I've been reading this forum as a lurker for quite some time, and am very impressed by the wisdom of many of you. I'm trying to work up the guts to quit my job within the year. Way too much backbiting, and a very unpleasant atmosphere. I'm 50, university administrator, and am ready to get outta there! I have about 1.7M in a Merrill Lynch account (invested very conservatively--and I like the my financial guy a lot), 270K in a TIAA-CREF account, and enough years in the state teachers' retirement program to guarantee me about 25K beginning at 62. No debts aside from 80K in mortgage, no big ticket expenses other than maybe 12K per year in travel. (I know, that's a lot) Current salary about 75K.
I've got a lot of interests, so retirement will be busy, but I hate walking away from my salary and that university health insurance!
I've got a lot of interests, so retirement will be busy, but I hate walking away from my salary and that university health insurance!