Hot Springs National Park - hike?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 2, 2017
Des Moines
Hi, we will be there next week and am looking for a nice 2 hour or so hike for my sister and I to do. I'm looking at the park map and there seem to be plenty of choices. We are not there for long and part of our group can't hike so it will need to be fairly short. I would say we can both do a medium type hike. We are staying close to the park entrance.

This board always has such good travel advice, thank you in advance. Any other tips are helpful too. We are going to check out the bath houses/spas that are nearby too.

Thank you.
Most of the park trails are short and steep. My recommendation would be the 1.7 mile Hot Springs Mountain trail as it has nice views and is reasonably flat.
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Most of the park trails are short and steep. My recommendation would be the 1.7 mile Hot Springs Mountain trail as it has nice views and is reasonably flat.

Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for.
After visiting the tower, we walked on the Grand Promenade starting near Nobel Spring behnd and above the various spa buildings parallel to Central Ave to a little park at the intersection of Central Ave and Fountain Street. It was surprising to me how hot the water coming straight out of the ground was, so be careful.

The Grand Promenade is a very easy walk but nonetheless interesting.

We had a nice lunch at the Grateful Head Pizza Oven and Beer Garden looking straight down Mountain Street to Central Ave.

I even filled a container with water from Nobel Spring and ended up drinking it a few days later... nothing special as I recall.
One other suggestion: Check out the Gulpha Gorge Picnic Area located at the entrance to the Gupha Gorge Campground. It is a beautiful spot located in a deep valley and adjacent to a nice stream. DW and I spent many happy times there when we were RVing.
If you happen to stay in the village there are lots of mostly flat walking trails with benches throughout.
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