HELP, I cough up Phlegm all day

Thanks Donheff glad to here another person with my problem. Went and got the Braggs vinegar and like you took a sip from bottle chased it with water and was NOT as bad as I was thinking. Been 5 minutes and no phlegm ... :)
Good luck and note the doctor's caution about damaging your teeth with the full-strength solution in your mouth. I wash it down quickly and rinse thoroughly.
Thanks for your input but maybe you HAVE NOT read the whole thread. BEEN to several Doctors without help.

Bruno, wasn’t responding to you. I was responding to the poster that said you should see a doctor. Hope your problem gets resolved soon.
I was saved from a similar problem with an old maid's remedy. of all things. I had irritating phlegm or something in my throat all the time. I was constantly clearing my throat and driving DW and friends nuts. I saw GPs and ENTs to no avail. Most of them though it was postnasal drip from allergies but none of the pills or inhalants did much. The ENT showed me how my vocal cords were getting degraded and cautioned me that I really need to stop clearing my throat. Thanks a lot - as if you can just ignore an irritating bolus of crap in your throat.

Finally, in some obscure corner of the interwebs, I discovered references to Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar 'With the Mother.' When I googled that I discovered a vast cult of fans. It would allegedly cure virtually anything but, to the point, lots of the saved had my problem. What the hell, why not. Within days, my problem was solved. No more phlegm, no more throat clearing. That was about 15 years ago.

The formula is simple, take a tablespoon or so daily. Most people mix it with water or juice. I just take a sip from the bottle, hold it in my mouth behind my teeth until I can bring a glass of water up and then slam it down. According to all the reports, it is essential that you use vinegar with "the mother," which is some sort of cloudy residue from the yeast that turned the juice to vinegar. I also discovered just this year that you should refrigerate the stuff after opening. For years, I left it out on the counter like any old vinegar, but it gradually gets stale tasting. I didn't pay much attention since all I ever did was slam a tablespoon down. No salad dressings or marinades. When I read that it should be refrigerated (and low and behold, it is right on the bottle) I discovered that it retains a much nicer fruity taste. The effectiveness was unaffected by my lack of refrigeration. I have stopped taking it briefly while on vacation or when I run out and everything is fine for a while but eventually the phlegm returns.

This stuff really is a miracle cure, or has a powerful placebo effect, I don't much care. It works for me. Try it, you will like it. And you readers without phlegm problems should google it too. It solves all sorts of obscure stuff, maybe it's the universal placebo.

So few downsides (rinsing included) it seems well worth a try.
So few downsides (rinsing included) it seems well worth a try.
Agreed, but looking back at my post I realize I didn't make clear that I was being tongue in cheek on the last paragraph. To read some of the posts about this stuff you would think it is a miracle tonic from the 19th century. It did relieve my phlegm but I'm still skeptical about half the junk people attribute to it.
Agreed, but looking back at my post I realize I didn't make clear that I was being tongue in cheek on the last paragraph. To read some of the posts about this stuff you would think it is a miracle tonic from the 19th century. It did relieve my phlegm but I'm still skeptical about half the junk people attribute to it.

Yeah, I didn't catch the tongue in cheek aspect - but I did discount the "claims":LOL:. BUT I have, in other reading, run across claims for the benefits of certain regular substances (like vinegar) as being good for certain common maladies. (My grandma had all kinds of these "natural" remedies that she often spoke of.) I figure, what could they hurt to try? YMMV
Agreed, but looking back at my post I realize I didn't make clear that I was being tongue in cheek on the last paragraph. To read some of the posts about this stuff you would think it is a miracle tonic from the 19th century. It did relieve my phlegm but I'm still skeptical about half the junk people attribute to it.

Hello donheff. So have you been taking this product faithfully for 15 years or did the problem resolve and you no longer take it?
Hello donheff. So have you been taking this product faithfully for 15 years or did the problem resolve and you no longer take it?
Pretty faithfully. I stopped a couple of times out of curiosity or because I ran out. And I don’t bother on vacations. I will be fine for days or even weeks but then the problem returns and my wife start reminding me to take it again. The most recent off period was last July for a couple of weeks. Normally, I take it nightly at the same time as a handful of vitamins.
I would see a Gastroenterologist to check for LPR (Google it - it means stomach acid coming up into your throat and sinuses, causing irritation, which in turn produces mucus and phlegm).

