Home Depot pricing find


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Nov 27, 2014
I am looking for a carbon monoxide detector. I have a combo unit in my smoke detectors, but wanted a dedicated unit and one I could put nearer my bedroom and at a lower height (not on the ceiling). Anyway, I’m shopping the Home Depot web sight and I see a unit for $45. But, as I search, I see another unit for $35. I look and they have different model numbers. As I read their descriptions, they look like the same unit. Then I see something. The last line in the description is the manufacturer model number. Guess what, same number. The only thing I can see different is that the one for $45 is in stock locally and the $35 is only to be shipped. Shipping is free to store, so all I have to do is have it shipped and save $10. Go figure. Do I count this as part time income for taking time to surf on my iPad? :D


I think you must count that as income! Report it using a 1099-INTERNET form.

Now the board can debate if this should be reported as a one-time income, or if it should be reported as a $ per hour type rate. And then, of course, are we talking about if it should be reported using a one month time-frame or an annualized rate.

You are indicating that you save 22% by shopping carefully. if that represents a one week saving, then annualized it is big, big %%! Based on your recent experience, is it too soon to generalize that anybody can save 22% on identical items by shopping on the internet? Have you considered starting a newsletter? Or at least a blog??

Dang- too much coffee!
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