Hi, new here.


Recycles dryer sheets
Aug 4, 2006
Hi, great forum you have here. I've been lurking for about a week now. I originally discovered it about a year ago, but we moved overseas (UK). Between the move and learning to drive on the left side of the road, I've just rediscovered it.

A little about us. Me - 28 (tomorrow), DH - 35. Technically I'm a CPA, but not practicing b/c of the move. DH is an engineer. 2 very anal, technical brains that think everything can be solved with a spreadsheet.  ;) We currently live in the UK for DH's job. NW is $1.5 million, $400k in 401(k), $800k in taxable accts, $225k in cash, remainder in ESPP, stock options, and pension. No debt. We aggressively save and LBYM.

We will defintely ER, just a question of when. Also, a few unknowns, like kiddos (currently none). If we had a place to live (company provided housing here, sold our house in the US when we moved) that would also help with the escape plan. BTW - right now our definition of ER is moving something part-time that we enjoy, instead of for the $.

We love reading up on what you all are doing. It's great to talk with like minded people.
Welcome neeps!

You and DH are already richer than 99.99% of people your age.  8) No matter how LBYM you are, I can't imagine all your NW has come from earnings. Any silver spoons? Anyhow, there you are (in the UK) which is an expensive place to live, and I imagine you are in a large urban centre. Having housing paid for is an enormous PERQ.

If you are not an expert on tax treaties, get expert help with taxes. In my two international moves, this made a major difference.

How long are you planning to stay in the UK?
Meadbh - nope, not a large urban center. A small village (about 30 miles outside a large urban center :)) No idea how long we'll be here, potential for moving to Russia in the next year. Silver spoon is mine ~ 400k a few years ago. LBYM takes on a whole new level when the employer pays for everything, but groceries, gas and travel. Expenses so far this year (1st year here) total 40k (includes buying 2 cars in cash) on earnings of 200k - the savings add up fast. Tax prep is another perk from the employer. Terrible weather in the UK, but living here is very good for the bank balances. :D
neeps said:
Terrible weather in the UK, but living here is very good for the bank balances.  :D

If you think the weather in the UK is terrible, just wait till you get to Russia!

Sounds like DH has an ideal employer......my wild guess is he's in the diplomatic service. There could be many more dangerous places to be than the UK.
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