LPR is a very common condition as we age. Medication can help. So can diet and lifestyle changes, although most people don't like those :blush:

Found this very helpful YouTube video on LPR. Mostly positive 1.9k comments. If the Braggs with Mothers does not work this may do the trick.
Thanks again for ALL the input. I am on my 3 day of Dr. Braggs and and it has HELPED a lot but I still have some phlegm in the morning and couple times a day. This is a GREAT improvement and have notice a BIG reduction in the amount of coughing during the day. Thanks Maximus for the video on LPR and this could also be part of my problem.. Bruno
Found this very helpful YouTube video on LPR. Mostly positive 1.9k comments. If the Braggs with Mothers does not work this may do the trick.

Wow! The symptoms described in this thread are close enough to those I have that I went to the supermarket and brought home “Mother”. Then I watched the video immediately above and read several articles about LPR and the symptoms described are a close match. I have my Medicare wellness appointment in early December and I’m going to bring this issue up and get a referral to a gastroenterologist.

By way of background, I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with mild asthma owing to symptoms of coughing, sneezing, post-nasal drip, hoarseness, etc. I’ve been on an inhaler (Flovent) and nasal spray (Flonase) since then but never felt like they did much good (nor, to be honest, that it was a correct diagnosis). The little bit of reading I’ve done shows that LPR and asthma can coexist and each can exacerbate the symptoms of the other. Hmmm….

A number of people have commented on the effect of the asthma/whatever on my voice. My standard response is, “A lot of people think I’m a pony but really I’m just a little hoarse.” (They groan just like you’re probably doing right now).:LOL:

ETA: does anyone know if the Bragg’s vinegar and the alkaline water/sodium bicarbonate solution can be used concurrently? I ask because the vinegar is acidic whereas the alkaline solution neutralizes acid. Would they cancel each other out?
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Yeah, I have hoarseness too but in my case it turned out to be from Parkinson’s. Or maybe a bit of both.
Wow! The symptoms described in this thread are close enough to those I have that I went to the supermarket and brought home “Mother”. Then I watched the video immediately above and read several articles about LPR and the symptoms described are a close match. I have my Medicare wellness appointment in early December and I’m going to bring this issue up and get a referral to a gastroenterologist.

By way of background, I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with mild asthma owing to symptoms of coughing, sneezing, post-nasal drip, hoarseness, etc. I’ve been on an inhaler (Flovent) and nasal spray (Flonase) since then but never felt like they did much good (nor, to be honest, that it was a correct diagnosis). The little bit of reading I’ve done shows that LPR and asthma can coexist and each can exacerbate the symptoms of the other. Hmmm….

A number of people have commented on the effect of the asthma/whatever on my voice. My standard response is, “A lot of people think I’m a pony but really I’m just a little hoarse.” (They groan just like you’re probably doing right now).:LOL:

ETA: does anyone know if the Bragg’s vinegar and the alkaline water/sodium bicarbonate solution can be used concurrently? I ask because the vinegar is acidic whereas the alkaline solution neutralizes acid. Would they cancel each other out?

