How do you manage multiple homes, multiple states?

OP here. You and W2R make good points. I'm pondering the whole thing, so thanks for the input. This was just the first stop for some input from experienced folks like y'all.

Have you tried looking for an extended rental? Some places are harder then others. Our getaway place has literally hundreds of rentals open for the season from Jan- March. If someone wanted to go to Florida it would be a different story.
We also leave a zip-lock bag of ice cubes in the freezer... if it is still cubes when we return then we know the freezer stayed frozen... if it is a block of ice then we know that at some point the freezer was off long enough for what is in it to have thawed.

Good tip

I stole this tips for our last snowbird drive. Something else I do is we have a larger freezer where we have meat, veggies and the like. starting late Summer/Early Fall I pay extra attention to the mean in the freezer and try to use most of it up before we leave home in Jan. A good way to rotate my food and it keeps minimal items in the freezer in case of power outage and spoilage.
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+1 We eat down the freezer over the month or so before we leave to leave little in it over the off-season.
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A bigger stress point than when someone broke a glass french door in the La Quinta Ca house and did the robbery thing while we were in Oregon: I changed a couple addresses on some financial institutions so we could get statements as we are down south during March/April tax time and not all statements are forwarded. State of California decided I was a new resident and needed to pay taxes there. I hate letters from taxing agencies.

Now I try to get tax statements on line and if not have them sent to our rental business PO Box and have our manager open,scan,and send them to us.
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