) and the small external TV tuner boxes have almost no outputs.  They seem designed just to get a TV signal into a computer.

I had 4 COMPUSA Business Center salespersons ( funny thing was the diversity, black guy, Japanese guy, Hispanic girl and old white guy) and not one of them could come up with a solution.

This has got to be doable.  Probably gonna need a Haupauge video card with s-video out and such.  But my computer will not accept that card.

Time to try
Two points:

My VCR does have a tuner, though the DVD doesn't.

When I plugged a monitor into the VGA on my laptop, viola, the same thing displayed on both screens...
This aint gonna be easy.

Well, one way is. You should have a "function" or "FN" key on your keyboard, probably between the alt and ctrl key. You'll see that it may be a different color or have different color text on it. Some of your "function keys" (f1, f2) and perhaps other keys may show other symbols in that same color. One of them, usually F5, should show what looks like a pair of dark and one white. Holding down the FN key and then pressing F5 repeatedly should walk you through laptop monitor on/external off, laptop and external on, external only on, then back to laptop only.

There is probably also something in your computers display properties (right click on the desktop, choose properties, click 'settings' tab and then advanced) that allows you to setup a 'theater' mode, or its something in the ati tuners software that lets you set up the theater mode or tv output mode. Many current laptop graphics chips can do a basic 'dual screen output' where the tv stuff goes out the video out port on the back of your laptop while the main laptop screen still shows your windows desktop.

I dont know what sony uses for a display chip, or anything about ATI's tv tuner s/w, but you're looking for something that says 'theater mode' or 'dual screen' or 'dual output' modes. Note that the tuner, the projector/monitor and everything else should be plugged in and turned on before looking as sometimes the software will only let you manipulate the settings while it sees the actual hardware hooked up and powered on.

Its a little rocket science...once you find it and enable the tv output to the 'external monitor' or 'second screen', it should work great.
Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
This aint gonna be easy.... Holding down the FN key and then pressing F5 repeatedly should walk you through laptop monitor on/external off, laptop and external on, external only on, then back to laptop only.

Its a little rocket science...once you find it and enable the tv output to the 'external monitor' or 'second screen', it should work great.

On my Dell Latitude it is F8. You would think laptop makers would have standardized this long ago. I can't begin to count the number of times I had to help someone sort this out for a presentation. It seems like no one uses the same approach -- some you just toggle the function key, others you have to hold the FN key while toggling the number function key, some show the little screens, some say crt/lcd, some don't say anything, and some just don't seem to work unless you are part of some secret society.
Yeah, I saw a photo of a sony keyboard and not only is it not f5, I cant even recognize the symbols they used.

Oh well, OAP's Sony user manual or sony tech support oughta be able to tell him which one it is, and how to turn on the cinema/theater/secondary display, or ati tech support should have some idea.

That is, once "Bob" in india figures out that he's not going to solve this with a script and bumps OAP to second level support... ;)
OAP, I've got a stooopid question for you.   Did you get a cable box when you had the cable installed?    Sounds like you just ordered their internet service and didn't get a cable converter box.

Call RCN, ask them for their DVR box, and stop trying to jump through so many hoops.   The box will have video out for your projector.
wab said:
OAP, I've got a stooopid question for you.   Did you get a cable box when you had the cable installed?    Sounds like you just ordered their internet service and didn't get a cable converter box.

Call RCN, ask them for their DVR box, and stop trying to jump through so many hoops.   The box will have video out for your projector.

Ding Ding Ding...

You need a tuner to convert cable-ese to Monitor-ish.  RCN should rent you a box.  Or, as HFWR as said...use a VCR for the converter from cable through the VCR and output via coax or RCA to the monitor.  A S-VHS unit will also come with a S-Video output to the monitor and that should work fine. 

---------------------------RCN Cable----------------> S-VHS BOX----> S-Video OUT----> Projector IN...........Done.

Unless for some reason you want the signal to ALSO go through your Sony.  Then you need more stuff...aka TV tuner card with S-Video output.
That is, once "Bob" in india figures out that he's not going to solve this with a script and bumps OAP to second level support...

Reboot, reload the software, please hold... :p
Called RCN, asked for DVR box and the want $13/mo bringing my total to $102/mo. I usually watch TV about 20 minutes a day. News or sports.

Wow, never realized how different a Sony is from other computers. Even the Quick Start card with the Optoma Projector lists the keys for every brand know to mankind and then says "Check your Sony documentation".

Dell here I come. XPS 1700. Red one.

Thanks for saving me from going ballistic.
OldAgePensioner said:
Called RCN, asked for DVR box and the want $13/mo bringing my total to $102/mo.  I usually watch TV about 20 minutes a day. News or sports.

What, no pr0n?   Send it back.

Dell here I come.  XPS 1700. Red one.

Nice choice.   I have the less garish lower-priced version of that model.   You'll dig it.
I've got all these young chicks to impress here and that candy apple red should get me noticed :D

That baby costs some serious cash and maybe I'll get a gold tooth to display.

The RCN guy said the technicians will have my projector working before they leave.
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