I just finished a couple of weeks of a daily regimen of a Bragg’s and water “cocktail”. That sure is some powerful stuff - not easy to get it all down. Unfortunately it had no effect on the symptoms noted above. At my Medicare Wellness Exam today I asked my PCP about trying the sodium bicarb/alkaline water spray. His reaction was as I expected - can’t hurt. He also recommended trying OTC Prilosec or Nexium for a few weeks and, based on the results, potentially refer me to a gastroenterologist. I’m gonna try the sodium bicarb first for a few weeks and then possibly one of the OTC meds. The worst that can happen is that I’ll have some more data for my next pulmonologist visit in Feb.
*** UPDATE**
Well looks like i should have listen to first couple of posters saying "GO TO DOCTOR NOW". Thanksgiving eve I could not take any more and went to ER. First the chest xray and then the CT scan. Finally decided i had fluid in my Right lung again. Talked about transfering me to OKC but finally came back and Said Dr Tony had agreed to come in turkey and drain my lung... Turkey day Dr shows up and says this is not the same fluid and in the past and not sure how much he can drain out. He explained to me the fluid was like a foam and gravity was not letting it flow down to collect. He tried but only got out 150cc and they were also treating me for pneumonia. talked like the bottom half of right lung looks collasped. Lots of meds and sent me home few days later. Talking about doing VATS surgery to clean my chest wall and sticking my lung to it. dont sould like a lot of fun. ALL I keep thinking about ok BUT where is all the phlegm coming from and is this going to FIX the problem. Sorry for not responding very quick but still down and little weak.
Maybe you have the new covid strain ? It aggravates the phelm.
*** UPDATE**
Well looks like i should have listen to first couple of posters saying "GO TO DOCTOR NOW". Thanksgiving eve I could not take any more and went to ER. First the chest xray and then the CT scan. Finally decided i had fluid in my Right lung again. Talked about transfering me to OKC but finally came back and Said Dr Tony had agreed to come in turkey and drain my lung... Turkey day Dr shows up and says this is not the same fluid and in the past and not sure how much he can drain out. He explained to me the fluid was like a foam and gravity was not letting it flow down to collect. He tried but only got out 150cc and they were also treating me for pneumonia. talked like the bottom half of right lung looks collasped. Lots of meds and sent me home few days later. Talking about doing VATS surgery to clean my chest wall and sticking my lung to it. dont sould like a lot of fun. ALL I keep thinking about ok BUT where is all the phlegm coming from and is this going to FIX the problem. Sorry for not responding very quick but still down and little weak.

Is there a way to get a second opinion on all this?

Pulling for you to figure out the root cause and get it taken care of. Blessings.
Until you can see a doctor, here are a couple of suggestions:

1) Try drinking a lot of water to help break up the phlegm.

2) Also you could try sleeping at a tilt (as in a recliner) instead of completely prone. For me this lessens the chance of awakening due to coughing violently and being unable to breathe easily.

Good luck! I have the same problem, although to a far lesser extent. So, I'm interested in this thread. So far, for me the problem is not bad enough to mention to my doctor. I still need to try some Mucinex one of these days.

I suggest guafenesin, which is one of the ingredients in Mucinex, but much cheaper.

Mine is not as bad as the OP but I take it most days depending time of year.
I was saved from a similar problem with an old maid's remedy. of all things. I had irritating phlegm or something in my throat all the time. I was constantly clearing my throat and driving DW and friends nuts. I saw GPs and ENTs to no avail. Most of them though it was postnasal drip from allergies but none of the pills or inhalants did much. The ENT showed me how my vocal cords were getting degraded and cautioned me that I really need to stop clearing my throat. Thanks a lot - as if you can just ignore an irritating bolus of crap in your throat.

Finally, in some obscure corner of the interwebs, I discovered references to Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar 'With the Mother.' When I googled that I discovered a vast cult of fans. It would allegedly cure virtually anything but, to the point, lots of the saved had my problem. What the hell, why not. Within days, my problem was solved. No more phlegm, no more throat clearing. That was about 15 years ago.

The formula is simple, take a tablespoon or so daily. Most people mix it with water or juice. I just take a sip from the bottle, hold it in my mouth behind my teeth until I can bring a glass of water up and then slam it down. According to all the reports, it is essential that you use vinegar with "the mother," which is some sort of cloudy residue from the yeast that turned the juice to vinegar. I also discovered just this year that you should refrigerate the stuff after opening. For years, I left it out on the counter like any old vinegar, but it gradually gets stale tasting. I didn't pay much attention since all I ever did was slam a tablespoon down. No salad dressings or marinades. When I read that it should be refrigerated (and low and behold, it is right on the bottle) I discovered that it retains a much nicer fruity taste. The effectiveness was unaffected by my lack of refrigeration. I have stopped taking it briefly while on vacation or when I run out and everything is fine for a while but eventually the phlegm returns.

This stuff really is a miracle cure, or has a powerful placebo effect, I don't much care. It works for me. Try it, you will like it. And you readers without phlegm problems should google it too. It solves all sorts of obscure stuff, maybe it's the universal placebo.

Will have to try this for sure. Thanks Donheff!

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