How much did you spend in 2007?

Total Expenses.(Excluding Income Tax)...................$37,246.96

Auto......(Includes related insurance).......................2291.25
Communications....(phone, broadband)......................1317.79
Computer....(hardware and software)..........................283.96
Education (Classes, lessons)....................................1125.00
Food (Mostly Groceries)..........................................4549.27
Healthcare.....(Includes health insurance)...................6486.89
Housing (Includes everything housing related.)............13150.96
Insurance not assigned to Health or Auto or Housing........342.00
Investment Exp.......................................................1197.83
Leisure.and Entertainment.........................................2962.88
Personal Care............................................................103.74
Pet Care ..................................................................376.56

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I don't keep detailed track, I just back into it (I get x $ per paycheck, save X, spend what's left).

I spent about $55K in 2007, not including all the stuff taken out of my paycheck.

$24K of that is the mortgage payment/property taxes/insurance.

Other big expenditures this year - $3000 on hardwood for two flights of stairs, $3000 on one of my beloved cats (who unfortunately was put to sleep last week :( ), and $2500 toward a charity I wasn't planning on (long story).

Also saved about $35K.

$3000 on one of my beloved cats (who unfortunately was put to sleep last week :( ), and $2500 toward a charity I wasn't planning on (long story).

Karen, my condolences on the loss of your beloved cat! So sorry to read that you are going through this.
Hopefully, you will live more than once and go to France/Europe multiple times :)

This year we'll stick to the US. Maybe Yellowstone and the surrounding region. Hopefully my French will improve and the Euro will decline a little from here and then we'll head back to France, Italy, etc.
Yep. I actually owned about $950k worth of california real estate for about 5 months.

Good fun.
Hmmm, well in that case since you sold an asset to buy another one during the same year, the amount you spent should be the difference between the two?

This year we'll stick to the US. Maybe Yellowstone and the surrounding region. Hopefully my French will improve and the Euro will decline a little from here and then we'll head back to France, Italy, etc.

I was visiting the folks in Switzerland/France over the holidays, and I confirm that with the Euro at $1.47, vacationing in Europe would become a luxury if we couldn't stay at my parents' for free. I had been thinking about buying a place there, but with thier insane RE prices and the current value of the dollar, it's looking more and more like a pipedream for the short term at least...
Too lazy to post individual numbers, but our yearly expenses are about $65,000, give or take.
Hmmm, well in that case since you sold an asset to buy another one during the same year, the amount you spent should be the difference between the two?

Well see...the question was "how much did you spend", not "what was your net spending". That latter thing would have seriously involved the thread about how much your investments made, but all of this would have been excluded in that thread since its real estate. That also would have invoked all that discussion about whether something is a gain or a loss if you havent sold it yet.

Plus, since I bought the old house 5 years ago, I'd have to figure in net 5 year gains vs expenditures, project those forward, carry the one, divide the result by 100 and multiply by 20. Then there are the questions around depreciation, maintenance, taxation, 15 other things everyone likes to quibble about, how badly it would have worked out if i'd rented, and whether or not its really LBYM'ing to live in a 500k house if you could afford a $2M one.

I figured dragging everyone through all of that would have been selfish, and we already know the score on that. Oh yeah, and factor in whether I should account for all the cost of the work I do around the house as a househusband as part of the gain or as an associated expense.

So I thought I'd make it simple.
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