Holiday Rush/Happy Labor Day


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Nov 30, 2016
Since I have been retired I don't miss the holiday rush any more. I would rush to get to where I needed to be then rush back to get ready for work. LOL

I see so many people doing what I had done for years. I don't do a lot of activities I like to do on a holiday weekend because I can go the next day or the next day and have to whole place to myself. LOL

Happy Labor Day.
I see so many people doing what I had done for years. I don't do a lot of activities I like to do on a holiday weekend because I can go the next day or the next day and have to whole place to myself. LOL

Exactly. The only time I left the house today was to get the newspaper.
^ LOL! So nice when everyday is a Labor Day.
Yep. Whole bunch of people here for the weekend. Come next week they're gone. I'll go out then.
Since I have been retired I don't miss the holiday rush any more. I would rush to get to where I needed to be then rush back to get ready for work. LOL

I see so many people doing what I had done for years. I don't do a lot of activities I like to do on a holiday weekend because I can go the next day or the next day and have to whole place to myself. LOL

Happy Labor Day.

That's says it all for us retirees. Come tomorrow, we can head out for great adventures. The kids are in school and all others are at work. :LOL:
We have a big rib festival so went for lunch on Thursday while many are at work. Still plenty of people due to the tourists.
Best labor day in years, now that I am 4 days into ER. Actually did a few house projects, on my time and pace.

Labor Day on recent years at Megacorp have been anxiety producing. Overseas workers don't have the day off and pile up problems. Either get to the pile Tuesday -- with an expectation they all are addressed -- or start working on them labor day evening. Just dismal.
The one thing I like doing on these 3-day holiday weekends is to go out to eat with my ladyfriend (she works full-time) on the middle day of these weekends, usually the Sunday night. That middle day, like a second Saturday, tends to be not very busy at area restaurants.

On the downside, I had to take my ladyfriend to the supermarket Saturday, a busy shopping day. I usually go to a nearby library to read in comfort, but most of them are closed on the Saturday of these 3-day weekends. At least it was pleasant enough outside to sit on a bench and read. Some of the food she bought was for dinner she was cooking for me, so the trip was worthwhile.
I went into a Sams Club with a friend today for a hot dog and coke and the Christmas decorations, and some lighted trees, were already out for sale. Hey, is still blazing hot summer here!
^ Now that is hard to believe!
Very odd Labor Day here. Highways and restaurants were dead Friday. Even Saturday morning was looking very unlike the usual tourist-traffic headache. Then the weather improved and we got the full onslaught.

It's very good to see them go! Now that school's back in session, we'll get the parade of retirees in campers, which can also get frustrating. Nothing personal, but when the sign says 50MPH, and you're doing 30 on a two-lane road with no passing lane for twenty miles, expect the locals to be a little peeved.
Having retired from a 35 year career w*rking in an acute care hospital setting (24/7/365 operation), I sure don't miss that sh*t-ton of emails that awaited me upon returning after a holiday weekend.

There was a sense of dread knowing that more than a few of those emails contained less than good news.
Long weekend? My recipe is to shelter in place, and maybe pay homage to the smoker or maybe the crock pot.
The one thing I like doing on these 3-day holiday weekends is to go out to eat with my ladyfriend (she works full-time) on the middle day of these weekends, usually the Sunday night. That middle day, like a second Saturday, tends to be not very busy at area restaurants.
On that middle day, we were the only customers at our favorite restaurant.

But yesterday, it was jammed! We had to go somewhere else.
I blame the rush on the slackers. It's the only logical explanation. I do my errands when its prudent. I grocery shop when it rains (or it's a blizzard). I get my haircut on Sunday when everyone is in church. But I don't wait until the last possible minute like a lot of people.

NEVER buy flowers on Valentine's day! In fact, the day after, or even a couple days after is the best time IMHO.

One time that didn't work well, pumpkin carving. We carved them so early last year, they were drooping by the time Halloween came.

Sort of like I never have an empty tank two days before the holiday weekend. WHY, oh WHY would I pay holiday prices, and deal with holiday demand..when I could get fuel a few days prior.

I call this survival of the fittest. Being prepared has always rewarded me.

As for the buses, no way to avoid them when I drop off for daycare. But it seems everyone woke up early today, as the roads were speedy and less congested as they were during everyone "summer hours" commutes.

I also feel like this is why I perform better at work, at home etc. I'm rarely rushed for anything and I am in the middle of my w*rking years. Rushing causes stress, and stress causes mistakes. I don't like making mistakes, and I really don't like being wrong.

BTW, is that a thing...going to Sams/CostCo for a hot dog and coke? My DF does this too, I says...Oh why did you need to go to CostCo... Response is oh, I didn't I just wanted a hot-dog and coke. He goes to sample. DM shops. It works for them to each their own lol.
This recent retiree wants to know: Why so many kids at Costco today (Tuesday)? Shouldn't they be in school? :confused:
This recent retiree wants to know: Why so many kids at Costco today (Tuesday)? Shouldn't they be in school? :confused:

Some public schools don't begin until the Wednesday after Labor Day. That's how it was when I was in school back in the 1970s and early 1980s.
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